Please expand this article into a full one. This request can be discussed on the comments below. Remove this notice upon completion.
The following is a list of all items in the other (その他, Sonohoka?) category from Star Ocean: The Last Hope. It primarily contains materials used in Item Creation. There are ?? items in this category.
Name | Ra. Rarity | Effect | Acquisition | Value | Notes |
Iron アイアン? |
1☆ | Shops: Exploration Base (order); Woodley, Astral City Drop: Polyphaga Find: Landing Point, Northern Coast, Urd Falls Cave (chest/mining) |
Buy: 400 Sell: |
Chemical symbol: Fe. One of the transition elements. | |||||
Silver シルバー? |
1☆ | Drop: Guard Bot "Commando" Find: Landing Point, Urd Falls Cave, Northern Coast, Astralian Continent, Tatroi/Tropp areas, Astral Desert, Sanctuary (mining) |
Sell: | ||
Chemical Symbol: Ag. Often used when crafting jewelry in item creation. | |||||
Gold ゴールド? |
1☆ | Find: Astralian Continent, Tatroi/Tropp areas, Southern Reaches, Miga Insect Warren (mining) Create: Alchemy |
Sell: | ||
Chemical Symbol: Au. One of the costliest metals used when crafting jewelry in item creation. | |||||
Mercury 水銀? |
?☆ | Drop: Horned Turtle, Armed Dragon Newt, Dark Panzer Find: Thalia Plains, Van Elm Region, Celestial Ship, Ravine of Extinction, Pulsating Bog |
Buy: Sell: |
?? | |||||
Steel 鋼鉄? |
2☆ | Find: Wandering Dungeon (chest) Create: Smithery |
Sell: | ||
An alloy made by mixing a small amount of coal into molten iron. | |||||
Platinum プラチナ? |
2☆ | Find: Cave of the Seven Stars (chest); Astral Desert, Tatroi area* (mining) International Create: Alchemy |
Sell: | ||
Chemical Symbol: Pt. One of the costliest metals used when crafting jewelry in item creation. | |||||
Coal 石炭? |
?☆ | Find: Cave to the Purgatorium, Astral Caves, Purgatorium area* (mining) International | Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Aluminum アルミニウム? |
1☆ | Find: Purgatorium area, Astral Caves (mining) Create: Alchemy |
Sell: | ||
Chemical symbol: Al. An easy-to-manufacture metal that's resistant to corrosion, making it popular for a variety of uses. | |||||
Runic Metal ルーンメタル? |
3☆ | Shops: Tatroi (order) Drop: Soul Reaper Find: Purgatorium (chest); Astral Caves, Ravine of Extinction, Pulsating Bog, Halls of Termination (mining) |
Sell: | ||
Metal strengthened and mutated by the power of symbology. | |||||
Mithril ミスリル? |
3☆ | Find: Sanctuary, Ravine of Extinction, Pulsating Bog, Halls of Termination (mining) Create: Alchemy |
Sell: | ||
Widely believed to be the crystallization of magical power, though its actual composition is unknown. Equipment made from it is guaranteed to be of high quality. | |||||
Meteorite ミーティアライト? |
3☆ | Shops: Astral City (order) Drop: Lava Golem Find: Cave to the Purgatorium, Miga Insect Warren (harvest); Palace of Creation (chest) Create: Alchemy |
Sell: | ||
A solid meteor chunk with a mysterious sheen and texture. | |||||
Moonstone ムーナイト? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Earth Gem アースエレメント? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Ice Gem アイスエレメント? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Fire Gem ファイアエレメント? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Wind Gem ウィンドエレメント? |
2☆ | Find: Landing Point, Northern Coast, Purgatorium* (chest); InternationalSanctuary (mining) | Sell: | ||
A crystallized form of wind-elemental magic. | |||||
Thunder Gem サンダーエレメント? |
?☆ | Drop: Lightning Corpse, Rock Hermit Find: Astralian Continent, Tatroi/Tropp areas, Purgatorium area, Astral Caves (mining) |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Light Gem ライトエレメント? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Darkness Gem ダークエレメント? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Crystal クリスタル? |
