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Star Ocean Wiki

Yrian Luxter is a playable character in Star Ocean: Anamnesis.



Awakening (Level) Details (See Awakening for materials.)
1 Hidden Potential in Eyes LV 2 - No flinching and damage taken -30% during attacks
2 Valiant Air Slash LV 2 - ATK x 210% → 240%
Valiant Double Slash LV 2 - ATK x 250% → 280%
3 Noble Ideals LV 2 - HP +50%, and no flinching when taking damage of 25% HP or less (party)
4 Valiant Blade LV 2 - ATK x 860% → 1190%
5 Twin Blades of Light Wielder LV 2 - Single-target damage dealt +35%, and single-target damage dealt +45%, +55% at 100, 150 hits, respectively (party)
6 Valiant Splitter LV 2 - ATK x 580% → 800%
7 New talent: Excellent Adaptability (卓越した適応能力?) - Damage taken -100% (0.5 seconds) during evasion, and Taunt +3
8 New skill: SOA ability icon 78 Valiant Double Slash II (双破斬・勇弐?) LV 2 ~ ATK x 270% - Non-elemental / SOA S icon - 15 AP - 2 (Hits) - Take a step to the right and slash at your foe.
9 Sky Twin-Dragon Cross LV 2 - ATK x 4000% → 4500%
10 New talent: Childhood Promise (幼き日の約束?) - ATK/INT damage taken -20% during attacks (self), and 80% chance of surviving a lethal attack at 20% HP or more at 100 hits or more (party)

Summer Yrian[]
