Star Ocean Wiki

Verda Kleiman is a playable character in the spin-off Star Ocean: Anamnesis.



Awakening Details (See Awakening for materials.)
1 New talent: Savior From Tears (涙の救済者?) - Nullifies enemy's critical hit during Charge Assault
2 A Child of Science LV 2 - Adds ATK/INT/DEF -15% to Magnetic Field (10 seconds)
Magnetic Field LV 2 - ATK x 260% → 420%
3 Upgraded Gun LV 2 - Adds damage taken +20% to Splitshot and Gravity Slug (8 seconds)
Splitshot LV 2 - ATK x 190% → 310%
Gravity Slug LV 2 - ATK x 340% → 430%
4 Grandfather's Will LV 2 - Nullifies silence (180 seconds), and nullifies Rush Gauge Reduction Field (party)
5 Continuous Crimson Squall LV 2 - ATK x 180% → 340%
6 Savior from Tears LV 2 - Nullifies enemy's critical hit, AP cost -20% and no flinching during Charge Assault
7 Cherished Family II LV 2 - Damage dealt +40% (party), and 80% chance of surviving a lethal attack at 10% HP or more (long-range weapons)
8 New talent: Star of Hope (希望の星?) - ATK +15%
9 Rocket Slipper LV 2 - ATK x 3500% → 4000%
10 Star of Hope LV 2 - ATK +15% and HP +15%

Sweet Verda[]

Hero Verda[]

Idol Verda[]

Rondo Verda[]

Summer Verda[]
