The following is a list of all weapons (武器, Buki?) featured in Star Ocean: The Last Hope. There are 115 weapons in total. Finding, buying, creating, or obtaining a weapon's Recipe Memo automatically records its Data Collection entry.
Swords (剣, Ken?) are equippable by Edge Maverick.
Name | Rar. Rarity | Stats | Factor(s) | Value | Synth Synthesis Limit | Acquisition |
Workman's Blade 作業用カッター? |
2☆ | ATK +22 | Sell: | 16 | Equipped to Edge by default | |
A standard-issue SRF industrial cutting blade. Not meant for use as a weapon. | ||||||
Blessed Sword ブレスドソード? |
2☆ | ATK +36 | +20% damage to undead | Buy: 700 Sell: |
6 | Shops: Triom, Woodley, Tatroi, Astral City, Centropolis |
A demon-slaying sword granted the blessings of the gods. The design on its blade amplifies its destructive power. | ||||||
Storm Blade ストームカッター? |
2☆ | ATK +44 | Adds wind element to attacks | Sell: | 4 | Create: Smithery (Lv.1) |
A sword made by repairing a broken metal cutting blade and imbuing it with the power of a wind gem. | ||||||
Cardianon Sword カルディアノンソード? |
2☆ | ATK +60 | +20% damage to humanoids | Sell: | 8 | Find: Celestial Ship Drop: Dark Raptor |
A soldier's sword crafted with Cardianon technology. Obsolete in modern Cardianon forces, largely replaced by guns. | ||||||
Flame Sword フレイムソード? |
?☆ | ATK +78 | Adds fire element to attacks | Sell: | 5 | Create: Smithery (Lv.1) |
A blessed sword imbued with fire-elemental power. | ||||||
Silvance シルヴァンス? |
2☆ | ATK +103, DEF +2 | Buy: 5000 Sell: |
8 | Find: Cardianon Mothership Shops: Tatroi, Tropp, Centropolis | |
A shiny silver sword forged from mithril ore. | ||||||
Bastard Sword バスタードソード? |
2☆ | ATK +198 | Buy: 11000 Sell: |
7 | Shops: Tatroi, Astral City, Centropolis | |
A sword that can be wielded with one or two hands. Powerful, yet easy to use. | ||||||
Famed Sword "Veinslay" 名剣ヴェインスレイ? |
4☆ | ATK +220 | Sell: | 6 | Find: Astral Castle | |
A famous sword said to carve negative emotions into opponents. | ||||||
Venom Sword ヴェノムソード? |
3☆ | ATK +231 | Adds poison effect to attacks | Sell: | 4 | Create: Smithery (Lv.3) |
A sword imbued with the power of poison hemlock when it was forged. Highly toxic. | ||||||
Icecrusher Sword アイスクラッシュソード? |
2☆ | ATK +291 | Adds water element to attacks; shoots a blast of ice when attacking | Sell: | 5 | Create: Smithery (Lv.5) |
A sword adorned with symbols etched in runic characters. | ||||||
Observer's Sword ゲイザーズソード? |
?☆ | ATK +522 | Buy: 36000 Sell: |
4 | Shops: Centropolis | |
A sword designed for one who watches over the universe. Created by the Morphus. | ||||||
Mithril Sword ミスリルソード? |
3☆ | ATK +590 | Sell: | 8 | Exchange: Colosseum | |
A sword forged from mithril ore. | ||||||
Holy Sword "Farewell" 聖剣ファーウェル? |
5☆ | ATK +650 | Adds light element to attacks; shoots blasts of light energy when attacking | Sell: | 3 | Find: Palace of Creation |
A demon-slaying blade of condemnation. | ||||||
Arcana Sword アルカナソード? |
3☆ | ATK +750 | MP cost -10% in battle | Sell: | 6 | Create: Smithery (Lv.8) |
A mystical sword that houses the power of the moon in its blade. Grants comfort and solace to its bearer. | ||||||
Lightning Sword ライトニングソード? |
4☆ | ATK +2100 | Adds thunder element to attacks; shoots a blast of lightning when attacking | Sell: | 4 | Find: Purgatorium |
A sword of thunder unearthed from deep within the confines of the Purgatorium. | ||||||
Moonstone Sword ムーナイトソード? |
3☆ | ATK +2860, INT +108 | Adds silence effect to attacks | Sell: | 6 | Create: Smithery (Lv.9) |
A sword made of extremely lightweight moonstone. Easy to handle. | ||||||
Demon Sword "Levantine" 魔剣レヴァンテイン? |
5☆ | ATK +3500, DEF -514, HIT -319 | Shoots blasts of dark energy when attacking | Sell: | 7 | Find: Wandering Dungeon |
A legendary demon sword, forged from steel heated with apocalyptic hellfire and cooled by the dripping blood of the dead. | ||||||
Imperial Sword インペリアルソード? |
5☆ | ATK +4400 | Sell: | 10 | Create: Smithery (Lv.10) | |
A sword charged with the wisdom and magic of the cosmos. Cuts through its enemies without causing them any pain. | ||||||
Binding Sword "Shiho Murasame" 封神剣“紫峰村雨”? |
4☆ | ATK +5999, INT +999, DEF -1999, HIT -999, GRD -999 | Buy: 1200000 Sell: |
4 | Shops: Wandering Dungeon | |
A sword sold by a suspicious-looking man from a merchant planet. Made of an unidentifiable material. |
Bows (弓, Tsue?) are equippable by Reimi Saionji.
