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The following is a list of all weapons (武器, Buki?) featured in Star Ocean: Till the End of Time.
Note: In the charts below, in the "Value" column, IC indicates the base cost through Original Creation option of Item Creation. The "Eva." column indicates the item's evaluationscore according to the Craftsman's Guild.
Name | Stats | Factors | Acquisition | Value | Eva. Evaluation | Character |
Notched Sword はこぼれのやいば? |
-- | Create: Smithery | IC: 20 Sell: 200 |
1 | Fayt, Albel, Adray | |
?? | ||||||
Bent Sword みぎまがりけん? |
-- | Create: Smithery | IC: 30 Sell: 300 |
1 | ||
?? | ||||||
Metal Pipe 鉄パイプ? |
ATK +19, HIT +10 | Equipped to Fayt by default | -- | -- | Fayt | |
?? | ||||||
Simple Sword インフェリアソード? |
ATK +20, HIT +10 | Event: Pesotto Forest | -- | -- | ||
?? | ||||||
Longsword ロングソード? |
ATK +28 | Shops: Kirlsa | Buy: Sell: 50 |
-- | ||
Has a long, steel blade. Designed for hacking opponents using the weapon's weight and force. | ||||||
Broadsword ブロードソード? |
ATK +50, HIT +10 | Shops: Arias | Buy: Sell: 120 |
-- | ||
?? | ||||||
Sword of the Blessed ブレッシングソード? |
ATK +50, HIT +15 | Create: Smithery | IC: 125 Sell: 1250 |
10 | ||
Sword for driving away evil. Said to be blessed by the gods. | ||||||
Bastard Sword バスタードソード? |
ATK +100, HIT +20 | Shops: Peterny | Buy: Sell: 750 |
-- | ||
?? | ||||||
Rune Blade ルーンブレード? |
ATK +100, HIT +50 | Emits balls of light when attacking | Create: Smithery | IC: 5350 Sell: 53500 |
20 | |
?? | ||||||
Searing Sword イグニートソード? |
ATK +150, HIT +20 | Emits balls of fire when attacking | Create: Smithery | IC: 4000 Sell: 40000 |
40 | |
?? | ||||||
Radiant Sword ブライアンスソード? |
ATK +200, HIT +25 | Create: Smithery | IC: 2600 Sell: 26000 |
70 | ||
?? | ||||||
Holy Sword ホーリィソード? |
ATK +200, HIT +30 | Shops: Airyglyph | Buy: Sell: 19600 |
-- | ||
Longsword made of silver and blessed by divine power. | ||||||
Silvance シルヴァンス? |
ATK +400, HIT +30 | Create: Smithery | IC: 3400 Sell: 34000 |
80 | ||
?? | ||||||
Ceramic Sword セラミックソード? |
ATK +400, HIT +40 | Shops: Moonbase | Buy: Sell: 32000 |
-- | ||
?? | ||||||
Mythril Sword ミスリルソード? |
ATK +800, HIT +50 | Shops: Aquios | Buy: Sell: 47500 |
-- | ||
?? | ||||||
Veinslay 名剣ヴェインスレイ? |
ATK +900, HIT +35 | Create: Smithery | IC: 400 Sell: 4000 |
100 | ||
?? | ||||||
Divine Avenger 聖剣ファーウェル? |
ATK +1600, HIT +40 | ATK +500 (Smithery: can improve through "Specify Plan") | Find: Maze of Tribulations, 7F | Sell: 209500 | -- | |
?? | ||||||
Levantine 魔剣レヴァンテイン? |
ATK +2200 | 5% probability of breaking; enemy DEF x5 and ATK +30%; -90% EXP acquisition; -1 MP at certain intervals during battle; ATK +1000 (Smithery: can improve through "Specify Plan") | Drop: Super Blair (100%) | Sell: 476700 | -- | |
?? |
Name | Stats | Factors | Acquisition | Value | Eva. Evaluation | Character |
Crude Rod そまつなつえ? |
-- | Create: Smithery | IC: ? Sell: 15 |
1 | ||
?? | ||||||
Fragile Metal Pipe ひ弱な鉄パイプ? |
ATK +10, HIT +50 | Equipped to Sophia by default (Hyda IV) | Sell: 5 | -- | ||
?? | ||||||
Crescent Rod クレッセントロッド? |
