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The following is a list of all weapons (武器, Buki?) found in Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness. There are 112 items in this category.
Swords are mainly equipped by Fidel Camuze.
Name | No. | Stats | Factors | Acquisition | Value | Notes |
Longsword ロングソード? |
001 | ATK +20 | Shop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: 200 Sell: |
A particularly well-balanced longsword that can easily be wielded by novices and hardened veterans alike. | ||||||
Broadsword ブロードソード? |
002 | ATK +50 | Shop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: 600 Sell: |
A simple, run-of-the-mill, one-handed sword designed to cleave foes by generating power with its heavy weight. | ||||||
Falchion ファルシオン? |
003 | ATK +100 | [Damage to plants +20%] | Shop: Drop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: 1000 Sell: |
A small curved sword suited for cutting enemies to shreds. It is also used in religious rituals. | ||||||
Storm Blade ストームカッター? |
004 | ATK +120, INT +10, Wind element | Create: | Sell: 1250 | ||
A longsword with a wind signet engraved upon it. It is far lighter than it appears, possibly due to the signet's power. | ||||||
Blessed Sword ブレスドソード? |
005 | ATK +150, INT +20, Light element | Shop: Drop: |
Buy: 1500 Sell: |
Forged from consecrated materials, this sword is tremendously effective at disposing of evil entities. | ||||||
Bastard Sword バスタードソード? |
006 | ATK +180 | [ATK +10] | Shop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: 2500 Sell: |
A longsword with an extra-long hilt that allows for wielding with one or both hands. It is intended only for use by expert swordsmen. | ||||||
Ceramic Sword セラミックソード? |
007 | ATK +200 | Shop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: 3500 Sell: |
A sword of ceramic material fashioned into a form optimal for dismembering foes. The blade's glint speaks to its razor sharpness. | ||||||
Venom Sword ヴェノムソード? |
008 | ATK +250, INT +40 | [Norm. atk. poison chance +5%] | Create: | Sell: 6000 | |
A one-handed sword forged from venom-stepped steel. Merely touching the blade's point opens a venous-purple wound. | ||||||
Moonfalx ムーンファルクス? |
009 | ATK +300 | Shop: Drop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: 7000 Sell: |
A modest greatsword with a blade that curves like a crescent moon and glows brilliantly when exposed to moonlight. | ||||||
Insignivon エンブレムソード? |
010 | ATK +400 | [Fill reserve gauge by 7 units] | Create: Synthesis | Sell: 15000 | |
An ancient sword traditionally bestowed upon the commander of Resulia's army. Upon its hilt is emblazoned the kingdom's coat of arms. | ||||||
Icicle Sword アイシクルソード? |
011 | ATK +450, INT +80, Ice element | [Ice-based damage +30%] | Create: ?, Synthesis | Sell: 40000 | |
A demonic weapon that emits frigid, jet-black gales from the signet engraved upon its blade. All it touches is encased in ice. | ||||||
Mythril Sword ミスリルソード? |
012 | ATK +600 | Shop: Create: |
Buy: 40000 Sell: |
Forged from the cryptic metal called mythril, this longsword possesses an extraordinarily strong affinity with signets. | ||||||
Arcana Sword アルカナソード? |
013 | ATK +800 | [MP cost -5%] | Find: Create: |
Sell: 50000 | |
A mystical sword that harbors the power of the moon and soothes the mind of its wielder. | ||||||
Veinslay 名剣ヴェインスレイ? |
014 | ATK +900 | [DEF +5%] | Create: Synthesis | Sell: 60000 | |
Once brandished by a legendary swordsman, this blade is said to hew away emotions such as resentment and loathing. | ||||||
Farwell 聖剣ファーウェル? |
015 | ATK +1400, INT +120, Light element | Chest: Create: Synthesis |