Name | Rar. Rarity | Stats | Factor(s) | Value | Synth Synthesis Limit | Acquisition |
Short Bow ショートボウ? |
2☆ | ATK +19 | Sell: | 16 | Equipped to Reimi by default | |
A portable fold-out bow, an innovation of the SRF. Its userbase is dwindling, as old-fashioned weapons like this are fast becoming obsolete. | ||||||
Eldarian Bow エルダーボウ? |
2☆ | ATK +35, HIT +10 | Increases critical hit chance | Buy: 500 Sell: |
4 | Shops: Exploration Base, Centropolis |
An Eldarian bow with an automatic trajectory-correction feature that enhances the user's accuracy. | ||||||
Torch Bow トーチボウ? |
2☆ | ATK +47 | Adds fire element to attacks | Buy: 800 Sell: |
5 | Shops: Woodley, Tatroi, Astral City, Centropolis |
A bow engraved with fire-crest markings. | ||||||
Hunting Bow ハンティングボウ? |
3☆ | ATK +81 | Increases critical hit chance | Sell: | 6 | Create: Smithery (Lv.2) |
A bow designed for hunting. The markings on its arrows add extra punch to their impact. | ||||||
Earthsoul Bow アースソウルボウ? |
3☆ | ATK +89, DEF +5 | Adds earth element to attacks | Sell: | 5 | Create: Smithery (Lv.4) |
A bow engraved with earth-crest markings. Its arrows generate power from the souls of the earth. | ||||||
Cardianon Bow カルディアノンボウ? |
3☆ | ATK +101 | +20% damage to humanoids | Sell: | 8 | Find: Cardianon Mothership Drop: Phantom Dragoon (?%) |
A mechanical bow with a very quick firing rate. Designed by the Cardianon. | ||||||
Alien Arc エイリアンシューター? |
4☆ | ATK +118 | Adds light element to attacks; shoots a blast of light energy when attacking | Buy: 5400 Sell: |
3 | Find: Military Facility Shops: En II |
A bow believed to have been owned by an alien species. Built much like bows on Earth. | ||||||
Bellwether's Bow ベルウェザースボウ? |
4☆ | ATK +155 | +20% damage to birds; +20% damage to animals | Sell: | 3 | Find: Black Tribe Tent |
A bow passed down for generations by members of the Black Tribe. Well suited for hunting. | ||||||
Composite Bow コンポジットボウ? |
3☆ | ATK +194 | Increases critical hit chance; HIT +3% | Sell: | 5 | Create: Smithery (Lv.6) |
A bow made from a mixture of materials designed to make it more lethally powerful. | ||||||
Bow of Wisdom ウィズダムボウ? |
4☆ | ATK +230, INT +30 | Increases critical hit chance | Sell: | 6 | Find: Purgatorium |
A bow made to help the user always hit their target. The pinnacle of the ancients' skills. | ||||||
Mystic Bow ミスティックボウ? |
3☆ | ATK +303 | Sell: | 7 | Create: Smithery (Lv.7) | |
A mysterious bow made with just the right balance of traditional and magical materials. | ||||||
Wild Arc ワイルドシューター? |
3☆ | ATK +445, GRD +10 | Sell: | 10 | Exchange: Colosseum | |
An exquisite bow with Roakian markings. A truly irreplaceable weapon crafted by an artisan several generations ago. | ||||||
Saint's Bow セイントボウ? |
3☆ | ATK +502 | Adds light element to attacks | Buy: 33000 Sell: |
10 | Shops: Centropolis |
A bow whose mechanical and symbological components combine to create a single superior product. Created by the Morphus. | ||||||
Homing Arc エイミングシューター? |
3☆ | ATK +594, HIT +30 | HIT +10% | Sell: | 16 | Create: Engineering (Lv.7) |
A mechanical bow with an auto-targeting function that enhances accuracy. | ||||||
Spirit Bow "Darkstriker" 霊弓“ダークストライカー”? |
4☆ | ATK +685, INT +22 | Adds darkness element to attacks; +20% damage to undead | Sell: | 7 | Create: Smithery (Lv.9) |