ATK +13, INT +5, HIT +10 | Equipped to Sophia by default | Sell: 5 | |||
?? | ||||||
Cordon Scepter サークルセプター? |
ATK/DEF +30, INT +10, HIT +15 | Create: Smithery | IC: 115 Sell: 1150 |
20 | ||
?? | ||||||
Cattail Staff キャットテイルスタッフ? |
ATK +70, INT +30, HIT +20 | Emits balls of light when defending | Create: Smithery | IC: Sell: 53400 |
30 | |
?? | ||||||
Cupid's Staff ラブラブスタッフ? |
ATK +120, INT +35, HIT +25 | Emis balls of light when defending | Create: Smithery | IC: 5550 Sell: 55500 |
50 | |
?? | ||||||
Glass Eye Scepter グラスアイセプター? |
ATK +170, INT +50, HIT +30 | Emits balls of light when defending | Create: Smithery | IC: 6400 Sell: 64000 |
70 | |
?? | ||||||
Magician's Rod マジシャンロッド? |
ATK +350, INT +100, HIT +40 | Shops: Moonbase | Buy: Sell: 21000 |
-- | ||
?? | ||||||
Bunny's Scepter バーニィズセプター? |
ATK +360, INT +100, HIT +35 | +20% movement rate (Smithery: can improve through "Specify Plan") | Create: Smithery | IC: 12280 Sell: 122800 |
90 | |
?? | ||||||
Adept's Staff アデプトスタッフ? |
ATK +500, INT +150, HIT +60 | Shops: Aquios | Buy: Sell: 29500 |
-- | ||
?? | ||||||
Rod of the Evil Eye 魔杖サターンアイズ? |
ATK +650, INT +130, HIT +40 | Create: Smithery | IC: 6230 Sell: 62300 |
100 | ||
?? | ||||||
Pumpkin Wrath Rod 聖杖パンプキンレイス? |
ATK +1400, INT +500, HIT +45 | ATK +200 (Smithery: can improve through "Specify Plan") | Find: Maze of Tribulations, B1F | Sell: 283200 | -- | |
?? | ||||||
Sacred Ether 神器エーテルフローズン? |
ATK +2700, INT +1000, HIT +50 | ATK +1000 (Smithery: can improve through "Specify Plan") | Drop: Freya (100%) | Sell: 455000 | -- | |
?? |
Name | Stats | Factors | Acquisition | Value | Eva. Evaluation | Character |
Rickety Gauntlet がたがたナックル? |
-- | Create: Smithery | IC: ? Sell: 30 |
1 | Cliff, Albel, Mirage | |
?? | ||||||
Mighty Gauntlets マイトガーダー? |
ATK +30, HIT +8 | Equipped to Cliff by default | Sell: 120 | -- | Cliff, Mirage | |
Powered gauntlets that amplify muscle power. | ||||||
Gauntlet ガントレット? |
ATK +35 | Shops: Kirlsa | Buy: Sell: 55 |
-- | ||
?? | ||||||
Steel Gauntlet スチールナックル? |
ATK +50, HIT +10 | Shop: Arias | Buy: Sell: 120 |
-- | ||
?? | ||||||
Pulverizers スマッシュガントレット? |
ATK +70, HIT +12 | Emits long-range shock waves when attacking | Create: Smithery | IC: 1734 Sell: 17340 |
20 | |
?? | ||||||
Fine Gauntlet ファインナックル? |
ATK +100, HIT +20 | Shop: Peterny | Buy: Sell: 700 |
-- | ||
?? | ||||||
Flash Gauntlets フラッシュガーダー? |
ATK +120, HIT +18 | Strikes enemy with lightning when attacking | Create: Smithery | IC: 1970 Sell: 19700 |
30 | |
?? | ||||||
Damask Gauntlets ダマスカスガーダー? |
ATK +190, HIT +23 | Create: Smithery | IC: 1450 Sell: 14500 |
50 | ||
?? | ||||||
Damask Gauntlet ダマスカスナックル? |
ATK +200, HIT +30 | Shop: Airyglyph | Buy: Sell: 44000 |
-- | ||
?? | ||||||
Gatling Gauntlets ガトリングガーダー? |
ATK +250, HIT +27 | Create: Smithery | IC: Sell: 42000 |
70 | ||
?? | ||||||
Atomic Gauntlets アトミックガーダー? |
ATK +420, HIT +33 | Create: Smithery | IC: Sell: 2200 |
90 | ||
?? | ||||||
Ceramic Gauntlet セラミックガーダー? |
ATK +500, HIT +35 | Shops: Moonbase | Buy: Sell: 35000 |
-- | ||
?? | ||||||
Crest Gauntlet クレストナックル? |
ATK +900, HIT +45 | Shop: Aquios | Buy: Sell: 37500 |
-- | ||