Sell: 80000 | ||
This sacred sword rains divine judgment down upon the forces of evil with the conviction of an immortal wronged. | ||||||
Aurora Blade オーラブレード? |
016 | ATK +2000, INT +200 | [Max HP +7%] | Chest: Create: ?, Synthesis |
Sell: 90000 | |
The resplendent gleam that traverses the length of the blade is a manifestation of the life-giving force contained within it. | ||||||
Levantine 魔剣レヴァンテイン? |
017 | ATK +2400, INT +400 | [ATK +10%] | Drop: Create: Synthesis |
Sell: 100000 | |
This legendary demon sword has been tempered by heating it in an apocalyptic conflagration, then dipping it in the blood of the dead. | ||||||
Metal Pipe 鉄パイプ? |
018 | ATK +10 | Shop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: 100 Sell: |
A section of metal piping that can serve as a makeshift weapon. | ||||||
Scumbag Slayer チンケスレイヤー? |
019 | ATK +5, INT +5 | [Deals 99,999 dmg. to scumbags], [DEF/MEN -100%] | Create: ?, Synthesis | Sell: 1000 | |
According to some, using this weapon would besmirch the name of one's house, but it does send scumbags to their graves in one strike. | ||||||
Laser Weapon レーザーウェポン? |
020 | ATK +1000, INT +1000 | Create: Synthesis | Sell: 70000 | ||
A close-quarters weapon utilizing a high-power laser that takes on alternate forms according to the wielder's need. | ||||||
Walloon Sword ワルーンソード? |
021 | ATK +240 | Shop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: 5000 Sell: |
A type of long sword. Though often confused for a broadsword, it does not possess the double-edge blade that would classify it as such. | ||||||
Flamberge フランベルジュ? |
022 | ATK +380 | Shop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: 9000 Sell: |
A one-handed sword with a unique blade shaped like the flames of a funeral pyre, licking at their victim before fully consuming him. | ||||||
Titan's Nail タイタニウムエッジ? |
023 | ATK +440 | Shop: | Buy: 20000 Sell: |
Composed of a miraculous metal, this sword is as light as vellum, is as well-balanced as the horizon, and never succumbs to rust. |
Staves are equippable by Miki Sauvester.
Name | No. | Stats | Factors | Acquisition | Value | Notes |
Petaline Wand ブルームワンド? |
024 | ATK +10, INT +15 | [Curative spell potency +5%] | Shop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: 160 Sell: |
A cute wand with an even cuter petal design. The signet inscribed upon its shaft assists with spell casting. | ||||||
Rod of Jewels マジカルロッド? |
025 | ATK +20, INT +40 | Shop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: 400 Sell: |
The most popular type of rod used by signeturges. A small orb is affixed to its tip. | ||||||
Crescent Rod クレッセントロッド? |
026 | ATK +50, INT +90 | Shop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: 800 Sell: |
A rod with an image of the moon carved into it. Swinging it about causes a clarion note to reverberate. | ||||||
Ruby Wand ルビーワンド? |
027 | ATK +60, INT +110, Fire element | [Fire-based damage +10%] | Shop: Create: Synthesis |
Sell: 1000 | |
A wand inlaid with bright red gems and graven with a fire signet. | ||||||
Magus Staff メイジスタッフ? |
028 | ATK +75, INT +140 | [INT +10] | Shop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: Sell: 1200 |
A staff nearly impossible to use correctly without having the knowledge of a high-ranking signeturge. | ||||||
Cordon Scepter サークルセプター? |
029 | ATK +90, INT +170 | Shop: | Buy: 2000 Sell: |
A scepter adorned with interlocking rings at its end. The intertwined design symbolizes the circle of transmigration. | ||||||
Floral Brume Wand ミスティブルーム? |
030 | ATK +140, INT +270, Light element | [Norm. atk. fog chance +5%] | Create: | Sell: 4800 | |
