Please expand this article into a full one. This request can be discussed on the comments below. Remove this notice upon completion.
The following is a list of all private actions (プライベートアクション, Puraibēto Akushon?), or PAs, featured in Star Ocean: The Divine Force.
Name | Scenario | Location | Conditions | Affection Rating | Notes |
Midnight Promise 深夜の約束? |
Both | Larcette | After "D.U.M.A." main story event, during stay at Inn. | R Laeticia +1 L Raymond +1 |
Both Raymond and Laeticia find themselves unable to sleep. Now that Raymond knows of her situation and the two travel together, Laeticia asks that Raymond no longer treat her as a princess, but as a friend. | |||||
Sleepless Attendant 眠れぬ従者? |
Raymond | Larcette | Same as above. | Albaird +1 | |
?? | |||||
A Troubled Attendant 従者のお小? |
Laeticia | Larcette | Same as above. | Albaird +1 | |
?? | |||||
Basic Swordsmanship 剣の基本? |
Raymond | Larcette | After "Missing Persons" main story event. | Laeticia +1 | Required for "Steady Improvement". |
?? | |||||
Raymond's Trade レイモンドの仕事? |
Laeticia | Larcette | Same as above. | Raymond +1 | |
?? | |||||
? 汗と鉱石の街? |
Both | Delryk | After "Albaird's Struggle" main story event. | Nina +? | |
?? | |||||
Sweet Secrets それは秘密だ? |
Raymond | Delryk | Same as above. | Albaird +1 | |
?? | |||||
Chakram Devotion 愛用のチャクラム? |
Raymond | Delryk | Same as above. | Albaird:
Required for "To Each Their Own". |
?? | |||||
Magnificent Profession 偉大な職業? |
Laeticia | Delryk | Same as above. | Raymond +1 | |
?? | |||||
Muscle Plans マッスル・プラン? |
Laeticia | Delryk | Same as above. | Albaird:
?? | |||||
Journey through the Skies ソラの旅? |
Laeticia | Larcette | Same as above. | Raymond +? | |
?? | |||||
To Each Their Own それぞれの理由? |
Raymond | Rythal | Same as above. | Albaird +? | Requires "Chakram Devotion". |
?? | |||||
Mountain Retreat 山奥の隠れ里? |
Both | Eda | After "Midas Felgreed" main story event, before going to Galca Shrine. | Midas +? | |
?? | |||||
? Don't Touch!? |
Raymond | Eda | Same as above. | Midas +? | |
?? | |||||
Peak Curiosity ヤンチャな盛り? |
Raymond | Eda | Same as above. | Nina:
?? | |||||
That Girl 思い出のあの子? |
Laeticia | Larcette | Same as above. | Nina +1 | |
?? | |||||
I Dream of Bunny ドリーム!バーニィ!? |
Raymond | Rythal | Same as above. | Laeticia:
?? | |||||
Refreshment Preferences 好きな飲み物は?? |
Laeticia | Rythal | Same as above. | Raymond:
?? | |||||
Attending to the Attendant 従者のお願い? |
Laeticia | Rythal | Same as above. | Albaird +? | |
?? | |||||
Midas's Focus ミダスの見ているもの? |
Laeticia | Rythal | Same as above. | Midas +? | Required for "The Cold Shoulder". |
?? | |||||
The Cold Shoulder 生返事? |
Laeticia | Rythal | Same as above. | Nina +? | Requires "Midas's Focus". |
?? | |||||
? 身体?検査? |
Raymond | Delryk | After "Mechanical Body" main story event. | Nina +? | |
?? | |||||
An All-New Albaird アベラルド改造計画? |
Raymond | Rythal | Same as above. | Albaird:
?? | |||||
A Troubled Young Knight 若き騎士の悩み? |
Raymond | Eda | Same as above. | Albaird:
?? | |||||
Big Brother, Little Brother? お兄ちゃん?それとも……? |
Laeticia | Eda | Same as above. | Albaird:
?? | |||||
Responsibility 責任? |
Laeticia | Eda | Same as above. | Albaird +1, Midas +1 | |
?? | |||||
The Importance of a Good Night's Sleep 安眠?緊張?? |
Laeticia | Eda | Same as above. | Nina:
?? | |||||
Don't Push Her Buttons 怒ると怖い?? |
Laeticia | Eda | Same as above. | Elena +? | |
?? | |||||
Are You Not His Keeper? 保護者!? |
Laeticia | Eda | Same as above. | Elena:
?? | |||||
Mail Courier お手紙配達? |
Raymond | Rythal | After "The Rot - A Creeping Terror" main story event, upon visiting Elena's pod. | Laeticia +? | Required for "Young Ketil's Letter". |
?? | |||||
Welcoming Waters or Magnificent Mountains? 海派?山派?? |
Laeticia | Rythal | Same as above. | Raymond:
?? | |||||
Superhuman Beauty 人間離れした美しさ? |
Laeticia | Delryk | After "Cousin Theo" main story event. | Elena:
?? | |||||
Coffee Withdrawals コーヒー禁断症状? |
Raymond | Rythal | Same as above. | Elena:
?? | |||||
Albaird, A.K.A... アベラルドの愛称? |
Both | Cotto | After "Scheming upon Mt. Cottorinth" main story event. | Albaird +? | |
?? | |||||
Divine Miracle 神の奇跡? |
Both | Cotto | Same as above. | Midas +? | |
?? | |||||
Steady Improvement 成果は上々? |
Raymond | Cotto | Same as above. | Laeticia +? | Requires "Basic Swordsmanship". Required for "[[#|]]". |
?? | |||||
Tired Nicknames その名で呼ぶな!? |
Raymond | Cotto | Same as above. | Albaird +? | |
?? | |||||
Answer Me This, Elena! 教えてエレナさん? |
Raymond | Cotto | Same as above. | Nina +? | Required for "Answer Me This, Marielle!" |
?? | |||||
Just That Age 気になるお年頃? |
Raymond | Cotto | Same as above. |
?? | |||||
Sharp Minded? 頭脳明晰?? |
Raymond | Cotto | Same as above. | Elena +? | Required for "Book Club". |
?? | |||||
Doubtful Eyes 疑惑の眼差? |
Raymond | Cotto | Same as above. | Elena:
Required for "Caretaker?" |
?? | |||||
Caretaker? 保護者?? |
Raymond | Cotto | Same as above. | Elena +? | Requires "Doubtful Eyes". |
?? | |||||
Universal Device ユニバーサルデバイス? |
Laeticia | Cotto | Same as above. | Raymond +? | Requires "Raymond's Trade". Required for "[[#|]]". |
?? | |||||
Similar Tastes 意外な共通点? |
Raymond | Acendros | After "Dark Skies Over the Royal City" main story event. | Albaird +1 | Requires "Sweet Secrets". Required for "Sugary Allure". |
?? | |||||
Long Live the Kingdom 千年の都? |
Raymond | Acendros | Same as above. | Albaird +1 | |
?? | |||||
Royal Hometown Pride 自慢の王都? |
Laeticia | Acendros | Same as above. | Raymond +1 | |
?? | |||||
The Valet's Vice 従者の秘密? |
Laeticia | Acendros | Same as above. | Albaird +1 | |
?? | |||||
? レティシアの実家? |
Raymond | Acendros | After "Dark Skies Over the Royal City" main story event, upon visiting Chloe's cell. | Laeticia +1 | |
?? | |||||
? 夢みた場所? |
Laeticia | Acendros | Same as above. | Nina +1 | |
?? | |||||
Helmsman's Pride 艦乗りのプライド? |
Laeticia | Cotto | After "Sparks of War" main story event, after reaching Nihlbeth. | Raymond +1 | |
?? | |||||
? 素直じゃないな? |
Raymond | Cotto | After "Sparks..." event, upon defeating Vey'l soldiers. | Malkya +? | |
?? | |||||
Restore Our Trathen Pride 多種族が暮らす大陸? |
Both | Ancient Coil | L Same as above. R After "A Princess Caught in an Insurrection" main story event. |