?? | ||||||
Mythril Gauntlets ミスリルガーダー? |
ATK +1000, HIT +38 | Create: Smithery | IC: Sell: 4500 |
100 | ||
?? | ||||||
Raven Gauntlets レイヴンガントレット? |
ATK +1800, HIT +42 | ATK +200 (Smithery: can improve through "Specify Plan") | Find: Maze of Tribulations, B3F | Sell: 183200 | -- | |
?? | ||||||
Valorous Gauntlets ヴァローガントレット? |
ATK +2600, HIT +48 | Gives an uneasy feeling; Max HP -30%; -50% EXP acquisition; 5% probability of breaking; 1/2 Defense; ATK +1000 (Smithery: can improve through "Specify Plan") | Drop: Enraged Crosell (100%) | Sell: 305910 | -- | |
?? |
Name | Stats | Factors | Acquisition | Value | Eva. Evaluation | Character |
Baselards バゼラード? |
ATK +15, HIT +15 | Equipped to Nel by default | Sell: 10 | -- | Nel | |
?? | ||||||
Falchion ファルシオン? |
ATK +22 | Shops: Kirlsa | Buy: Sell: 45 |
-- | ||
?? | ||||||
Raunzel Daggers ラウンゼルダガー? |
ATK +40, DEF/HIT/ AGL +20 |
Create: Smithery | IC: 123 Sell: 1230 |
20 | ||
?? | ||||||
Long Dagger ミドルダガー? |
ATK +50, HIT +10 | Shops: Arias | Buy: Sell: 110 |
-- | ||
?? | ||||||
Assassin's Sickles アサシンダガー? |
ATK +95, HIT +25 | Create: Smithery | IC: Sell: 2480 |
30 | ||
?? | ||||||
Silver Dagger シルバーダガー? |
ATK +100, HIT +20 | Shops: Peterny | Buy: Sell: 660 |
-- | ||
?? | ||||||
Flare Baselards フレアバゼラード? |
ATK +130, HIT +30 | Emits balls of fire when attacking | Create: Smithery | IC: 3055 Sell: 30550 |
50 | |
?? | ||||||
Arc Wind Rippers アークウィンド? |
ATK +170, HIT +40 | Emits long-range shock waves when attacking | Create: Smithery | IC: 3300 Sell: 33000 |
90 | |
?? | ||||||
Osprey Dagger オスプレイダガー? |
ATK +200, HIT +30 | Shops: Airyglyph | Buy: Sell: 15100 |
-- | ||
Dagger with a hawk symbol carved into its hilt. Undoubtable forged by a master blacksmith. | ||||||
Blades of Ryusen 護身刀"竜穿"? |
ATK +220, HIT +50 | Emits powerful balls of ice when attacking; ATK +20 (Smithery: can improve through "Specify Plan"; improves recovery strength at end of battles) | Event: Kirlsa (talk to Woltar after joining Albel) | Sell: 30400 | -- | |
?? | ||||||
Dragon Blades ドラゴンエッジ? |
ATK +380, HIT +45 | Create: Smithery | Buy: Sell: 35000 |
20 | ||
?? | ||||||
Ceramic Dagger セラミックダガー? |
ATK +380, HIT +50 | Shops: Moonbase | Buy: Sell: 32000 |
-- | ||
?? | ||||||
Ice Falchion アイスファルシオン? |
ATK +720, HIT +95 | Emits balls of ice when attacking | Shops: Aquios | Buy: Sell: 61500 |
-- | |
?? | ||||||
Ice Blades アイスコフィン? |
ATK +880, HIT +45 | Adds water-based damage | Create: Smithery | IC: 6800 Sell: 68000 |
100 | |
?? | ||||||
Elemental Ticklers エレメンタルエッジ? |
ATK +1500, HIT +55 | ATK +200 (Smithery: can improve through "Specify Plan") | Find: Maze of Tribulations, B2F | Sell: 173200 | -- | |
?? | ||||||
Death Bringers デスブリンガー? |
ATK +2000, HIT +60 | Gives a cursed feeling; gives an uneasy feeling; Fury use changes... but how!?; 20% probability of breaking; ATK +1000 (Smithery: can improve through "Specify Plan") | Drop: Vengeful Shelby (100%) | Sell: 325150 | -- | |
?? |
Axes & helms[]
Name | Stats | Factors | Acquisition | Value | Eva. Evaluation | Character |
Rusty Axe さびたおの? |
-- | Create: Smithery | IC: 80 Sell: 800 |