A wand designed to look like scattering blossoms. Vestiges of light constantly stream forth from its apex. | ||||||
Sacred Scepter セイクリッドセプター? |
031 | ATK +160, INT +300 | Shop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: 5600 Sell: |
A replica of the sacred scepters once used by ancient signeturges. Despite being a mere imitation, it possesses incredible power. | ||||||
Amber Mace アンバーメイス? |
032 | ATK +210, INT +440, Earth element | [Earth-based damage +30%] | Create: ?, Synthesis | Sell: 24000 | |
A flail inlaid with an earth crystal. It responds to earth-based signeturgy and heightens the power of the hose who wield it. | ||||||
Mythril Rod ミスリルロッド? |
033 | ATK +300, INT +560 | Shop: Chest: Create: |
Buy: 32000 Sell: |
A rod made from the cryptic substance mythril. It is well-suited for use with almost any type of signet. | ||||||
Adept's Staff アデプトスタッフ? |
034 | ATK +400, INT +740 | Create: | Sell: 40000 | ||
A staff of great prestige and a tradition that spans multiple ages. Only the most accomplished of signeturges are permitted to carry it. | ||||||
Calamity Staff カラミティスタッフ? |
035 | ATK +450, INT +880 | [MP cost -10%] | Create: Synthesis | Buy: Sell: 48000 |
A staff graven with a crystal fashioned into a skull. The occult power it exudes is potent enough to induce natural disasters. | ||||||
Asclepius 神杖アスクレピオス? |
036 | ATK +500, INT +1250 | [Curative spell potency +20%] | Chest: Create: Synthesis |
Sell: 64000 | |
A staff once borne by a healer deemed to be a god. The alabaster serpent composing its design symbolizes the concept of regeneration. | ||||||
Apocalypse 魔杖アポカリプス? |
037 | ATK +600, INT +1800 | Chest: ? Create: ? |
Sell: 72000 | ||
A staff chiseled into the form of gigantic and sinister snakes. The power it harbors is capable of sending the entire world into ruin. | ||||||
Mindhealer 聖杖ミリオンテラー? |
038 | ATK +700, INT +2400, Light element | [Max MP +15%] | Create: Synthesis | Sell: 80000 | |
A staff said to grant its bearer omniscience and thaumaturgical prowess. Those it deems unworthy, though, are devoured by the power it bestows. | ||||||
Welch's Handy Stick ウェルチの指し棒? |
039 | INT +10 | Create: Synthesis | Sell: 100 | ||
The trademark gadget Welch uses to point at things. Its fingers, though delightfully charming, do not actually move. | ||||||
Booster Wand ブースターワンド? |
040 | ATK +110, INT +210 | Shop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: Sell: 2800 |
A wand that represents the culmination of symbometric research over countless years, it amplifies the potency of the bearer's spells. | ||||||
Rune Wand ルーンワンド? |
041 | ATK +130, INT +250 | Shop: | Buy: 4000 Sell: |
This wand adds some extra vim and vigor to its bearer's signeturgy. | ||||||
Crystal Wand クリスタルワンド? |
042 | ATK +190, INT +380 | Shop: | Buy: 7200 Sell: |
A wand that features a glimmering crystal atop its shaft. It overflows with so much power that only experienced mages dare lay a hand on it. | ||||||
Resonance Scepter レゾナンスセプター? |
043 | ATK +220, INT +440 | Shop: | Buy: 16000 Sell: |
This staff was manufactured using the latest in symbometric technology. It attunes the frequency of multiple symbols to magnify spell power. |
Sabers are equippable by Victor Oakville.
Name | No. | Stats | Factors | Acquisition | Value | Notes |
Knight's Saber ナイツサーベル? |
044 | ATK +55 | Shop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: 600 Sell: |
A saber supplied to Resulia's commissioned officers. It is lightweight and not cumbersome in the least. | ||||||
Pallasch パラッシュ? |
045 | ATK +110 | Shop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: 1100 Sell: |