Malkya +? | |
?? | |||||
It's All in the Arm 腕の調子? |
Raymond | Ancient Coil | After "A Princess Caught..." main story event. |
?? | |||||
Blackout ブラック・アウト? |
Raymond | Rythal | Same as above. | Elena +? | |
?? | |||||
In Her Father's Footsteps 父の足跡? |
Both | Delryk | After "The Kennys' Descendant" main story event. | Nina +? | |
?? | |||||
Speaking from Experience 先輩風? |
Laeticia | Delryk | Same as above. | Malkya +? | |
?? | |||||
Minor Opinions 未成年の主張? |
Raymond | Rythal | Same as above. | Laeticia:
?? | |||||
Answer Me This, Marielle! 教えて、マリエルさん? |
Raymond | Rythal | Same as above. | Nina +? | Requires "Answer Me This, Elena!" Required for "Unwavering Ambition". |
?? | |||||
The Dream Diagnosis 夢診断? |
Laeticia | Rythal | Same as above. | Midas:
?? | |||||
Ladylike Charm オトナの魅力? |
Laeticia | Eda | Same as above. |
?? | |||||
? 身体♪検査? |
Raymond | Acendros | Same as above. | Nina +? | |
?? | |||||
Jolly Midas ミダスの戯れ? |
Raymond | Acendros | Same as above. |
?? | |||||
Time Alone, Together たまには、ふたりで? |
Raymond | Acendros | Same as above. | Elena +? | |
?? | |||||
Book Club 私のオススメ♪? |
Raymond | Acendros | Same as above. | Elena +1, Nina +1 | Requires "Sharp Minded?". |
?? | |||||
A Troubled Future 不安なビジョン? |
Raymond | Acendros | Same as above. | Elena:
?? | |||||
An Aucerian Holiday オーシディアスの休日? |
Raymond | Acendros | Same as above. |
?? | |||||
Malkya's Jest マルキアの戯れ? |
Laeticia | Acendros | Same as above. |
?? | |||||
Stubborn Men 意地? |
Laeticia | Acendros | Same as above. | Malkya +1 | |
?? | |||||
? まだ見ぬ将来? |
Raymond | Baldaar | Same as above. | Laeticia +? | |
?? | |||||
Young Ketil's Letter ケティル少年の手紙? |
Raymond | Baldaar | Same as above. | Laeticia +? | Requires "Mail Courier". |
?? | |||||
? DUMAの愛称? |
Raymond | Baldaar | Same as above. | Laeticia +? | |
?? | |||||
? 父の教え? |
Raymond | Baldaar | Same as above. | Albaird +? | |
?? | |||||
? 俺のチャームポイント? |
Raymond | Baldaar | Same as above. | Midas +? | |
?? | |||||
? 本当の使い方? |
Raymond | Baldaar | Same as above. | Midas +? | |
?? | |||||
? 将来の姉候補? |
Raymond | Baldaar | Same as above. | Elena +? | |
?? | |||||
? 快眠のヒケツ? |
Raymond | Baldaar | Same as above. | Malkya +? | |
?? | |||||
Where He Belongs 彼の居場所? |
Laeticia | Baldaar | Same as above. | Albaird +1 | |
?? | |||||
Cooking with Nina ニーナのお料理教室? |
Laeticia | Baldaar | Same as above. | Nina:
?? | |||||
Creator's Intent 開発者の想い? |
Laeticia | Baldaar | Same as above. | Midas +1 | Required for "Symbol of Peace". |
?? | |||||
A Relationship with a History 二人のカンケイ? |
Laeticia | Baldaar | Same as above. |
?? | |||||
Unreasonable Demands ムチャぶり? |
Laeticia | Baldaar | Same as above. | Malkya:
?? | |||||
Truly? 本当に?? |
Raymond | Delryk | After "Imperial Showdown" main story event. | Marielle +? | |
?? | |||||
Sugary Allure 甘い誘惑? |
Raymond | Delryk | After "An Emperor's Ambition" main story event. | Albaird +? | Requires "Similar Tastes". |
?? | |||||
Nina Comes of Age ニーナはお年頃? |
Laeticia | Eda | Same as above. |
?? | |||||
Time Not Wasted スキマ時間の使い方? |
Raymond | Cotto | Same as above. | Marielle:
?? | |||||
Choosing a Winner 誰が一番だい?? |
Laeticia | Cotto | Same as above. |
?? | |||||
A Bride Dressed the Part 花嫁姿♪? |
Raymond | Acendros | Same as above. | Laeticia:
?? | |||||
? 切磋琢磨? |
Raymond | Acendros | Same as above. | Laeticia +? | |
?? | |||||
Children No Longer 子の心、親知らず? |
Raymond | Acendros | Same as above. | Laeticia +? | |
?? | |||||
? オトナの恋愛テクニック? |
Raymond | Acendros | Same as above. | Malkya +? | |
?? | |||||
? 上に立つ者の務め? |
Laeticia | Acendros | Same as above. | Theo +? | |
?? | |||||
A Show of Skill お手並み拝見? |
Laeticia | Acendros | Same as above. |
?? | |||||
Time Never Looks Back 過去を越えて? |
Laeticia | Acendros | Same as above. | Theo +?, Midas +? | |
?? | |||||
Albaird and the Star Ocean アベラルドと星の海? |
Both | Aldous | After "To the Stars" main story event. | Albaird +? | |
?? | |||||
Nina and the Star Ocean ニーナと星の海? |
Both | Aldous | Same as above. | Nina +? | |
?? | |||||
Midas and the Star Ocean ミダスと星の海? |
Both | Aldous | Same as above. | Midas +? | |
?? | |||||
Malkya and the Star Ocean 星の海とマルキア? |
Both | Aldous | Same as above. | Malkya +? | |
?? | |||||
Laeticia and the Star Ocean レティシアと星の海? |
Raymond | Aldous | Same as above. | Laeticia +? | |
?? | |||||
Theo and the Star Ocean テオと星の海? |
Laeticia | Aldous | Same as above. | Theo +? | |
?? | |||||
Guardians and the Guarded 守るモノ、守られるモノ? |
Both | Aldous | L Same as above. R After "Scorpium Principles" event, upon arriving at Paladurnia. |
R Laeticia +? L Raymond +? |
?? | |||||
Finding Courage 勇気を出して? |
Raymond | Aldous | Same as above. | Elena +? | |
?? | |||||
A Treat We Can Rely On 君と私の大切な定番? |
Raymond | Aldous | Same as above. | Marielle:
?? | |||||
Freedom of Choice 職業選択の自由? |
Laeticia | Aldous | Same as above. | Raymond +? | |
?? | |||||
Everything You Could Ever Want ヨリドリミドリ? |
Laeticia | Aldous | Same as above. | Marielle:
?? | |||||
? それは趣味なのか?? |
Laeticia | Aldous | Same as above. | Marielle +? | |
?? | |||||
The Man as a Boy どんな子供だったかと言うと? |
Laeticia | Rythal | Same as above. | Elena +? | |
?? | |||||
What Does She Desire? 彼女の欲しい物は?? |
Laeticia | Rythal | Same as above. | Marielle:
?? | |||||
A Leader's Duty 上に立つ者の努め? |
Laeticia | Cotto | Same as above. | Theo +? | |
?? | |||||
Wisdom's Worth 知識の価値? |
Both | Parrapoeiam | After "Scorpium Principles" main story event, upon exiting the Integration Plant. | Nina +1, Elena +1 | |
?? | |||||
A Concerned Medical Professional 医者は悩む? |
Raymond | Parrapoeiam | Same as above. | Nina +? | |
?? | |||||
Unwavering Conviction 己の信念? |
Raymond | Parrapoeiam | Same as above. | Marielle +? | |
?? | |||||
? 心の強さ? |
Raymond | Parrapoeiam | Same as above. | J.J. +? | |
?? | |||||
One of Many, Many as One スコピアムの境目? |
Raymond | Parrapoeiam | Same as above. | J.J. +? | |
?? | |||||
The Work to Be Done by This Hand この手は何を成すために? |
Laeticia | Parrapoeiam | Same as above. | Albaird +1 | |
?? | |||||
The Whats and Whys of Wisdom 知識の意味? |
Laeticia | Parrapoeiam | Same as above. | Nina +1, Marielle +1 | |
?? | |||||
You Flatter Me いやいや私なんて……? |
Laeticia | Parrapoeiam | Same as above. | Marielle +1 | |
?? | |||||