1 | Roger | |
?? | ||||||
Battle Axe バトルアックス? |
ATK +50, HIT +10 | Shops: Aquios | Buy: 600 Sell: |
-- | ||
?? | ||||||
Ranger's Helm レンジャーヘルム? |
ATK +100, HIT +15, AGL +20 | Create: Smithery | IC: 125 Sell: 1250 |
20 | ||
?? | ||||||
Drill Helm ドリルヘルム? |
ATK +200, HIT +20 | Attack at your own risk; strikes enemy with lightning when attacking (Smithery: can improve through "Specify Plan") | Create: Smithery | IC: 2000 Sell: 20000 |
30 | |
?? | ||||||
Barbarian's Helm バーバリアンヘルム? |
ATK +300, HIT +30 | Attack at your own risk; strikes enemy with lightning when attacking (Smithery: can improve through "Specify Plan") | Create: Smithery | IC: 2150 Sell: 21500 |
70 | |
?? | ||||||
Shark Helm シーハントヘルム? |
ATK +350, HIT +25 | Create: Smithery | IC: 575 Sell: 5750 |
50 | ||
?? | ||||||
Broad Axe ブロードアックス? |
ATK +400, HIT +40 | Shops: Airyglyph | Buy: 15800 Sell: |
-- | ||
?? | ||||||
Visored Helm ドムドムヘルム? |
ATK +600, HIT +35 | ATK +5 (Smithery: can improve through "Specify Plan") | Create: Smithery | Buy: 50020 Sell: |
90 | |
?? | ||||||
Poleaxe ポールアックス? |
ATK +680, HIT +50 | Shop: Gemity | Buy: 43000 Sell: |
-- | ||
?? | ||||||
Saint's Halberd セントハルバード? |
ATK +880, HIT +60 | Shop: Aquios | Buy: 35500 Sell: |
-- | ||
?? | ||||||
Paladin's Helm ヒロイックヘルム? |
ATK +1200, HIT +40 | Create: Smithery | IC: 400 Sell: 4000 |
100 | ||
?? | ||||||
Helm of the Dark Eye ダークアイヘルム? |
ATK +1800, HIT +45 | Chaos* attack effect | Find: Maze of Tribulations, B1F | Sell: 161000 | -- | |
?? | ||||||
Hybrid Helm クロスヘルム? |
ATK +2500, HIT +50 | Max HP -30%; -1 MP at certain intervals during battle; enemy ATK +30%; 30% probability of breaking; 1/2 attack; ATK +1000 (Smithery: can improve through "Specify Plan") | Drop: Green Majora (100%) | Sell: 185095 | -- | |
?? |
Name | Stats | Factors | Acquisition | Value | Eva. Evaluation | Character |
Replica Gun 無稼動銃? |
-- | Create: Smithery | IC: 200 Sell: 2000 |
Maria | ||
?? | ||||||
Microblaster マイクロブラスター? |
ATK +10, HIT +10 | Equipped to Maria by default | Sell: 50 | -- | ||
?? | ||||||
Hawk Wind ホークウィンド? |
ATK +30, HIT +13 | Emits long-range shock waves when attacking | Create: Engineering | IC: 1740 Sell: 17400 |
20 | |
?? | ||||||
Power Blaster ジェストブラスター? |
ATK +70, HIT +18 | Create: Engineering | IC: 580 Sell: 5800 |
30 | ||
?? | ||||||
Blaze Gun ブレイズガン? |
ATK +110, HIT +30 | Adds fire based damage | Shops: Peterny | Buy: Sell: 8800 |
-- | |
?? | ||||||
Pulse Needle パルスニードル? |
ATK +120, HIT +15 | Create: Engineering | IC: 1280 Sell: 12800 |
50 | ||
?? | ||||||
Photonic Blaster フォトンブラスター? |
ATK +160, HIT +28 | Emits balls of fire when attacking | Create: Engineering | IC: 5950 Sell: 59500 |
70 | |
?? | ||||||
Pulse Gun パルスショットガン? |
ATK +190, HIT +40 | -2 Fury use | Drop: Blue Dragon Zombie (100%) | Sell: 3400 | -- | |
?? | ||||||
Paralyzer パラライズボルト? |
ATK +350, HIT +32 | Paralysis* attack effect | Create: Engineering | Buy: 6000 Sell: 60000 |
90 | |
?? | ||||||
Flaming Gun フェイズショットガン? |
ATK +400, HIT +40 | Shops: Moonbase | Buy: 37000 Sell: |
-- | ||
?? | ||||||
Particle Laser バーティクルイレイザー? |
ATK +700, HIT +38 | Create: Engineering | Buy: 7440 Sell: 74400 |