A knight's sword with an especially sharp point. To adapt it for use in mounted combat, it features a slightly longer blade than most. | ||||||
Rune Blade ルーンブレード? |
046 | ATK +290, INT +50 | [MEN +10] | Shop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: 6600 Sell: |
This longsword's blade is engraved with a signet of ineffable power, which gives off a brilliant incandescence each time the sword is swung. | ||||||
Alastor 魔剣アラストール? |
047 | ATK +410, INT +100 | [Norm. atk. instakill chnc. +1%] | Chest: Trei'kur Slaughtery Create: Synthesis |
Sell: 15950 | |
An infernal sword bearing the name of a chthonic executioner. Its grotesquely spinescent edges are designed to leave macabre gashes. | ||||||
Searing Sword イグニートソード? |
048 | ATK +460, INT +150, Fire element | [Fire-based damaged +30%] | Create: ?, Synthesis | Sell: 33000 | |
This blade of suspect origin is a veritable prison for a certain fiend. The beast's fury causes the steel to burn a scalding red hue. | ||||||
Silvance シルヴァンス? |
049 | ATK +620 | Shop: Create: |
Sell: 44000 | ||
A gleaming silver sword forged from mythril ore. | ||||||
Dojikiri-Yasutsuna 童子切安綱? |
050 | ATK +840 | [Damage to humanoids +20%] | Create: Smithery | Sell: 55000 | |
A fabled sword said to have slain a wicked ogre that plagued the land. | ||||||
Crimson Scourge クリムゾン・ヘイト? |
051 | ATK +950 | Shop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: Sell: 66000 |
An otherworldly sword that was supposedly bestowed upon humanity by a seraph as part of a set long, long ago. | ||||||
Chrome Nightmare 妖刀クロムレア? |
052 | ATK +1450, Darkness element | [Normal attacks absorb 1% MP] | Chest: Create: Synthesis |
Sell: 88000 | |
Created by channeling rancor into a physical form, this weapon reaps the souls of all those it pierces. | ||||||
Murasame 肢閃刀・村雨? |
053 | ATK +2100, Ice element | [Critical hit rate +15%] | Chest: Create: ? |
Sell: 99000 | |
A legendary blade that is constantly enshrouded in an icy brume. Its true potential can only be realized by a determined individual. | ||||||
Ama-no-Murakumo 神刀・天叢雲剣? |
054 | ATK +2500 | [MEN +10%] | Create: Synthesis | Sell: 110000 | |
A sturdy sword blessed by the gods during the age of creation. Legend states it was born from the tail of a mountainous dragon. | ||||||
Wooden Sword 竹刀? |
055 | ATK +10 | [EXP +20%] | Create: Synthesis | Sell: 100 | |
A shoddy wooden sword of the kind found discarded on training hall floors. The acrid stench of sweat is thoroughly ingrained in its hilt. | ||||||
Sinclair シンクレアー? |
056 | ATK +200 | Shop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: 2750 Sell: |
This saber is unremarkable in every way except for how straight its blade runs. | ||||||
Deadly Edge シャープエッジ? |
057 | ATK +270 | Shop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: 5500 Sell: |
A sword with an edge so acutely whetted that simply laying one's finger upon it can cause blood to gush forth. | ||||||
Farcutter ロングエッジ? |
058 | ATK +330 | Shop: | Buy: 7700 Sell: |
A sword forged with an exceedingly long blade to increase its reach, thereby allowing its bearer to sunder opponents from great distances. | ||||||
Oriental Blade オリエンタルブレード? |
059 | ATK +390 | Shop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: Sell: 9900 |
This curved blade was tempered via a process known only to those of the clan who craft it, and is ideal for easily severing flesh and bone. | ||||||
Amalgametal Blade スティールブレード? |
060 | ATK +450 | Shop: | Buy: 22000 Sell: |
A longsword born of a revolution in the smelting process. Its weight makes it difficult to wield, but also more intimidating. |
Orbs are equippable by Fiore Brunelli.
