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The following is a list of all symbology present in Star Ocean: The Last Hope. Almost every symbol can be used in battle by any character by using its corresponding Symbol Card, which can be obtained through the Item Creation category Artistry.

Restorative symbols[]

Name Range Target Damage Max Lvl MP Cost CP Cast Time Learned by
Short, Long ST -- 10 6 -- 2.0 (Edge) / 3.5 (Lymle) / 2.5 (Myuria, Sarah) Edge, Lymle, Myuria, Sarah
HP recovery symbol. Recovers 31% of one ally's maximum HP at level 1. The HP healed increases to 40% at level 10.
Ex Healing
Short, Long ST -- 10 10 -- 2.5 Sarah
HP recovery symbol. Recovers at least 71% of one ally's maximum HP, and increases to 80% at level 10.
Faerie Healing
Short, Long All -- 10 18 -- 3.5 (Lymle) / 2.5 (Myuria, Sarah) Lymle, Myuria, Sarah
HP recovery symbol. Summons a faerie to recover at least 26% of all allies' maximum HP and increases to 35% at level 10.
Faerie Light
Short, Long All -- 10 30 -- 2.5 Sarah
HP recovery symbol. Summons a faerie to recover at least 51% of all allies' maximum HP, and increases to 60% at level 10.
Faerie Star
Short, Long All -- 10 50 -- 2.5 (Edge) / 3.5 (Lymle) / 3.2 (Myuria, Sarah) Edge, Lymle, Myuria, Sarah
HP recovery symbol. Summons a faerie to recover 81% of all allies' maximum HP, and increases to 90% at level 10.
Short, Long ST -- 1 4 -- 3.0 Faize
Curative symbol. Purifies one ally of poison.
Cure Condition
Short, Long ST -- 1 8 -- 2.0 (Edge) / 2.5 (Sarah) Edge, Sarah
Curative symbol. Purifies one ally of all status ailments.
Short, Long ST -- 10 25 -- 3.0 (Myuria) / 2.5 (Sarah) Myuria, Sarah
Resurrection symbol. Revives an incapacitated ally with 22% of their maximum HP, and increases to 40% at level 10.
Short, Long ST -- 1 44 -- 3.0 Sarah
Resurrection symbol. Revives an incapacitated ally with 100% of their maximum HP.

Support symbols[]

Name Range Target Damage Max Lvl MP Cost CP Cast Time Learned by
Short, Long ST -- 10 18 -- 2.5 Sarah
Support symbol. Temporarily boosts one ally's ATK by 30%. At higher levels, the effect duration increases.
Short, Long ST -- 10 16 -- 3.0 Faize, Myuria
Support symbol. Temporarily boost one ally's INT by 30%. At higher skill levels, the effect duration increases.
Angel Feather
Short, Long ST -- 10 14 -- 2.5 Sarah
Support symbol. Temporarily boosts one ally's ATK, INT, HIT, GRD, and DEF by 15%. At higher levels, the effect duration increases.
Short, Long ST -- 10 16 -- 2.5 Sarah
Support symbol. Temporarily boosts one ally's DEF by 30%. At higher levels, the effect duration increases.
Short, Long ST -- 10 15 -- 2.5 (Lymle) / 2.0 (Myuria) Lymle, Myuria
Support symbol. Temporarily boosts one ally's elemental resistance by 3. At higher skill levels, the effect duration increases.
Sacred Pain
Short, Long ST -- 10 17 -- 2.5 Sarah
Support symbol. Temporarily lowers one enemy's elemental resistance by 4. At higher levels, the effect duration increases.
Short, Long AoE -- 10 22 -- 2.5 (Edge) / 3.5 (Lymle) Edge, Lymle
Support symbol. Places nearby enemies in Silence status, preventing then from using symbols. At higher skill levels, the chance of success increases.
Short, Long AoE -- 10 30 -- 3.5 Lymle, Myuria
Support symbol. Places nearby enemies in Void status, canceling all of their support effects. At higher skill levels, the chance of success increases.
Symbolic Weapon
Short, Long ST -- 10 17 -- 2.0 Edge
Support symbol. Allows one ally to absorb MP from the enemy with each attack. At higher skill levels, the effect duration increases.

Attack symbols[]