2☆ | Shops: Triom (order) Drop: Stone Golem Find: Thalia Plains, Van Elm Region, Wind Swallow Valley, Astral Caves (mining) |
Sell: | ||
A quartz crystal. Normally clear, but impurities can cause it to appear yellow or purple. | |||||
Ruby ルビー? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Green Beryl グリーンベリル? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Gnomestone ノームストーン? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Nereidstone ネレイドストーン? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Salamanderstone サラマンドラストーン? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Sylphstone シルフストーン? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Thorstone トールストーン? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Angelstone エンジェルストーン? |
4☆ | Find: Sanctuary (mining) Create: Alchemy Quest: "A Distinguished Reality" |
Sell: | ||
A stone infused with the unique powers of the element of light. | |||||
Shadestone シェイドストーン? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Citrine シトリン? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Star Ruby スタールビー? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Star Sapphire スターサファイア? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Philosopher's Stone 賢者の石? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Magical Clay マジカルクレイ? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Disintegration Stone バニッシュストーン? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Lacquer うるし? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? |
Name | Ra. Rarity | Effect | Acquisition | Value | Notes |
Wooden Stick 木の棒? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Ebony エボニー? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Oak カシ? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Ash トネリコ? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Cane トウ? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Blue Rose ブルーローズ? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Shadow Rose シャドウローズ? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Dendrobium デンドロビウム? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Funeral Bouquet 弔いの花束? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Red Seed 赤い木の実? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Blue Seed 青い木の実? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Ge Gen Tang 葛根湯? |
2☆ | Shops: Triom, Woodley, Astral City | Buy: 400 Sell: |
A mix of several herbal medicines, including Puerariae radix. | |||||
Ginseng 薬用ニンジン? |
2☆ | Shops: Triom (order) Find: Southern Reaches, Van Elm Region, Ravine of Extinction (harvest) |
Sell: | ||
A medicinal plant from the Aralia family. | |||||
Poison Hemlock ドクニンジン? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Caterpillar Fungus 冬虫夏草? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? |
Name | Ra. Rarity | Effect | Acquisition | Value | Notes |
Aramid Fiber アラミドファイバー? |
2☆ | Shops: Tatroi, Wandering Dungeon | Buy: 800 Sell: |
Strong, resilient nylon fiber. Used to string archery bows in item creation. | |||||
Carbon Fiber カーボンファイバー? |
2☆ | Shops: Tatroi, Wandering Dungeon | Buy: 1000 Sell: |
Acrylic fiber carbonized in high temperatures. Strong and light, making it useful for a variety of purposes. | |||||
Wool ウール? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Silk シルク? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Cashmere カシミア? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Manacloth マナクロス? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Fur Pelt ファークロス? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Biocloth バイオクロス? |
3☆ | Drop: Vampire Bat, Phantom Beetle, Necromancer Find: Southern Reaches*, InternationalSanctuary (chest) |
Sell: | ||
Man-made fabric derived from spiderweb silk. | |||||