A mystic bow imbued with dark power. Has the ability to pierce holy shields. | ||||||
Evil Spirit's Bow エビルスピリットボウ? |
4☆ | ATK +1857 | Adds curse effect to attacks | Sell: | 8 | Find: Cave of the Seven Stars |
A dark bow, said to have imprisoned the soul of its previous owner after he died. Hungers for the souls of the living. | ||||||
Artifact Bow アーティファクトボウ? |
4☆ | ATK +2684, INT +200 | Sell: | 7 | Find: Wandering Dungeon | |
A bow said to have been created by the gods...or at least something close to them. | ||||||
Fierce Bow "Reppu Shingetsu" 剛弓“烈風新月”? |
4☆ | ATK +2999 | Adds wind element to attacks | Buy: 1500000 Sell: |
4 | Shop: Wandering Dungeon |
A wind bow sold by a suspicious-looking man from a merchant planet. Made of an unidentifiable material. | ||||||
Mediumistic Bow メデューミスティックボウ? |
5☆ | ATK +4100 | Increases critical hit chance | Sell: | 10 | Create: Smithery (Lv.6) |
A bow made of rare magical material. Victims struck by its arrows die before they know what hit them. |
Rapiers (レイピア, Reipia?) are equippable by Faize Sheifa Beleth.
Name | Rar. Rarity | Stats | Factor(s) | Value | Synth Synthesis Limit | Acquisition |
Eldarian Rapier エルダーレイピア? |
2☆ | ATK +22, INT +10 | Sell: | 16 | Equipped to Faize by default | |
An Eldarian rapier favored by Eldarian warriors. | ||||||
Guardian's Rapier ガーディアンレイピア? |
4☆ | ATK +40, INT +13, GRD +10 | INT +10 | Sell: | 4 | Find: Alanaire Citadel |
A rapier used by the defenders of Alanaire Citadel long, long ago. | ||||||
Iron Saber アイアンサーベル? |
2☆ | ATK +83, INT +24 | Increases critical hit chance | Sell: | 5 | Create: Smithery (Lv.2) |
A rapier made of reinforced iron. | ||||||
Icicle Rapier アイシクルレイピア? |
3☆ | ATK +90, INT +35 | Adds water element to attacks | Buy: 4000 Sell: |
7 | Find: Cardianon Mothership Shops: Tatroi, Tropp, Centropolis |
A rapier imbued with the power of ice. | ||||||
Rune Saber ルーンサーベル? |
3☆ | ATK +164, INT +63 | +15% damage for earth symbols | Sell: | 6 | Create: Smithery (Lv.6) |
A rapier enhanced with runic power. Sharpens the reflexes of its user. | ||||||
Sylph's Saber シルフサーベル? |
?☆ | ATK +204, INT +62, HIT +40 | Adds wind element to attacks; shoots a blast of wind when attacking | Buy: 19800 Sell: |
5 | Shops: Tatroi, Astral City, Tropp, Centropolis |
A rapier imbued with the power of Sylph, the wind spirit. | ||||||
Elastic Rapier イラスティックレイピア? |
3☆ | ATK +737, INT +127 | Adds stun effect to attacks | Sell: | 5 | Create: Smithery (Lv.4) |
A rapier with a great deal of flexibility, enhancing its attack power. | ||||||
Mithril Rapier ミスリルレイピア? |
3☆ | ATK +528, INT +666 | ATK +7% | Sell: | 12 | Exchange: Colosseum |
A rapier forged from mithril ore. | ||||||
Infinity Saber インフィニティサーベル? |
4☆ | ATK +2550, INT +2388 | Adds stun effect to attacks | Sell: | 8 | Find: Wandering Dungeon |
A rapier heralded as capable of piercing even the thickest of materials. | ||||||
Onyx Saber オニックスサーベル? |
5☆ | ATK +3600, INT +3814 | Adds darkness element to attacks | Sell: | 2 | Create: Smithery (Lv.8) |
A rapier packed to the gills with dark power. Its victims are doomed to wander the heavens as lost souls. | ||||||
Sky Sword "Ama-no-Murakumo" 天空剣“天叢雲”? |
4☆ | ATK +4999, INT +3199, DEF -1999, HIT -999, GRD -999 | Buy: 1500000 Sell: |
5 | Shops: Wandering Dungeon | |
