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Star Ocean Wiki

Vulcan S90 is a playable character in Star Ocean: Anamnesis.



Awakening (Level) Details (See Awakening for materials.)
1 Feeling of Obscurity LV 2 - Additional hit that deals 5% of damage during skills, and AP recovery speed +150% at 150 hits or more
2 Starboard Scratch Drive LV 2 - ATK x 150% → 170%
3 If It's with Everyone LV 2 - ATK/INT/DEF/HIT/GRD +20% at 50 hits or more, and damage taken -100% during evasion (0.5 seconds)
4 Portside Scratch LV 2 - ATK x 150% → 170%
5 New talent: Precise Analysis (精密な解析?) - Rush Mode damage +30% at 400 hits or more, and no flinching when taking damage of 15% HP or less
6 Galvanic Shock Drive LV 2 - ATK x 470% → 520%
7 Pride of Morphus LV 2 - Damage dealt +40%, and +60%, +80% at 150, 300 hits, respectively (party)
8 Blessed Buster LV 2 - ATK x 1200% → 1250%
9 Observer of the Dapht System LV 2 - Party's AP recovers slightly or more when using skills
10 New talent: Chasing After Father's Back (父の背を追いかけて?) - Blessed Buster +30%, +60% damage during combos of 6, 7 skills, respectively, and damage taken -50% during combos of 6 or more skills

Maid Vulcan[]