Taffeta Ribbon タフタリボン? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Satin Ribbon サテンリボン? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Velvet Ribbon ベルベットリボン? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Mana Ribbon マナリボン? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Handspun Thread 手縫い糸? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Dwarven Embroidery Thread こびとの刺繍糸? |
4☆ | Shops: Centropolis Drop: Mandragora, Ice Corpse Find: Wandering Dungeon (chest) |
Buy: 400 Sell: |
Thread used by dwarves when decorating their clothing. | |||||
Faerie Embroidery Thread 妖精の刺繍糸? |
?☆ | Shops: Centropolis (order) Drop: Cursed Horror |
Sell: | ||
?? |
Name | Ra. Rarity | Effect | Acquisition | Value | Notes |
Sharkskin サメの皮? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Lizardskin トカゲの皮? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Snakeskin ヘビの皮? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Insect Leg 昆虫の足? |
1☆ | Drop: Adephaga, Adephaga Drus, Polyphaga, Phantom Beetle, Adephaga Prox Find: Landing Point (chest) |
Sell: | ||
The leg of a giant insect. Thick hairs abound. | |||||
Insect Egg 昆虫のタマゴ? |
1☆ | Drop: Adephaga, Adephaga Drus, Polyphaga, Bloodtail Find: Landing Point, Northern Coast, Urd Falls Cave (harvest); Ravine of Extinction (chest) |
Sell: | ||
The egg of a giant insect. Not quite ready to hatch. | |||||
Bee Stinger 蜂の毒針? |
1☆ | Drop: Honeybee, Stinger | Sell: | ||
A bee stinger with the venom still inside. | |||||
Warped Carapace ゆがんだ甲殻? |
4☆ | Drop: Armaros, Killer Chelae Find: Landing Point, Northern Coast (chest) |
Sell: | ||
A piece of Armaros's outer covering. | |||||
Peryton Droppings ペリュトンのフン? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Wolf Fang オオカミの牙? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Wolf Oil オオカミの油? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Saber-Toothed Tiger Fang サーベルタイガーの牙? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Giant Bird Feather 怪鳥の羽? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Dragon Scale ドラゴンのうろこ? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Red Dragon Scale 赤竜のうろこ? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Dragon God Scale 竜神のうろこ? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Dragonblood Crystal ドラゴンの血の結晶? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Sandfish サンドフィッシュ? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Crimson Firefly 紅ホタル? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Psynard Egg サイナードのタマゴ? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Gabriel Celeste's Feather ガブリエ・セレスタの羽根? |
?☆ | Drop: Gabriel Celeste | Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Ethereal Queen's Feather イセリア・クィーンの羽根? |
?☆ | Drop: Ethereal Queen | Sell: | ||
?? |
Name | Ra. Rarity | Effect | Acquisition | Value | Notes |
Magical Brush マジカルブラシ? |
1☆ | Shops: Triom, Centropolis Other: Li'l Vending Machine No. 1 |
Buy: 200 Sell: |
A brush infused with magic. Needed to imbue paper or metal with magic power. | |||||
Earth Paint 地の絵の具? |
3☆ | Shops: Triom, Woodley, Centropolis Other: Li'l Vending Machine No. 3 |
Buy: 80 Sell: |
Paint infused with earth-elemental magic. | |||||
Water Paint 水の絵の具? |
3☆ | Shops: Woodley, Centropolis Other: Li'l Vending Machine No. 3 |
Buy: 80 Sell: |
Paint infused with water-elemental magic. | |||||
Fire Paint 火の絵の具? |
3☆ | Shops: Triom, Woodley, Tatroi, Centropolis Other: Li'l Vending Machine No. 3 |
Buy: 80 Sell: |
Paint infused with fire-elemental magic. | |||||
Wind Paint 風の絵の具? |
3☆ | Shops: Tatroi, Centropolis Other: Li'l Vending Machine No. 3 |
Buy: 80 Sell: |
Paint infused with wind-elemental magic. | |||||
Thunder Paint 雷の絵の具? |
3☆ | Shops: Tatroi, Centropolis Drop: Lightning Corpse Other: Li'l Vending Machine No. 3 |
Buy: 80 Sell: |
Paint infused with thunder-elemental magic. | |||||
Light Paint 光の絵の具? |