A rapier sold by a suspicious-looking man from a merchant planet. Made of unidentifiable material. |
Wands (ワンド, Wando?) are equippable by Lymle Lemuri Phi.
Name | Rar. Rarity | Stats | Factor(s) | Value | Synth Synthesis Limit | Acquisition |
Candy Wand キャンディーワンド? |
1☆ | ATK +17, INT +12 | Buy: Sell: |
16 | Equipped to Lymle by default | |
A training wand given to apprentice oracles. Contains almost no magical power. | ||||||
Flame Wand フレイムワンド? |
2☆ | ATK +30, INT +25 | Adds fire element to attacks; shoots a blast of fire when attacking | Buy: 1500 Sell: |
3 | Shops: Woodley, Tatroi, Centropolis |
A wand that enhances the power of fire just a bit. | ||||||
Rune Wand ルーンワンド? |
3☆ | ATK +30, INT +118 | Shoots a blast of mystic energy when attacking; INT +20 | Sell: | 4 | Create: Crafting (Lv.3) |
A wand that overlays its user's innate ability with its own runic power. | ||||||
Booster Wand ブースターワンド? |
2☆ | ATK +60, INT +44 | Buy: 3000 Sell: |
6 | Find: Cardianon Mothership Shops: Centropolis | |
A wand with the capability of boosting its user´s symbological skills. Designed by the Cardianon. | ||||||
Ruby Wand ルビーワンド? |
2☆ | ATK +99, INT +78, GRD +5 | +15% damage for fire symbols | Sell: | 5 | Create: Crafting (Lv.3) |
A wand with a ruby on the tip. | ||||||
Wand of Wonder ワンダーワンド? |
2☆ | ATK +120, INT +85 | Buy: 5800 Sell: |
8 | Shops: Tropp; Centropolis | |
A common wand used by symbologists on Roak. | ||||||
Crystal Wand クリスタルワンド? |
3☆ | ATK +165, INT +70 | Increases critical hit chance | Sell: | 5 | Create: Crafting (Lv.?) |
A wand for advanced symbologists that features a crystal on the tip. | ||||||
Nature Wand ネイチャーワンド? |
?☆ | ATK +192, INT +141, DEF +10 | Sell: | 7 | Find: Miga Insect Warren | |
An Eldarian wand made from the branch of a spirit tree that's over a thousand years old. | ||||||
Star Ruby Wand スタールビーワンド? |
3☆ | ATK +280, INT +270 | +15% damage for fire symbols | Sell: | 6 | Create: Crafting (Lv.7) |
An extravagant wand with a star ruby on the tip. | ||||||
Nightmare Wand ナイトメアワンド? |
4☆ | ATK +401, INT +356 | Adds darkness element to attacks | Buy: 30000 Sell: |
8 | Find: Pulsating Bog Shops: Wandering Dungeon |
A dark wand said to grant its user fabulous magical skills...while also cursing them with nightmares. | ||||||
Wand of Resonance レゾナンスワンド? |
3☆ | ATK +460, INT +512 | INT +7%; MP cost -10% in battle | Sell: | 4 | Create: Crafting (Lv.8) |
A star-sapphire wand enhanced with mystical power. | ||||||
Blazing Wand ブレイザーワンド? |
4☆ | ATK +1163, INT +2588 | Adds fire element to attacks; +15% damage for fire symbol; shoots blasts of fire when attacking | Sell: | 3 | Find: Wandering Dungeon |
A wand born from hellfire. Its wielder can control flames at will. | ||||||
Ancient Sage's Wand エンシェントセージワンド? |
5☆ | ATK +1311, INT +4100 | +20% damage to undead | Sell: | 6 | Create: Crafting (Lv.10) |
A wand filled with the wisdom of ancients from tip to tip. Wielding it requires experience and skill. | ||||||
Divine Wand "Empyreal Reverie" 神杖“光輪夢想”? |
4☆ | ATK +1499, INT +3399 | INT +10; MP cost -25% in battle | Buy: 2000000 Sell: |
5 | Find: Wandering Dungeon |
A short staff sold by a suspicious-looking man from a merchant planet. Made of unidentifiable material. |
Cannons (ランチャー, Ranchā?, lit. Launcher) are equippable by Bacchus D-79.