Lament of the Lifelong Learner ベテラン研究者の悩み? |
Raymond | Aldous | After "Scorpium Principles" main story event, upon arriving at Paladurnia. |
?? | |||||
? 分不相応の戦い? |
Laeticia | Aldous | Same as above. | Albaird +? | |
?? | |||||
? 人は見かけによらないな? |
Laeticia | Aldous | Same as above. | Midas +? | |
?? | |||||
Stalker in the Shadows 不審者出没? |
Raymond | Paladurnia | After "Chance Meeting with Evil" main story event. |
?? | |||||
Raymond's Home レイモンドの故郷? |
Laeticia | Paladurnia | Same as above. | Raymond +1 | |
?? | |||||
Progressing Studies 学習の成果? |
Laeticia | Paladurnia | Same as above. | Elena +? | |
?? | |||||
Places We Call Home ふるさと? |
Laeticia | Paladurnia | Same as above. | Elena +1, Raymond +1 | |
?? | |||||
The Weight of the Kenny Name 「ケニー」の重圧? |
Laeticia | Paladurnia | Same as above. | Marielle +? | |
?? | |||||
今だから言えること? |
Both | Larcette | After "Showdown" main story event. | R Laeticia +1 L Raymond +1 |
?? | |||||
Master Smuggler ピック・ポケット? |
Raymond | Larcette | Same as above. | Midas +1 | |
?? | |||||
Anyone Would Do the Same 当たり前のこと? |
Raymond | Larcette | Same as above. | J.J. +1, Midas +1 | |
?? | |||||
Team Kitty vs. Team Bunny 猫派?それとも……? |
Laeticia | Larcette | Same as above. |
?? | |||||
Magnificent in Name 偉大な身内? |
Laeticia | Larcette | Same as above. | Theo +? | |
?? | |||||
? 星の世界のフィールドワーク? |
Laeticia | Delryk | Same as above. | Nina +? | |
?? | |||||
Journey of Growth 長い旅を経て? |
Laeticia | Delryk | Same as above. | Theo +? | |
?? | |||||
A Master Impressionist is Born! ものまねスター誕生!? |
Raymond | Rythal | Same as above. | Elena:
?? | |||||
Space: The Feline Frontier 猫艦? |
Raymond | Rythal | Same as above. | Marielle +? | |
?? | |||||
A Romantic Getaway? あばんちゅーる?? |
Laeticia | Rythal | Same as above. |
?? | |||||
Friends at Last? 仲良くなれたかな?? |
Laeticia | Rythal | Same as above. | Nina:
?? | |||||
Inhale, Exhale 大きく息を吸って? |
Raymond | Eda | Same as above. | Marielle +? | |
?? | |||||
Vessels of Life 命の器? |
Raymond | Eda | Same as above. | J.J.:
?? | |||||
Relax a Little! Let's Enjoy!!!? |
Laeticia | Eda | Same as above. | Albaird:
?? | |||||
Elena's Confession エレナの謝罪? |
Laeticia | Eda | Same as above. | Elena +1 | |
?? | |||||
Astonishing Attire 素敵なお召し物? |
Laeticia | Eda | Same as above. | Malkya:
?? | |||||
Dream House もし住むとしたら?? |
Raymond | Cotto | Same as above. |
?? | |||||
Customizable? 着脱可能?? |
Raymond | Cotto | Same as above. | J.J. +? | |
?? | |||||
Decking Out the Aldous アルダスに彩りを? |
Laeticia | Cotto | Same as above. | Elena:
?? | |||||
Is It Hot in Here? 暑さ対策? |
Laeticia | Cotto | Same as above. | Marielle:
?? | |||||
Hidden Feelings 秘めたる想い? |
Raymond | Acendros | Same as above. | J.J. +1 | |
?? | |||||
? カタチあるモノ? |
Laeticia | Acendros | Same as above. | Raymond +? | |
?? | |||||
True Friends 背中を預ける仲? |
Laeticia | Acendros | Same as above. |
?? | |||||
Special Day with the Girls 秘密の女子会? |
Laeticia | Acendros | Same as above. | Marielle +1, Nina +1 | |
?? | |||||
? 娘達の庭園? |
Laeticia | Acendros | Same as above. | Marielle +? | |
?? | |||||
Lessons Learned 受け入れるべきモノ? |