3☆ | Shops: Tatroi, Centropolis Other: Li'l Vending Machine No. 3 |
Buy: 100 Sell: |
Paint infused with light-elemental magic. | |||||
Dark Paint 闇の絵の具? |
3☆ | Shops: Centropolis Other: Li'l Vending Machine No. 3 |
Buy: 100 Sell: |
Paint infused with dark-elemental magic. | |||||
Nil Paint 無の絵の具? |
3☆ | Shops: Centropolis Other: Li'l Vending Machine No. 3 |
Buy: 160 Sell: |
Paint infused with non-elemental magic. | |||||
Healing Paint いやしの絵の具? |
3☆ | Shops: Tatroi, Centropolis Drop: Mana Yeti, Polyphaga Drus, Dark Ape Other: Li'l Vending Machine No. 3 |
Buy: 80 Sell: |
Paint infused with healing magic. | |||||
Mysterious Paint 不思議な絵の具? |
3☆ | Shops: Woodley, Centropolis Other: Li'l Vending Machine No. 3 |
Buy: 60 Sell: |
Paint infused with support magic. | |||||
Attack Card アタックカード? |
2☆ | Shops: Triom, Centropolis Drop: Soul Reaper, Dragon Newt, Wise Lizardman Other: Li'l Vending Machine No. 3 |
Buy: 60 Sell: |
A card that houses low-level attack symbology. | |||||
Attack Card + アタックカード+? |
3☆ | Shops: Centropolis Other: Li'l Vending Machine No. 3 |
Buy: 400 Sell: |
A card that houses high-level attack symbology. | |||||
Healing Card ヒーリングカード? |
2☆ | Shops: Centropolis Drop: Phantom Soldier, Sydonaist Beta, Spirit Priest Find: Wandering Dungeon (chest) Other: Li'l Vending Machine No. 3 |
Buy: 60 Sell: |
A card that houses low-level healing symbology. | |||||
Healing Card + ヒーリングカード+? |
3☆ | Drop: Phantom Soldier Shops: Centropolis Other: Li'l Vending Machine No. 3 |
Buy: 400 Sell: |
A card that houses high-level healing symbology. | |||||
Support Card サポートカード? |
2☆ | Shops: Triom, Woodley, Centropolis Drop: Apprentice Scumbag, Dragon Newt, Wise Lizardman Other: Li'l Vending Machine No. 3 |
Buy: 40 Sell: |
A card that houses low-level support symbology. | |||||
Support Card + サポートカード+? |
3☆ | Shops: Centropolis Other: Li'l Vending Machine No. 3 |
Buy: 300 Sell: |
A card that houses high-level support symbology. |
Name | Ra. Rarity | Effect | Acquisition | Value | Notes |
Broken Metal Cutting Blade 壊れたメタルカッター? |
2☆ | Find: Landing Point, Miga Insect Warren (chest) | Sell: | ||
A broken piece of SRF equipment. | |||||
Repair Kit 修理キット? |
2☆ | Shops: Exploration Base, Tatroi, Centropolis | Buy: 100 Sell: |
A set of tools and supplies for repairing precision equipment. | |||||
Rivet リベット? |
1☆ | Shops: Woodley, Tatroi, Centropolis, Wandering Dungeon Drop: Phantom Dragon Find: Palace of Creation (chest) Other: Li'l Vending Machine No. 2 |
Buy: 20 Sell: |
A metal rivet used to fasten multiple plate-shaped objects together. | |||||
Bowstring 弓弦? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Swept Hilt スウェプトヒルト? |
2☆ | Shops: Centropolis Find: Astral City (chest) Other: Li'l Vending Machine No. 2 |
Buy: 120 Sell: |
A specialized hilt mainly used on rapiers. Designed to protect the hand. | |||||
Neck Chain ネックチェーン? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Broken Music Box 壊れたオルゴール? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Music Box オルゴール? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Guitar Parts ギターパーツセット? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Small Guitar 小さなギター? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Mystery Box 謎の小箱? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Memorial Plate メモリアルプレート? |
2☆ | Find: Sanctuary (chest) | Sell: | ||
A bronze plate used to record one's memories. | |||||
Magic Capacitator マジックコンデンサー? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Symbol Booster スペルブースター? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Universal Device ユニバーサルデバイス? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Micro Circuit マイクロガジェット? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Quantum Processor クォンタムプロセッサ? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Micro Hadron Collider マイクロハドロンコライダー? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Micro Heavy Ion Collider マイクロヘビーイオンコライダー? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Laser Oscillator レーザー発振器? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Sighting Unit サイティングユニット? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Mystery Electronic Circuit 謎の電子回路? |
