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The following is a list of skills (スキル, Sukiru?) available in Star Ocean: Till the End of Time.

They are not exclusive to any character, though not every party member learns all skills. Most are learned through leveling up; the remaining skills must be taught through skill manuals.

Passive skills[]

Passive battle skills are assigned to basic attacks, either in the X or Circle button positions at any range.

Skill Effect CP LVP Acquire
Critical Hit
It has a 2% chance of increasing HP and MP damage by 35% on the assigned attack. Success rate increases with skill level, up to 20%. 2 j Level up
It has a 6% chance of stunning the enemy. Success rate increases with skill level, up to 30%. 2 j
It has a 18% chance of reducing enemies' attack frequency. Success rate increases with skill level, up to 42%. 2 j
Increase HP Damage
It increases HP damage by ?% on the assigned attack. Amount increases with skill level, up to 50%. 4 j
Increase MP Damage
It increases MP damage by ?% on the assigned attack. Amount increases with skill level, up to 50%. 4 j
Increase HP/MP Damage
It increases HP and MP damage by ?% on the assigned attack. Amount increases with skill level, up to 30%. 2 j Mildewed Tome
Loot Item
It has a ?% chance of looting items dropped when the enemy is knocked down. Success rate increases with skill level. 2 b Dated Tome
It has a 18% chance of reducing the enemy's Fury Gauge by 50%. Success rate increases with skill level, up to 30%. 2 j Musty Tome
Increase Stamina
It lowers Fury usage by 30% on assigned attack. 2 j Crumbling Tome

Support skills[]

Support skills (補助スキル, Hojo Sukiru?) are set to the two support skill slots and trigger under their own varying circumstances.

Skill Effect CP LVP Acquire
No Guard
The character does not flinch when taking 1/15th or less damage of their maximum HP. 5 j Level up
Standby Healing
When idle, the character recovers 100 HP every 4 seconds. Amount increases by 20 HP with skill level, up to 200 HP. 1 j
First Aid
It has a 5% chance of restoring 20% of maximum HP when the character takes damage. Success rate increases with skill level, up to 10%. 1 j
Critical Hit HP
It has a 4% chance of increasing HP damage to enemies by 50% on all attacks. Success rate increases with skill level, up to 48%. 2 j
Critical Hit MP
It has a 3% chance of increasing MP damage to enemies by 50% on all attacks. Success rate increases with skill level, up to 42%. 2 j
Common Attack Symbols
It enables a character to use the Fire Bolt, Ice Needles, and Earth Glaive spells. They can be used from the menu screen without setting them. 2 h Worm-eaten Tome
Common Support Symbols
It enables a character to use the Healing, Antidote, and Silence spells. They can be used from the menu screen without setting them. 2 h Decrepit Tome
Quick Symbol
Symbol casting time is halved. 3 l Brittle Tome
Increase MP
It increases MP by ?%. Amount increases with skill level, up to 40%. 3 f Fading Tome
Max Fury
It has a ?% chance to completely refill the Fury Gauge when the character is idle. Success rate increase with skill level. 2 j Moldy Tome
Lucky Star
It has 4% chance of making stars fall when the character takes damage; stars fill the Bonus Battle Gauge by 30%. Success rate increase with skill level, up to 10%. 2 e Damaged Tome

Tactical skills[]

Tactical skills (タクティカルスキル, Takutikaru Sukiru?) are in-battle abilities that have auxiliary effects. Other than Scan Enemy and Taunt, they can be turned on or off under the Tactical Skills settings. They can also at times be changed mid battle.

Skill Effect CP LVP Acquire
Scan Enemy
It allows the player to check HP, MP, elemental weakness and items of opponents, except for major bosses. -- -- Level up
The character shouts in an attempt to distract an enemy and make themselves the target. -- --
It raises a character's ATK by 30% and lowers Fury costs by half, while DEF drops by 30%. -- --
Combat Training
Raises EXP acquisition by 40%, but Fury costs triplicate. It applies only when a character who has the skill set kills an enemy. -- -- Decayed Tome
Convert Damage
It tranfers HP and MP damage according to setting: Preserve HP (7HP damage = 1 MP damage); Preserve MP (1 MP damage = 13 HP damage). -- -- Tattered Tome
Cure Condition
It lowers the chances of poison, paralysis, petrification, frozen and stun, but lowers DEF by 20%. -- -- Deteriorating Tome
Select Aura
The player can select the character's Anti-Attack Aura type. There are multiple types, available as items. -- -- Default

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