Name | Rar. Rarity | Stats | Factor(s) | Value | Synth Synthesis Limit | Acquisition |
Maser Cannon メーザーキャノン? |
2☆ | ATK +110, HIT +10 | Sell: | 16 | Equipped to Bacchus by default | |
A Morphus-built cannon, the right hand (literally) of many a cyborg. | ||||||
Plasma Cannon プラズマキャノン? |
2☆ | ATK +145 | Adds thunder element to attacks | Buy: 4000 Sell: |
5 | Find: Military Facility Shop: Centropolis |
A cannon cobbled together from parts taken off assorted spaceships. | ||||||
Ancient Cannon エンシェントキャノン? |
4☆ | ATK +249, INT +80 | Sell: | 3 | Find: Purgatorium | |
A relic from an ancient civilization. One of the Purgatorium's secret treasures. | ||||||
Deadly Cannon デッドリーキャノン? |
3☆ | ATK +308, HIT +30 | Increases critical hit chance; shoots a blast of mystic energy when attacking | Sell: | 6 | Create: Engineering (Lv.4) |
A cannon built by upgrading an ancient relic with the latest in modern technology. | ||||||
T08 Lightning Cannon T08ライトニングキャノン? |
2☆ | ATK +523 | Adds thunder element to attacks | Buy: 36000 Sell: |
6 | Shops: Centropolis |
A cannon imbued with lightning to enhance its destructive power. | ||||||
Immortal Smasher イモータルバスターキャノン? |
?☆ | ATK +550 | Adds darkness element to attacks; shoots a blast of dark energy when attacking | Sell: | 5 | Find: Celestial Ship |
A state-of-the-art Cardianon cannon. Only a test unit, but still devastating in action. | ||||||
Dragoon Blaster ドラグーンブラスター? |
4☆ | ATK +621 | +20% damage to demons | Sell: | 4 | Create: Engineering (Lv.6) |
A cannon so powerful, it could strike a dragon in flight and knock it out of the sky. | ||||||
Vulcan Discharger ディスチャージバルカン? |
4☆ | ATK +930 | Adds thunder element to attacks | Sell: | 6 | Find: Palace of Creation |
A cannon that fires high-voltage bursts of light energy. | ||||||
Photonic Blaster フォトンブラスター? |
3☆ | ATK +1710 | +20% damage to mechs | Sell: | 6 | Create: Engineering (Lv.10) |
A photon cannon derived from anti-spacecraft artillery tech. | ||||||
Ultimate Cannon アルティメットキャノン? |
4☆ | ATK +3100, DEF -300 | Shoots blasts of mystic energy when attacking; increases critical hit chance | Sell: | 7 | Find: Wandering Dungeon |
An incredibly powerful cannon designed to strike the heaviest blow possible on its target. | ||||||
Symbol Cannon "Tempest" 紋章砲“テンペスト”? |
5☆ | ATK +4092 | Sell: | 12 | Create: Engineering (Lv.8) | |
A cannon whose light beams are crafted using symbological energy. Its power depends on the strength of the user. | ||||||
Ogre Cannon "Legion's Howl" 封魔砲“百鬼咆哮”? |
4☆ | ATK +5999, INT +999, DEF -1999, HIT +999 | HP damage +10%; adds stun effect to attacks | Buy: 1000000 Sell: |
3 | Shops: Wandering Dungeon |
A cannon sold by a suspicious-looking man from a merchant planet. Made of an unidentifiable material. |
Claws (爪, Tsume?) are equippable by Meracle Chamlotte.