Laeticia | Acendros | Same as above. | Theo +1 | |
?? | |||||
Marked Growth 成長の証? |
Laeticia | Acendros | Same as above. | Theo +1, Albaird +1 | |
?? | |||||
? 誇りを取り戻せ? |
Raymond | Ancient Coil | Same as above. | Nina +? | |
?? | |||||
Picturesque Knight 理想の姿? |
Raymond | Baldaar | Same as above. | Albaird +1, J.J. +1 | |
?? | |||||
Unwavering Ambition ゆずれない夢? |
Raymond | Baldaar | Same as above. | Nina +? | Requires "Answer Me This, Marielle!" |
?? | |||||
Debut of a Star Impressionist ものまねスター爆誕!? |
Laeticia | Baldaar | Same as above. | Elena:
?? | |||||
? はじめてのお酒? |
Laeticia | Baldaar | Same as above. | Theo +? | |
?? | |||||
? からみざけ? |
Raymond | Vey'l | Same as above. | Malkya +? | |
?? | |||||
By Her Own Name マリエルとして……? |
Raymond | Vey'l | Same as above. | Marielle +1 | |
?? | |||||
A World Beyond Borders 壁無き世界へ? |
Laeticia | Vey'l | Same as above. | Albaird +1 | |
?? | |||||
Symbol of Peace 平和の象徴? |
Laeticia | Vey'l | Same as above. | Midas +? | Requires "Creator's Intent". |
?? | |||||
Leader's Burden 上司の苦労? |
Laeticia | Vey'l | Same as above. | Marielle +1, Theo +1 | |
?? | |||||
A Planet Yet Underdeveloped 未開惑星の星? |
Both | Aldous | Same as above. | Nina +1, Marielle +1 | |
?? | |||||
Outrageous Firepower 法外な得物? |
Raymond | Aldous | Same as above. | Midas:
?? | |||||
Same Yet Different Skies 星空の形? |
Raymond | Aldous | Same as above. |
?? | |||||
Financial Matters お金の相談? |
Raymond | Parrapoeiam | Same as above. | Marielle:
?? | |||||
History Has Just Begun 今はまだ歴史の途上? |
Laeticia | Parrapoeiam | Same as above. | Raymond +1 | |
?? | |||||
Promises Made あの日の約束? |
Raymond | Paladurnia | Same as above. | Midas +1, Nina +1 | |
?? | |||||
Irresistible! それが魅力!? |
Raymond | Paladurnia | Same as above. | J.J.:
?? | |||||
A New Dimension of Flavor 未知の味わい? |
Laeticia | Paladurnia | Same as above. | Albaird:
?? | |||||
? 絆-レイモンドとレティシア-? |
Raymond | Scorpium Spire | Same as above. | Laeticia +? | |
?? | |||||
? 絆-レイモンドとアベラルド-? |
Raymond | Scorpium Spire | Same as above. | Albaird +? | |
?? | |||||
? 絆-レイモンドとニーナ-? |
Raymond | Scorpium Spire | Same as above. | Nina +? | |
?? | |||||
? 絆-レイモンドとミダス-? |
Raymond | Scorpium Spire | Same as above. | Midas +? | |
?? | |||||
? 絆-レイモンドとエレナ-? |
Raymond | Scorpium Spire | Same as above. | Elena +? | |
?? | |||||
? 絆-レイモンドとマリエル-? |
Raymond | Scorpium Spire | Same as above. | Marielle +? | |
?? | |||||
? 秘絆-レイモンドとJJ-? |
Raymond | Scorpium Spire | Same as above. | J.J. +? | |
?? | |||||
? 絆-レティシアとレイモンド-? |
Laeticia | Scorpium Spire | Same as above. | Raymond +? | |
?? | |||||
A Deep Bond - Laeticia and Albaird 絆-レティシアとアベラルド-? |
Laeticia | Scorpium Spire | Same as above. | Albaird +? | |
?? | |||||
? 絆-レティシアとニーナ-? |
Laeticia | Scorpium Spire | Same as above. | Nina +? | |
?? | |||||
? 絆-レティシアとエレナ-? |
Laeticia | Scorpium Spire | Same as above. | Elena +? | |
?? | |||||
? 絆-レティシアとマルキア-? |
Laeticia | Scorpium Spire | Same as above. | Malkya +? | |
?? | |||||
? 絆-レティシアとマリエル-? |
Laeticia | Scorpium Spire | Same as above. | Marielle +? | |
?? |
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