100 | ||
?? | ||||||
Gravity Laser グラビティレイザー? |
ATK +800, HIT +50 | Shops: Aquios | Buy: Sell: 35500 |
-- | ||
?? | ||||||
Shadow Phase Gun シャドゥビュレット? |
ATK +1200, HIT +41 | ATK +200 (Engineering: can improve through "Specify Plan") | Find: Maze of Tribulations, B1F | Sell: 143200 | -- | |
?? | ||||||
Dragoon Laser ドラグーンレイザー? |
ATK +1800, HIT +48 | Enemy DEF x5; enemy ATK +30%; -50% EXP acquisition, ATK +1000 (Engineering: can improve through "Specify Plan") | Drop: Arch Demon (100%) | Sell: 305860 | -- | |
?? |
Name | Stats | Factors | Acquisition | Value | Eva. Evaluation | Character |
Iron Claw 鉄爪? |
ATK +20, HIT +10 | Equipped to Albel by default | Sell: 100 | Albel | ||
Metal gauntlet with sharp spikes. | ||||||
False Gods' Claw 三面邪の鉄甲? |
ATK +50, HIT +18 | Emits balls of light when attacking | Create: Smithery | IC: Sell: 51350 |
20 | |
?? | ||||||
Prajna Claw 般若鉄爪? |
ATK +100, HIT +23 | Create: Smithery | IC: 360 Sell: 3600 |
30 | ||
?? | ||||||
Soul Stealer Claw 死馬神の鉄甲? |
ATK +150, HIT +28 | Strikes enemy with lightning when attacking | Create: Smithery | IC: 2085 Sell: 20850 |
50 | |
?? | ||||||
Death's Talons 異面邪の鉄爪? |
ATK +200, HIT +34 | Create: Smithery | IC: 1220 Sell: 12200 |
70 | ||
?? | ||||||
Demonic Claw 四死仙の魔爪? |
ATK +400, HIT +40 | Create: Smithery | IC: 3450 Sell: 34500 |
90 | ||
?? | ||||||
Titanium Claw チタンクロウ? |
ATK +420, HIT +45 | Shops: Moonbase | Buy: 35000 Sell: |
Keen claw made of a special alloy. | ||||||
Claw of Judgement 無骸鉄爪? |
ATK +900, HIT +45 | Create: Smithery | IC: Sell: 62000 |
100 | ||
?? | ||||||
Dark Faerie Claw 妖力天の鉄甲? |
ATK +1600, HIT +49 | Find: Maze of Tribulations, B2F (Smithery: can improve through "Specify Plan") | Sell: 150000 | -- | ||
?? | ||||||
Fangs of the Wicked 喜楽天の邪爪? |
ATK +2299, HIT +56 | 20% probability of breaking (x5); ATK +1000 (Smithery: can improve through "Specify Plan") | Drop: Frenzied Biwig (100%) | Sell: 285010 | -- | |
?? |
Name | Stats | Factors | Acquisition | Value | Eva. Evaluation | Character |
Cape of Assault アタックケープ? |
ATK +20, HIT +13 | Equipped to Peppita by default | Sell: 100 | -- | Peppita | |
?? | ||||||
Iron Cape アイアンケープ? |
ATK +50, HIT +18 | Raises normal attack decision by 1 (Smithery: can improve through "Specify Plan") | Create: Smithery | IC: 1130 Sell: 11300 |
20 | |
?? | ||||||
Cape of Acrimony アングリーケープ? |
ATK +100, HIT +28 | Raises normal attack decision by 1 (Smithery: can improve through "Specify Plan") | Create: Smithery | IC: 1360 Sell: 13600 |
30 | |
?? | ||||||
Cape of the Banshee バンシーケープ? |
ATK +150, HIT +35 | Emits long-range shock waves when attacking | Create: Smithery | IC: 2180 Sell: 21800 |
50 | |
?? | ||||||
Cape of the Kraken クラーケンケープ? |
ATK +200, HIT +40 | Raises normal attack decision by 2 | Create: Smithery | IC: 3320 Sell: 33200 |
70 | |
?? | ||||||
Golden Cape ゴールデンケープ? |
ATK +400, HIT +39 | Rasies normal attack decision by 2 | Create: Smithery | Buy: 5450 Sell: 54500 |
90 | |
?? | ||||||
Spike Shoes スパイクシューズ? |
ATK +500, HIT +50 | Emits powerful balls of light when attacking; adds water-based damage | Find: Moonbase | Sell: 35500 | ||