Name Range Target Element Damage Max Lvl MP Cost CP Cast Time Learned by
Earth Glaive
Short, Long ST Earth INT x195% - x260% 10 5-14 3 4.5 (Faize) / 4.0 (Arumat) (0.1) Faize, Arumat
Attack symbol. Blades of stone burst forth from under the enemy's feet.
Stone Rain
Short, Long AoE Earth INT x195% - x430% 10 7-16 4 4.5 (Faize) / 4.0 (Arumat) (0.1)
Attack symbol. Countless rocks rain down on the enemy.
Terra Hammer
Short, Long AoE Earth INT x304% - x672% 10 21-30 -- 4.5 (Faize) / 4.0 (Arumat)
Attack symbol. Digs up three giant boulders then smashes them to the ground, and increases to six at level 10.
Ice Needles
Short, Long ST Ice INT x312% - x532% 10 5-14 2 4.5 (0.1 (Faize) / 1.8 (Myuria)) Faize, Myuria
Attack symbol. Launches six needles of ice at the enemy and increases to nine at level 10.
Deep Freeze
Short, Long AoE Ice INT x161% - x281% 10 7-16 4 4.5 (0.1 (Faize) / 1.8 (Myuria))
Attack symbol. Cools the air surrounding the enemy, freezing them from ground up.
Arctic Impact
Short, Long ST Ice INT x323% - x430% 10 21-30 -- 5.0 Myuria
Attack symbol. Encases the enemy in a giant pillar of ice, then shatters it to pieces.
Fire Bolt
Short, Long ST Fire INT x117% - x390% 10 5-14 2 5.5 (Lymle) / 4.0 (Arumat) (2.5 (Lymle) / 0.1 (Arumat)) Lymle, Arumat
Attack symbol. Unleashes three enemy-seeking fireballs and increases to six at level 10.
Short, Long AoE Fire INT x272% - x485% 10 21-30 -- 5.5 (Lymle) / 4.0 (Arumat) (2.5 (Lymle))
Attack symbol. Sets off a large explosion centered around the enemy.
Volcanic Burst
Short, Long ST Fire INT x433% - x721% 10 10-19 5 5.5 (2.5) Lymle
Attack symbol. Summons a swirling torrent of fire from beneath the enemy.
Wind Blade
Short, Long ST Wind INT x156% - x358% 10 5-14 3 5.5 (Lymle) / 4.5 (Sarah) (2.5 (Lymle) / 1.8 (Sarah)) Lymle, Sarah
Attack symbol. Fires swirling blades of wind at the enemy.
Blast Hurricane
Short, Long ST Wind INT x225% - x408% 10 10-19 4 4.5 (1.8) Sarah
Attack symbol. Summons a great vortex that blows away any enemy caught in its grasp.
Short, Long ST Wind INT x250% - x464% 10 7-16 5 5.5 (Lymle) / 4.5 (Sarah) (2.5 (Lymle) / 1.8 (Sarah)) Lymle, Sarah
Attack symbol. Calls forth an enemy-seeking tornado that sweeps up any foe it touches.
Lightning Blast
Short, Long ST Lightning INT x198% - x418% 10 5-14 3 4.5 (Myuria, Sarah) / 5.5 (Lymle) (1.8 (Myuria, Sarah) / 2.5 (Lymle)) Lymle, Myuria, Sarah
Attack symbol. Hurls lightning bolts at the enemy.
Thunder Flare
Short, Long ST Lightning INT x195% - x374% 10 7-16 4 4.5 (Myuria, Sarah) / 5.5 (Lymle) (1.8 (Myuria, Sarah) / 2.5 (Lymle))
Attack symbol. Summons a ball of lightning that envelops and damages the enemy.
Plasma Cyclone
Short, Long ST Lightning INT x355% - x507% 10 21-30 -- 4.5 Myuria
Attack symbol. Conjures up a storm of lightning bolts that streak across the battlefield.
Radiant Lancer
Short, Long ST Light INT x169% - x301% 10 5-14 2 4.0 (Edge) / 4.5 (Sarah) (1.8 (Sarah)) Edge, Sarah
Attack symbol. Rains four spears of light down upon the enemy. At level 10, seven spears rain down instead of four.
Aurora Rings
Short, Long AoE Light INT x156% - x260% 10 7-16 4 4.0 (Edge) / 4.5 (Sarah) (1.8 (Sarah))
Attack symbol. Erects three pillars of light, damaging any enemy that touches them. At level 10, six pillars are erected instead of three.
Short, Long AoE Light INT x478% - x560% 10 10-19 7 4.5 (1.8) Sarah
Attack symbol. Irradiates the enemy with a shower of light from above.
Shadow Needles
Short, Long ST Darkness INT x162% - x332% 10 5-14 2 4.5 (0.1 (Faize) / 1.8 (Myuria)) Faize, Myuria
Attack symbol. Launches five needles of darkness at the enemy from behind and increases to eight at level 10.
Vampiric Blade
Short AoE Darkness INT x41% - x131% 10 10-19 4 4.5 (0.1) Faize
Attack symbol. Mows down the area surrounding the caster with dark blades that absorb MP.
Dark Devourer
Short, Long AoE Darkness INT x375% - x646% 10 21-30 -- 4.5 Faize, Myuria
Attack symbol. Summons a creature from the netherworld so it could feast upon the enemy.
Divine Wave
Short, Long AoE -- INT x447% - x616% 10 21-30 -- 4.5
Attack symbol. Summons a wall of light around the caster, damaging nearby enemies.
Short, Long ST -- INT x269% - x399% 10 7-16 6 4.5 (0.1 (Faize) / 1.8 (Myuria))
Attack symbol. Encases the enemy in a ball of light, then releases the energy inside in an explosive blast.
Reaping Spark
Short, Long AoE -- INT x163% - x311% 10 10-19 5 4.5 (0.1) Faize
Attack symbol. Creates four black spheres that slice up anything inside.