Name | Rar. Rarity | Stats | Factor(s) | Value | Synth Synthesis Limit | Acquisition |
Iron Claws アイアンクロー? |
3☆ | ATK +170 | Buy: Sell: |
16 | Equipped to Meracle by default | |
Iron claws designed to be used for blunt attacks rather than slashes. | ||||||
Vermilion Claws クリムゾンクロー? |
2☆ | ATK +231 | Buy: 5800 Sell: |
6 | Shops: Tropp, Centropolis | |
Crimson, beast-like claws made from the skin and nails of real animals. | ||||||
Hurricane Claws ハリケーンクロー? |
3☆ | ATK +378 | Adds wind element to attacks | Sell: | 6 | Find: Miga Insect Warren |
Claws that tear through enemies like the howling winds of a hurricane. | ||||||
Ocean Claws オーシャンクロー? |
3☆ | ATK +458 | Adds water element to attacks; shoots a blast of ice when attacking | Sell: | 4 | Create: Crafting (Lv.4) |
Claws whose attacks are enhanced by the power of water. Fallen enemies will drown the area around them in a sea of blood. | ||||||
Slasher Claws スラッシングクロー? |
?☆ | ATK +540 | Buy: 48000 Sell: |
12 | Shops: Centropolis | |
Claws that combine good durability with the slicing power of a well-honed sword. | ||||||
Dragon Claws ドラゴンクロー? |
4☆ | ATK +610, INT +53 | Increases critical hit chance; +20% damage to demons | Sell: | 5 | Exchange: Colosseum |
Extremely precious claws, reworked from the talons of a dragon and whittled down to human size. | ||||||
Bigfoot's Claws ビックフットクロー? |
3☆ | ATK +1330, HIT -30, GRD +30 | Adds stun effect to attacks | Sell: | 5 | Create: Crafting (Lv.6) |
Claws that resemble the hands of a giant best, made from mithril ore. | ||||||
Burning Claws バーンレッドクロー? |
4☆ | ATK +1933 | Adds fire element to attacks; ATK +3% | Sell: | 3 | Find: Astral Caves |
Claws etched with undecipherable crests and imbued with the power of roaring flame. | ||||||
Hidden Claws "Crimson Falcons" 秘爪“紅蓮鷹”? |
?☆ | ATK +4999 | Increases critical hit chance; +20% damage to animals | Buy: Sell: |
4 | Find: Wandering Dungeon |
Claws sold by a suspicious-looking man from a merchant planet. Made of an unidentifiable material. | ||||||
Rumble Claws ランブルクロー? |
5☆ | ATK +5200, HIT +40 | Shoots blasts of fire when attacking; HP damage +10% | Sell: | 10 | Create: Crafting (Lv.9) |
Beautiful claws that rend anything they touch, conjuring up blossoms of red spray on the battlefield. |
Spears (槍, Yari?) are equippable by Sarah Jerand.