Name | No. | Stats | Factors | Acquisition | Value | Notes |
Refulgent Orb シャイニーオーブ? |
061 | ATK +25, INT +100 | Shop: | Buy: 1250 Sell: |
A signet can be seen carved upon the interior of this arcane sphere, which shines with a warm light when laid bare before the sun. | ||||||
Gelid Orb アイスオーブ? |
062 | ATK +50, INT +150, Ice element | [Ice-based damage +10%] | Shop: | Buy: 1850 Sell: |
Before being quarried and chiseled into its current shape, this sphere was originally a piece of permafrost in a land of eternal winter. | ||||||
Conflagrant Soul フレイムソウル? |
063 | ATK +60, INT +180, Fire element | Shop: Create: |
Buy: 3200 Sell: |
A crystal that seals away a fire elemental. The flames that roil inside are so hot that they warp and bend in unimaginable ways. | ||||||
Star Flail スタークラッカー? |
064 | ATK +120, INT +280 | [Norm. atk. stun chance +5%] | Create: ?, Synthesis | Sell: 7500 | |
The head of a mace hammered into the shape of a shooting star. It causes stars to appear when it hits somewhere particularly painful. | ||||||
Corvine Orb レイヴンオーブ? |
065 | ATK +150, INT +320 | [Damage to insects +20%] | Create: ? | Buy: 8750 Sell: |
A crystal designed to resemble the infamous black bird of death. Those exposed to its piercing gaze are said to eftsoons perish. | ||||||
Vatic Looking Glass プリズミックキャンドル? |
066 | ATK +180, INT +400 | [Norm. atk. silence chance +1%] | Create: ?, Synthesis | Sell: 18200 | |
A crystal within which burns the soul of a righteous sinner. The ephemeral flames that consume him illuminate the future of its bearer. | ||||||
Infernal Glaze デモニックアイズ? |
067 | ATK +200, INT +450, Darkness element | [Darkness-based damage +30%] | Sell: 50000 | ||
A crystal embedded with what is believed to be the eye of a demon. It unleashes untold power by feeding off the life force of its bearer. | ||||||
Orb of Antiquity エンシェントオーブ? |
068 | ATK +250, INT +600 | Create: ?, Synthesis | Buy: Sell: 37500 |
A layer of sediment excavated from deep within the earth, triturated, and molded into an orb. The remains of myriad creatures shift inside it. | ||||||
Armillary Sphere アーミラリィスフィア? |
069 | ATK +300, INT +800 | [Max MP +100] | Create: | Sell: 62500 | |
A model for mapping the movements of celestial objects. Amongst the academic community, it is seen as a symbol of knowledge and wisdom. | ||||||
Sacrosanct Orb ホーリィオーブ? |
070 | ATK +350, INT +900, Light element | Create: Synthesis | Sell: 75000 | ||
An orb of crystal hallowed by the gods themselves. The names of the three creator deities are etched upon it in a bygone script. | ||||||
Carbuncle's Prison 霊珠カルブンクルス? |
071 | ATK +400, INT +1300 | [Fol +50%] | Chest: Create: Synthesis |
Sell: 100000 | |
A gem so vividly crimson that it bewitches all who lay eyes upon it. Within dwells a sprite that brings good fortune to the orb's bearer. | ||||||
Dragon's Den ドラゴンソウル? |
072 | ATK +500, INT +1900, Fire element | [Max MP +7%] | Chest: Create: |
Sell: 112500 | |
An orbicular crystal in which writhes the soul of a savage dragon. Only a consummate signeturge would be able to harness its power. | ||||||
Aether-in-Stasis 神器エーテルフローズン? |
073 | ATK +600, INT +2500 | [INT +10%] | Create: Synthesis | Sell: 125000 | |
Purportedly manifested by a goddess, this fabled artifact is imbued with such power as to make all who disobey it fall prostrate. | ||||||
Terrestrial Globe 地球儀? |
074 | INT +10 | Create: Synthesis | Sell: 100 | ||
Despite being so detailed that anyone can instantly grasp the geography of the planet it represents, it is useless to most Faykreedians. | ||||||
Mekhanesphere マギスフィア? |
075 | ATK +90, INT +220 | Shop: | Buy: 4400 Sell: |
An orb containing a machine of unknown origins that is remarkably small, intricately detailed, and seemingly enhances signeturgical powers. | ||||||
Sunsylph Orb フェアリーオーブ? |
076 | ATK +100, INT +260 | Shop: | Buy: 6250 Sell: |
An orb said to have been legated by mystical worshipers of the sun. Whenever daylight falls upon it, the sphere turns brilliantly coruscant. | ||||||
Marmoreal Sphere マーブルスフィア? |
077 | ATK +170, INT +380 | Shop: | Buy: 11250 Sell: |
An orb of crystallized lime that was imbued with occult powers. It is revered by many due to its gently-flowing, naturally-formed signet. | ||||||
Sybilline Orb ミスティックオーブ? |
078 | ATK +190, INT +420 | Shop: | Buy: Sell: 25000 |
From whence it came and what god deigned to infuse it with power is a mystery, but this orb strikes fear into all who foolishly gaze upon it. |
Bows, crossbows and guns are equippable by Emmerson T. Kenny.