?? | ||||||
Clown Shoes クラウンシューズ? |
ATK +550, HIT +50 | Shops: Moonbase | Buy: Sell: 32200 |
-- | ||
?? | ||||||
Lunatic Shoes ルナティックシューズ? |
ATK +780, HIT +90 | Shop: Aquios | Buy: Sell: 36000 |
-- | ||
?? | ||||||
Damask Gauntlet ダマスカスケープ? |
ATK +900, HIT +45 | Raises normal attack decision by 1 | Create: Smithery | IC: Sell: 65800 |
100 | |
?? | ||||||
Efreet Cape イフリートケープ? |
ATK +1600, HIT +48 | Emits balls of fire when attacking; raises normal attack decision by 2 | Find: Maze of Tribulations, B4F | Sell: 295000 | -- | |
?? | ||||||
Angelic Cape エンジェリックケープ? |
ATK +3200, HIT +58 | Emits balls of light when attacking; emits powerful balls of light when defending; raises normal attack decision by 2 | Drop: Furious Berial (100%) | Sell: 470000 | -- | |
?? |
Name | Stats | Factors | Acquisition | Value | Eva. Evaluation | Character |
Botched Sword カタナ失敗? |
-- | Create: Smithery | IC: 20 Sell: 200 |
1 | Albel, Adray | |
?? | ||||||
The Samurai 今剣? |
ATK +70, HIT +15 | Create: Smithery | IC: 190 Sell: 1900 |
10 | ||
?? | ||||||
Shichishito 七支刀? |
ATK +100, HIT +20 | Equipped to Adray by default | Sell: 550 | -- | ||
?? | ||||||
Devious Aurora 備前長船長光? |
ATK +130, HIT +10 | Create: Smithery | IC: 160 Sell: 1600 |
30 | ||
?? | ||||||
Hakuen 名刀"薄緑"? |
ATK +190, HIT +25 | Create: Smithery | IC: Sell: 10000 |
40 | ||
?? | ||||||
Nodachi 野太刀? |
ATK +240, HIT +10 | Shops: Airyglyph | Sell: 24000 | -- | ||
?? | ||||||
Steeled Earth 剛刀"岩通"? |
ATK +300, HIT +20 | Find: Mountains of Barr | Sell: 18000 | -- | ||
A tough sword which can even penetrate rock, depending on the handler. | ||||||
Demon Slayer 童子切安網? |
ATK +450, INT +30, HIT +20 | Create: Smithery | IC: 3000 Sell: 30000 |
70 | ||
?? | ||||||
Biter 肢閃刀? |
ATK +780, HIT +60 | Shops: Aquios | Buy: 488000 Sell: |
-- | ||
?? | ||||||
Crimson Scourge クリムゾン・ヘイト? |
ATK +800, HIT +80 | Raises normal attack decision by 1 (Smithery: can improve through "Specify Plan") | Event: Airyglyph Castle | Sell: 69000 | -- | Albel |
?? | ||||||
The Immortal 神剣"布都御魂"? |
ATK +850, INT +100, HIT +10 | Emits balls of lightning when attacking | Create: Smithery | IC: 6300 Sell: 63000 |
90 | Adray |
?? | ||||||
Heaven's Blade 聖剣"天叢雲剣"? |
ATK +1400, INT +300, HIT +40 | Adds fire defense | Find: Ursa Cave Temple | Sell: 225000 | -- | |
?? | ||||||
Heavenly Spirit 天剣"天之尾羽張"? |
ATK +2000, INT +500, HIT +50 | Gives a cursed feeling; gives an uneasy feeling; -1 MP at certain intervals during battle; ATK +1000 (Smithery: can improve through "Specify Plan") | Drop: Shadow Dragon (100%) | Sell: 42520 | -- | |
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Name | Stats | Factors | Acquisition | Value | Eva. Evaluation | Character |
Scumbag Slayer チンケスレイヤー? |
ATK +5, HIT +2 |
Instantly kills scumbags | Event: Fighting Arena | Sell: 16980 | -- | Fayt, Sophia, Cliff, Nel, Roger, Maria, Albel, Peppita, Mirage, Adray |
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Laser Weapon レーザーウェポン? |
ATK +600, HIT +45 | Shops: Gemity | Sell: 42500 | -- | ||
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