Name | Rar. Rarity | Stats | Factor(s) | Value | Synth Synthesis Limit | Acquisition |
Ceremonial Spear 翼の式槍? |
3☆ | ATK +183, INT +84, GRD +5 | Sell: | 16 | Equipped to Sarah by default | |
An ornate spear and treasure of the Featherfolk. Not meant to be used as a weapon. | ||||||
Seafarer's Harpoon ジャックスハープーン? |
2☆ | ATK +222, INT +90, HIT +20 | Increases critical hit chance | Sell: | 6 | Quest: "The Seafarer's Treasure" |
A harpoon made for spearing fish in the ocean. Its aerodynamic shape makes it a formidable thrusting weapon. | ||||||
Cyclone Spear サイクロンスピア? |
3☆ | ATK +301, INT +139 | Shoots a blast of wind when attacking; adds wind element to attacks | Sell: | 7 | Create: Smithery (Lv.3) |
A single swing of this spear is said to summon a tornado. | ||||||
Judgment Spear ジャッジメントスピア? |
3☆ | ATK +407, INT +254 | Increases critical hit chance; HP damage +5% | Sell: | 6 | Create: Smithery (Lv.5) |
A spear of justice, built to pass judgment over whatever evil it encounters. | ||||||
Observer's Spear ゲイザーズスピア? |
?☆ | ATK +423, INT +281, DEF +5 | Buy: 51000 Sell: |
8 | Shops: Centropolis | |
A spear designed for the guardian of this universe. Created by the Morphus. | ||||||
Crested Spear クレストスピア? |
2☆ | ATK +541, INT +338 | ATK +10 | Buy: 2200 Sell: |
6 | Exchange: Colosseum |
A battle spear etched with elegant markings. | ||||||
Sea Serpent Harpoon シーホースハープーン? |
4☆ | ATK +740, INT +465, HIT +40 | Adds water element to attacks; adds frozen effect to attacks | Sell: | 3 | Find: Palace of Creation |
A spear named after a legendary monster. Powerful enough to cut the ocean itself in two. | ||||||
Sacred Spear セイクリッドスピア? |
3☆ | ATK +860, INT +604 | Shoots a blast of light energy when attacking; adds light element to attacks | Sell: | 5 | Create: Smithery (Lv.7) |
A holy spear blessed by sacred light. | ||||||
Unicorn Lance ユニコーンランス? |
4☆ | ATK +1386, INT +1569 | +20% damage to animals; adds fog effect to attacks | Sell: | 4 | Find: Cave of the Seven Stars |
A treasured spear that´s light as a feather. Devastatingly powerful thanks to the magical stones embedded within. | ||||||
Trident Harpoon トライデントハープーン? |
4☆ | ATK +1781, INT +2497, HIT +77 | Sell: | 10 | Find: Wandering Dungeon | |
A three-pronged spear that has survived countless battles. rumored to predate history itself. | ||||||
Victory Lance ヴィクトリーランス? |
5☆ | ATK +2206, INT +3599 | Shoots blasts of wind when attacking; adds wind element to attacks | Sell: | 6 | Create: Smithery (Lv.9) |
A trident that summons forth the mighty winds of victory. |
Staves (杖, Tsue?) are equippable by Myuria Tionysus.
Name | Rar. Rarity | Stats | Factor(s) | Value | Synth Synthesis Limit | Acquisition |
Symbol Staff スペルスタッフ? |
2☆ | ATK +130, INT +74 | Sell: | 16 | Equipped to Myuria by default | |
The preferred staff among Morphus symbologists. | ||||||
Sacred Scepter セイクリッドセプター? |
3☆ | ATK +165, INT +116 | Adds light element to attacks | Sell: | 6 | Find: Alanaire Citadel |
A holy staff passed down since ancient times on Lemuris. Only those of royal lineage were allowed to wield it. | ||||||
Staff of Freezing フリージングスタッフ? |
3☆ | ATK +187, INT +146 | Adds water element to attacks; shoots a blast of ice when attacking | Sell: | 4 | Create: Crafting (Lv.4) |
A staff imbued with the power of ice. Although simple in design, its internal workings help amplify the user's magic ability. | ||||||
Fanatic's Staff ファナティックスタッフ? |
4☆ | ATK +195, INT +114, HIT -40 | Adds darkness element to attacks; adds curse effect to attacks; causes attacks to damage allies as well | Sell: | 2 | Steal/Drop: Tamiel |
The staff used by Tamiel, leader of the Church of Sydonai. | ||||||
Wildfang Staff ワイルドファングスタッフ? |
3☆ | ATK +229, INT +94 | Increases critical hit chance; HP damage +5% | Sell: | 5 | Create: Crafting (Lv.5) |
A staff adorned with sharp tusks. Works good as a blunt weapon as well. | ||||||
Raven Staff レイヴンスタッフ? |
4☆ | ATK +289, INT +241, GRD +30 | Adds darkness element to attacks; +20% damage to birds | Sell: | 7 | Find: Old Road to the Sanctuary |
A dark spear that forebodes death and pestilence. The weak-hearted are said to lose their souls if they try to wield it. | ||||||
Mysterious Scepter ミステリーセプター? |
3☆ | ATK +320, INT +224 | MP damage +10% | Buy: 48000 Sell: |
8 | Shops: Centropolis |
A mystical staff designed by Giotto. Fires spheres of concentrated magic energy. | ||||||
Calamity Staff カラミティスタッフ? |
3☆ | ATK +576, INT +642 | MP cost -10% in battle; INT +3% | Sell: | 7 | Create: Crafting (Lv.6) |
A staff embedded with a crystal skull. Its overflowing power is strong enough to bring forth great catastrophes. | ||||||
Blood Scepter フラッドセプター? |
4☆ | ATK +1017, INT +2556 | Adds water element to attacks; shoots blasts of ice when attacking | Sell: | 7 | Find: Wandering Dungeon |
A staff that crushes the opposition with its staggering force. | ||||||
Wizard's Staff ウィザードスタッフ? |
5☆ | ATK +1815, INT +3630 | INT +7% | Sell: | 9 | Create: Crafting (Lv.10) |
The very best in staves, wieldable by only the most accomplished of symbologists. Bonds closely with its user. |
Scythes (鎌, Kama?, lit. Sickle) are equippable by Arumat P. Thanatos.
