- The Memory Slate (追憶の石版?) - Story
- Searching the Ruins [Easy] (遺跡の探索?) - Battle (2 stages; lv.30) - x100 (initial clear) - x3, x2, x1
- Rules of the Battlefield (Emmerson) (【エマーソン編】戦場の掟?) - Story
- The Winding Streets of Memory Lane 1 [Normal] (! (Invalid use of Template:J)) - Battle (2 stages; lv.50) - x200 (initial clear) - x10, x5, x2
- The Price of a Contract (Mavelle) (【マーヴェル編】契約の対価?) - Story
- The Treasure Room of Ice 1 [Normal] (! (Invalid use of Template:J)) - Requires x100 - Battle (2 stages; lv.50) - x300 (initial clear) - x10, x5, x2
- The Treasure Room of Ice 2 [Normal] (! (Invalid use of Template:J)) - Battle (2 stages; lv.50) - x1, x1, x1, x300 (initial clear) - x10, x5, x2
- The Memories of Dewdrops [Normal] (! (Invalid use of Template:J)) - Battle (2 stages; lv.50) - x200 (initial clear) - x10, x5, x2
- True Tragedy (Rena) (【レナ編】惨劇の紅涙?) - Story
- The Treasure Room of Dewdrops 1 [Normal] (! (Invalid use of Template:J)) - Requires x100 - Battle (2 stages; lv.50) - x300 (initial clear) - x10, x5, x2
- The Treasure Room of Dewdrops 2 [Normal] (! (Invalid use of Template:J)) - Battle (2 stages; lv.50) - x1, x1, x1, x300 (initial clear) - x10, x5, x2
- The Winding Streets of Memory Lane 2 [Normal] (! (Invalid use of Template:J)) - Battle (2 stages; lv.50) - x200 (initial clear) - x10, x5, x2
- Unspoken Sorrows (Faize) (【フェイズ編】嘆きの深層?) - Story
- The Treasure Room of Blazing Eyes 1 [Normal] (! (Invalid use of Template:J)) - Requires x100 - Battle (2 stages; lv.50) - x1, x400 (initial clear) - x10, x5, x2
- The Treasure Room of Blazing Eyes 2 [Normal] (! (Invalid use of Template:J)) - Battle (2 stages; lv.50) - x1, x1, x1, x300 (initial clear) - x10, x5, x2
- The Memories of Blue Wings [Normal] (! (Invalid use of Template:J)) - Battle (2 stages; lv.50) - x200 (initial clear) - x10, x5, x2
- The Cost of Power (Fayt) (【フェイト編】力の代償?) - Story
- The Treasure Room of Blue Wings 1 [Normal] (! (Invalid use of Template:J)) - Requires x100 - Battle (2 stages; lv.50) - x300 (initial clear) - x10, x5, x2
- The Treasure Room of Blue Wings 2 [Normal] (! (Invalid use of Template:J)) - Battle (2 stages; lv.50) - x1, x1, x1, x300 (initial clear) - x10, x5, x2
- Truth's Guidepost [Hard] (遺跡の探索?) - Requires x3 - Battle (3 stages; lv.60) - x100 (initial clear) - x1, x1, x15, x8, x4
- An Administrator's Grief (管理者の憂い?) - Story
- Weapons of Antiquity [Hard] (いにしえの兵器?) - Requires x3 - Battle (3 stages; lv.60) - x100 (initial clear) - x1, x1, x15, x8, x4
- What Comes Next? (その先の情景?) - Story
- Weapons... [Expert] - Battle (3 stages; lv.87) - x100 (initial clear) - x1, x1, x?, x?, x?
- Weapons... [Misery 1] - Battle (3 stages; lv.132) - x100 (initial clear) - x1, x1, x?, x?, x?
- Weapons... [Misery 2] - Battle (3 stages; lv.170) - x100 (initial clear) - ???
- Weapons... [Misery 3] - Battle (3 stages; lv.200) - x100 (initial clear) - ???
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