3☆ | Shops: Centropolis | Buy: 1300 Sell: |
Likely some kind of specialized data processor, but its exact purpose is unknown. | |||||
Mystery Mobile Frame 謎のムーバブルフレーム? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? |
Name | Ra. Rarity | Effect | Acquisition | Value | Notes |
Vinegar お酢? |
1☆ | Shops: Triom, Woodley, Tatroi, Centropolis | Buy: 40 Sell: |
?? | |||||
White Rice 白米? |
1☆ | Shops: Exploration Base (order); Triom, Woodley, Centropolis Drop: Killer Chelae Find: Landing Point, Urd Falls, Thalia Plains (harvest) Other: Li'l Vending Machine No. 2 |
Buy: 60 Sell: |
A food made by removing the seeds of a rice plant from its husk and polishing the grain that results. | |||||
Uncooked Pasta 生パスタ? |
1☆ | Shops: Exploration Base, Tatroi, Astral City, Centropolis Pickpocket: Exploration Base Find: Exploration Base (chest) Other: Li'l Vending Machine No. 2 |
Buy: 100 Sell: |
A selection of different types of uncooked pasta. | |||||
Raw Animal Meat 獣の生肉? |
1☆ | Shops: Exploration Base, Woodley Drop: Kobold, Mana Yeti, Saber-Toothed Tiger Find: Thalia Plains (harvest) |
Buy: 80 Sell: |
Uncooked animal meat. Not edible in this state. | |||||
Raw Fish 生魚? |
1☆ | Shops: Woodley, Tatroi, Astral City; Centropolis (order) Drop: Horned Turtle, Antlered Tortoise Find: Create: |
Buy: Sell: |
?? | |||||
Common Egg 万能タマゴ? |
1☆ | Shops: Exploration Base, Triom, Woodley, Tatroi, Astral City, Centropolis Drop: Peryton Find: Thalia Plains (harvest) |
Buy: 30 Sell: |
A standard egg, useful in preparing all kinds of dishes. | |||||
Vegetables 野菜? |
1☆ | Shops: Exploration Base, Triom, Woodley, Tatroi, Astral City, Centropolis Find: Landing Point, Northern Coast, Urd Falls Cave, Thalia Plains, northeast Astralian Continent (harvest) |
Buy: 60 Sell: |
A selection of assorted vegetables. | |||||
Seasonings 香辛料? |
1☆ | Shops: Exploration Base, Tatroi, Astral City, Centropolis Pickpocket: Exploration Base Find: Urd Falls Cave (chest) |
Buy: 80 Sell: |
A selection of colourful powdered spices. | |||||
Olive Oil オリーブオイル? |
1☆ | Shops: Exploration Base, Woodley, Centropolis Pickpocket: Exploration Base Find: Exploration Base (chest) Other: Li'l Vending Machine No. 2 |
Buy: 80 Sell: |
Vegetable oil taken from the fruit of an olive tree. | |||||
Special Warishita Sauce 特製割下? |
2☆ | Shops: Astral City, Centropolis Drop: Skeleton Soldier, Apprentice Scumbag Other: Li'l Vending Machine No. 2 |
Buy: 120 Sell: |
A broth seasoned with cooking wine and soy sauce. | |||||
Fresh Cream 生クリーム? |
1☆ | Shops: Triom, Woodley, Tatroi, Astral City, Centropolis Other: Li'l Vending Machine No. 3 |
Buy: 100 Sell: |
Fresh cream made from cow's milk. | |||||
Pie Crusts パイ生地? |
1☆ | Shops: Triom, Woodley, Centropolis Drop: Hell Clown Other: Li'l Vending Machine No. 2 |
Buy: 60 Sell: |
A variety of crusts used in the baking of pies. |
Name | Ra. Rarity | Effect | Acquisition | Value | Notes |
Recipe Memo 01 レシピメモ01? |
?☆ | Quest: "The Fifth Errand" | Sell: | Arcana Sword | |
?? | |||||
Recipe Memo 02 レシピメモ02? |
?☆ | Find: Triom (ice chest) | Sell: | Earthsoul Bow | |
?? | |||||
Recipe Memo 03 レシピメモ03? |
?☆ | Find: Old Road to the Sanctuary (chest) | Sell: | Sacred Spear | |
?? | |||||
Recipe Memo 04 レシピメモ04? |
?☆ | Other: Barago at Old Road after defeating Ethereal Queen | Sell: | Valkyrie's Garb | |
?? | |||||
Recipe Memo 05 レシピメモ05? |
3☆ | Other: Van after crashing on Aeos | Sell: | Storm Blade | |