Name | Rar. Rarity | Stats | Factor(s) | Value | Synth Synthesis Limit | Acquisition |
Eldarian Scythe エルダーサイス? |
2☆ | ATK +518 | Sell: | 16 | Equipped to Arumat by default | |
Arumat's personal scythe. Its four blades can be folded back for convenience. | ||||||
Grim Reaper グリムリーパー? |
?☆ | ATK +600 | Adds darkness element to attacks | Buy: 39000 Sell: |
6 | Shops: Centropolis |
An executioner's scythe used in laying down judgment on the wicked. Its vengeance has indelibly stained its blade. | ||||||
Inferno Sickle インフェルノシックル? |
3☆ | ATK +670 | Adds fire element to attacks; shoots blasts of fire when attacking; ATK +18% | Sell: | 4 | Exchange: Colosseum |
A scythe imbued with hellfire. The wounds it inflicts are said to actually spurt flames outward from the victim's body. | ||||||
Laser Scythe レーザーサイス? |
3☆ | ATK +830, HIT +30, GRD +30 | Increases critical hit chance; ATK +3% | Sell: | 5 | Create: Engineering (Lv.7) |
A scythe whose laser blades can slice through and pulverize any object. | ||||||
Quadplex Scythe クアドプレックスサイス? |
3☆ | ATK +920, DEF -20, HIT +50 | ATK +7%; +20% damage to birds | Sell: | 6 | Create: Engineering (Lv.8) |
The wind pressure generated by each swing of this scythe alone is enough to slice through the fiercest of enemies. | ||||||
Quake Scythe クエイカーサイス? |
5☆ | ATK +5414, HIT -100 | Adds earth element to attacks; shoots blasts of earth when attacking | Sell: | 9 | Create: Engineering (Lv.10) |
A large scythe that holds sway over gravity itself, shaking the very earth with its colossal power. | ||||||
Conqueror Scythe "Asura Vajra" 覇王鎌“金剛修羅”? |
4☆ | ATK +6499, INT +999, DEF -1999, HIT -999, GRD -999 | +20% damage to humanoids | Buy: 1200000 Sell: |
Shops: Wandering Dungeon | |
A scythe sold by a suspicious-looking man from a merchant planet. Made of an unidentifiable material. |
Classified as "other" (その他, Sonohoka?), these two weapons can be equipped by all characters.
Name | Rar. Rarity | Stats | Factor(s) | Value | Synth Synthesis Limit | Acquisition |
Scumbag Slayer チンケスレイヤー? |
4☆ | ATK +1 | ATK -60%; INT -60%; instantly kills scumbags 20% of the time | Sell: | 1 | Create: Smithery (Lv. 1) |
A scummy yet lethal weapon that can bury the scum of the world with a single swipe. | ||||||
Laser Weapon レーザーウェポン? |
?☆ | ATK +900, DEF +600 | Sell: | 16 | Quest: "Trial of Might" | |
A close-quarters weapon that uses a high-power laser. Can take on alternate forms according to the wielder's need. |