Name | No. | Stats | Factors | Acquisition | Value | Notes |
Short Crossbow ショートボウガン? |
079 | ATK +130 | Shop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: Sell: 1500 |
A bow for hunting small animals. It lacks in killing power, but is quite portable. | ||||||
Hunting Bow ハンティングボウ? |
080 | ATK +160 | [Damage to avians +20%] | Shop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: 2700 Sell: |
Made specifically for hunting, this bow is carefully designed to take down one's prey with a single arrow. | ||||||
Microblaster マイクロブラスター? |
081 | ATK +200 | Shop: | Buy: 3700 Sell: |
A small phaser with exceptional accuracy. Faykreedians cannot fathom how it works. | ||||||
Williwaw Bow ライトニングボウ? |
082 | ATK +250, INT +30, Wind element | [Damage to machines +20%] | Chest: Create: ?, Synthesis |
Sell: 6300 | |
A crossbow imbued with a signet of wind. The entire weapon becomes scintillant after nocking an arrow and drawing the bowstring. | ||||||
Composite Bow コンポジットボウ? |
083 | ATK +290 | [ATK +5] | Shop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: Sell: 7350 |
A bow made from sundry materials designed to make it even more lethal. | ||||||
Atrementous Usurper ダークストライカー? |
084 | ATK +370, INT +60, Darkness element | Find: Create: ?, Synthesis |
Sell: 15250 | ||
A crossbow imbued with the power of darkness. The arrows it looses are said to siphon the virtue from any saintly souls in which they land. | ||||||
Saint's Bow セイントボウ? |
085 | ATK +420, INT +80, Light element | [Light-based damage +30%] | Create: | Sell: 31500 | |
A crossbow created for the sole purpose of exorcising the wicked. | ||||||
Sylvan Ray シルヴァンレイ? |
086 | ATK +550 | Shop: Create: |
Buy: Sell: 42000 |
A phaser produced with the uncanny metal known as mythril and imbued with Faykreedian signeturgy. | ||||||
Straightshooter ワン・オブ・サウザンド? |
087 | ATK +750 | Find: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: Sell: 52500 |
A phaser of such incredible precision is only produced once every million units. | ||||||
Failnaught 名弓フェイルノート? |
088 | ATK +850 | [Critical hit rate +10%] | Create: Synthesis | Sell: 63000 | |
A bow thought to only have existed in folklore. It is rumored to fire arrows that never miss their mark. | ||||||
Arcadian Serenity 神弓エルヴン・ボウ? |
089 | ATK +1300, INT +150 | Chest: Create: Synthesis |
Sell: 84000 | ||
A sacred bow passed down through generations of woodland spirits. | ||||||
Umbral Blast シャドゥビュレット? |
090 | ATK +1750, INT +200, Darkness element | Chest: Create: |
Sell: 94500 | ||
Every single specification of this phaser has been calibrated so exactly as if to suggest it was manufactured in a higher dimension. | ||||||
Dragon's Bellow ドラグーンレイザー? |
091 | ATK +2100 | [MP cost -20%] | Create: Synthesis | Sell: 105000 | |
A phaser redolent of a dragon's jaw. The sound it makes when fired is as low and massive as the roar of a colossal wyrm. | ||||||
Squirt Gun 水鉄砲? |
092 | ATK +10, Ice element | Create: Synthesis | Sell: 100 | ||
A nostalgic gun that brings back summer memories of blue skies, puffy white clouds, and the laughter of childhood friends. | ||||||
Wild Arc ワイルドシューター? |
093 | ATK +230 | Shop: | Buy: Sell: 5250 |
A bow impishly imbued with a signet that amplifies recoil. | ||||||
Homing Arc エイミングシューター? |
094 | ATK +350 | Shop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: Sell: 9450 |
This bow has been enhanced with signeturgy, allowing it to fire arrows with laudable accuracy, even if its wielder is a terrible shot. | ||||||
Photonic Blaster フォトンブラスター? |
095 | ATK +400 | Find: Shop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: Sell: 21000 |
A phaser that was built with no other thought in mind than to optimize its destructive capabilities—a goal which it fulfills admirably. |
Knuckles are equippable by Anne Patriceani.