A piece of paper with the Storm Blade recipe written on it. Show it to Welch. | |||||
Recipe Memo 06 レシピメモ06? |
?☆ | Quest: "Music Mending" | Sell: | Pickled Pepper Potion | |
?? | |||||
Recipe Memo 07 レシピメモ07? |
?☆ | Other: Lutea's mother after Celestial Ship | Sell: | Pasta Bolognese | |
?? | |||||
Recipe Memo 08 レシピメモ08? |
?☆ | Quest: "Where's the Recipe?" | Sell: | Mille-feuille | |
?? | |||||
Recipe Memo 09 レシピメモ09? |
?☆ | Find: Purgatorium Area (chest) | Sell: | Mental Potion | |
?? | |||||
Recipe Memo 10 レシピメモ10? |
?☆ | Find: Palace of Creation (chest) | Sell: | Meteorite | |
?? | |||||
Recipe Memo 11 レシピメモ11? |
?☆ | Find: Miga Insect Warren (chest) | Sell: | Light Charm | |
?? | |||||
Recipe Memo 12 レシピメモ12? |
?☆ | Find: Ravine of Extinction (chest) | Sell: | Darkness Charm | |
?? | |||||
Recipe Memo 13 レシピメモ13? |
?☆ | Quest: "It Came from the Vent" | Sell: | Healing Sheet | |
?? | |||||
Recipe Memo 14 レシピメモ14? |
?☆ | Find: Purgatorium (chest) | Sell: | Volcanic Gear | |
?? | |||||
Recipe Memo 15 レシピメモ15? |
?☆ | Find: Old Road to the Sanctuary (chest) | Sell: | Void Recovery Unit | |
?? | |||||
Recipe Memo 16 レシピメモ16? |
?☆ | Find: Queen of Inventors' house in Tatroi (chest) | Sell: | Wide-Range EM Bomb | |
?? | |||||
Recipe Memo 17 レシピメモ17? |
?☆ | Find: Astral Caves*/Northeast X360Astralian Continent* (chest) International | Sell: | Crystal Wand | |
?? | |||||
Recipe Memo 18 レシピメモ18? |
?☆ | Find: Central Control Room (chest) | Sell: | Star Ruby Wand | |
?? | |||||
Recipe Memo 19 レシピメモ19? |
?☆ | Quest: "Food Run" | Sell: | Wisdom Bracelet | |
?? | |||||
Recipe Memo 20 レシピメモ20? |
?☆ | Quest: "Egg Collector" | Sell: | Earth Amulet | |
?? | |||||
Recipe Memo 21 レシピメモ21? |
?☆ | Quest: "Rumble in the Caves" | Sell: | Anti-Stun Amulet | |
?? | |||||
Recipe Memo 22 レシピメモ22? |
?☆ | Quest: "Grooming is Essential" | Sell: | Anti-Fog Amulet | |
?? | |||||
Recipe Memo 23 レシピメモ23? |
?☆ | Find: Centropolis (chest) | Sell: | Anti-Curse Amulet | |
?? | |||||
Recipe Memo 24 レシピメモ24? |
?☆ | Find: Purgatorium (ivy chest) | Sell: | Anti-Void Amulet | |
?? | |||||
Recipe Memo 25 レシピメモ25? |
?☆ | Find: Celestial Ship (chest) | Sell: | Blue Talisman | |
?? | |||||
Recipe Memo 26 レシピメモ26? |
?☆ | Other: Katrina in Centropolis | Sell: | Funeral Bouquet | |
?? | |||||
Recipe Memo 27 レシピメモ27? |
?☆ | Other: Santa after defeating Ethereal Queen | Sell: | Tri-Emblem | |
?? | |||||
Recipe Memo 28 レシピメモ28? |
?☆ | Find: Sanctuary (chest) | Sell: | Mental Stimulant | |
?? | |||||
Recipe Memo 29 レシピメモ29? |
?☆ | Find: Southern Reaches (chest) | Sell: | Cursed Cider | |
?? | |||||
Recipe Memo 30 レシピメモ30? |
?☆ | Other: During "Trial of Love" quest | Sell: | Growth Stimulant Ampule | |
?? | |||||
Secret Memo 秘密のメモ? |
?☆ | Pickpocket: Young-at-Heart Reseacher in Centropolis | Sell: | ||
?? |
Name | Ra. Rarity | Effect | Acquisition | Value | Notes |
Echo Machine エコーマシン? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Boy's Gift Box ギフトボックス男の子用? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Girl's Gift Box ギフトボックス女の子用? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Li'l Vending Machine No. 1 自販機くん1号? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Li'l Vending Machine No. 2 自販機くん2号? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Li'l Vending Machine No. 3 自販機くん3号? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Biorhythm Tester バイオリズム診断機? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Aroma of Love 恋するアロマ? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Mood Stone ムーディストーン? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Bunny Plush バーニィのぬいぐるみ? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Ominous Metal 険悪のメタル? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Healing Sheet 回復の呪紋紙? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Curing Sheet 治癒の呪紋紙? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Memory Plate 記憶の銅板? |
2☆ | Create: Smithery | Sell: | ||
Ship furnishing. A special plate used to store records of past accomplishments. | |||||
Jukebox ジュークボックス? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? |
Name | Ra. Rarity | Effect | Acquisition | Value | Notes |
Monster Jewel モンスタージュエル? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Map of Astral アストラル大陸地図? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Barrier Spiritwater 結界の霊水? |
4☆ | Drop: Cardianon General, Early Psynard, Guiafairo Find: Tatroi/Tropp area, Astral Caves (chest) |
Sell: | ||
A liquid with the power to create a protective shield. | |||||
All-Purpose Ceramic 万能セラミックス? |
2☆ | Shops: Centropolis Drop: Kobold Bandit |
Buy: 2400 Sell: |
A ceramic material whose qualities change depending on how it is reworked. | |||||
Bracteate ブラクテアート? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Crystal Skull 水晶のドクロ? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Gunpowder 火薬? |
2☆ | Shops: Cardianon Mothership, Centropolis Drop: Cardianon Soldier, Soldier Zombie Other: Li'l Vending Machine No. 2 |
Buy: 80 Sell: |
Matter that undergoes an explosive reaction when exposed to heat or sudden shocks. | |||||
Intensified Gunpowder 強力火薬? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Empty Bottle 空きビン? |
1☆ | Shops: Triom, Woodley, Tatroi Drop: Lizard Shaman Other: Li'l Vending Machine No. 2 |
Buy: 40 Sell: |
A vessal suitable for storing compounded medicine. | |||||
Natural Water 天然水? |
1☆ | Shops: Triom, Woodley, Tatroi, Astral City, Centropolis Pickpocket: Exploration Base, northeast Astralian Continent Find: Northern Coast, Miga Insect Warren |
Buy: 120 Sell: |
Underground water that has not been processed outside of filtration, sitting, and heat sterilization. | |||||
Parchment 羊皮紙? |
2☆ | Shops: Tatroi, Astral City, Centropolis Drop: Master Wizard, Dark Bishop, Ghostkeeper Find: Palace of Creation (chest) Other: Li'l Vending Machine No. 3 |
Buy: 400 Sell: |
Thin paper made from sheepskin, often used for transcription purposes. | |||||
Fine Parchment 上級羊皮紙? |
3☆ | Shops: Centropolis Drop: Master Wizard, Ghostkeeper Other: Li'l Vending Machine No. 3 |
Buy: 600 Sell: |
High-quality parchment made with hand-picked sheepskin from animals no more than three years old. | |||||
Alchemist's Water 錬金水? |
2☆ | Shops: Triom, Woodley, Tatroi, Centropolis Drop: Damascus Fort, Armed Dragon Newt |
Buy: 300 Sell: |
A liquid used in Alchemy to atomize and reconstitute metals. | |||||
Lezard's Flask レザードフラスコ? |
4☆ | Drop: Spirit Priest, Guardian Beast, Soul Reaper | Sell: | ||
A magic flask used in alchemy. | |||||
Plastic Explosives プラスチックボム? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Bunny Feed バーニィのエサ? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Japonesque Vase オリエンタルなツボ? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Vivid Vase ヴィヴィットなツボ? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Coquettish Vase コケティッシュなツボ? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Traditional Vase トラッドなツボ? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Growth Stimulant Ampule 成長促進アンブル? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Faerie of Aggression 攻撃の小妖精? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Faerie of Wisdom 知性の小妖精? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Faerie of Fortification 防御の小妖精? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Faerie of Accuracy 命中の小妖精? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Faerie of Protection ガードの小妖精? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Fang Flute キバ笛? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? | |||||
Feathered Comb 鳥羽のクシ? |
?☆ | Drop: Find: Create: |
Sell: | ||
?? |