Name | No. | Stats | Factors | Acquisition | Value | Notes |
Metal Knuckles メタルナックル? |
096 | ATK +140 | Shop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: Sell: 1350 |
A metal weapon gripped in one's fist and designed to deal powerful blows. Though it is small, it is not to be underestimated. | ||||||
Gauntlets ガントレット? |
097 | ATK +170, DEF +3 | [DEF +5] | Shop: | Buy: Sell: 2250 |
Gloves made of steel used to protect one's hands. They were originally conceived as pieces of armor, but also serve as exceptional weapons. | ||||||
Mechanical Fists マシンフィスト? |
098 | ATK +210 | [Critical hit rate +5%] | Shop: | Buy: Sell: 3150 |
Gauntlets fitted with several gears that promote fluid movement of the arms. | ||||||
Damask Knuckles ダマスカスナックル? |
099 | ATK +260, Earth element | Create: ?, Synthesis | Sell: 5400 | ||
Knuckles made of tough Damascus steel and inlaid with a most beautiful design. | ||||||
Fragmenters スマッシュガントレット? |
100 | ATK +300, DEF +8 | [DEF +10] | Shop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: Sell: 6300 |
Gauntlets with expanded articulation for improved offensive capabilities. They generate a small shockwave upon impact. | ||||||
Vermilion Claws クリムゾンクロー? |
101 | ATK +380 | Create: | Sell: 13050 | ||
Knuckle-like weapons with bright red talons extending from their hand coverings. | ||||||
Hurricane Claws ハリケーンクロー? |
102 | ATK +430, INT +20, Wind element | [Wind-based damage +30%] | Create: | Sell: 27000 | |
A claw weapon with three long, thin, curved blades apiece. They slice and dice foes with the speed of a hurricane. | ||||||
Mythril Gauntlets ミスリルガーダー? |
103 | ATK +580, DEF +15 | Shop: Create: |
Buy: Sell: 36000 |
Mythril gauntlets that serve as wonderful examples of both offensive and defensive pieces of equipment. | ||||||
Tiger Fangs タイガーファング? |
104 | ATK +770 | [Damage to beasts +20%] | Chest: Create: |
Sell: 45000 | |
Knuckles patterned after the fearsome tiger whose power they house. Everything they strike is rent to ribbons. | ||||||
Feral Claws ランブルクロー? |
105 | ATK +880 | Create: Synthesis | Sell: 54000 | ||
Wild-but-beautiful claws that effortlessly cleave all with which they come into contact, making the battlefield run red with blood. | ||||||
Bloody Knuckles ブラッディダスター? |
106 | ATK +1350, INT +50, Darkness element | [Normal attacks absorb 3% HP] | Chest: Create: Synthesis |
Sell: 72000 | |
Knuckle-dusters that were favored by the King of the Undead. | ||||||
Kaiser Knuckles カイザーナックル? |
107 | ATK +1800 | [ATK +5%] | Chest: Create: |
Sell: 81000 | |
Knuckles made from the legendary metal orichalcum. | ||||||
Immolating Fangs イグナイト・ファング? |
108 | ATK +2200, INT +200 | [Critical hit rate +30%] | Create: Synthesis | Sell: 90000 | |
Knuckles made from the teeth of a fearless beast whose massive pelt blazed as red as a bonfire. | ||||||
Paws 肉球グローブ? |
109 | ATK +10 | Create: Synthesis | Sell: 100 | ||
Gloves resembling the soft and springy paws of a domesticated animal. | ||||||
Slasher Claws スラッシングクロー? |
110 | ATK +240 | Shop: | Buy: Sell: 4500 |
Claws of utmost endurance whetted on a stone of the finest grit, their blades cut through challengers better than many swords do. | ||||||
Cesti of Torment ペインセスタス? |
111 | ATK +360 | Shop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: Sell: 8100 |
Powerful knuckles that have been outfitted with needles to puncture opponents' skin and force them to writhe in pain with every punch. | ||||||
Gatling Gauntlets ガトリングガーダー? |
112 | ATK +410 | Shop: Create: Synthesis |
Buy: Sell: 18000 |
Gauntlets designed to have their wearer unleash weighty blow after weighty blow with nary a pause in between. |
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