The following is a list of trophies from Star Ocean: First Departure R, available in its PlayStation 4 release. There are 37 trophies that can be earned.
Name | Acquisition | Image | Pts. | Type |
The Ocean Is Yours 大海の主? |
Collect all trophies. | 180 | Platinum | |
Spelunker 洞窟探検隊? |
Defeat Resphina in the Cave of the Seven Stars. | 90 | Gold | |
Hero of Heroes 最強ヒーロー? |
Defeat Gabriel. | 90 | Gold | |
Game Within a Game ゲームクリア!? |
Complete Puffy's game. | 90 | Gold | |
Sound Off! 全員集合? |
Unlock all characters in the Voice Gallery. | 90 | Gold | |
Everything Must Go! 即売会場? |
Access the Labyrinth of Champions from the Oracle Room and enter the sealed door. | 90 | Gold | |
Revolutionary 革命家? |
Defeat Jie Revorse in Revorse Tower. | 30 | Silver | |
Timeless Treasure 本当の宝物? |
Receive a gift from friends three centuries in the past. | 30 | Silver | |
Treasure Hunter トレジャーハンター? |
Defeat the Ancient Guardian in the Old Race Ruins. | 30 | Silver | |
Gladiator 剣闘士? |
Emerge victorious from the rank A battles in the Arena. | 30 | Silver | |
Master of Hidden Arts 免許皆伝? |
Learn the SFTs for all combat skills. | 30 | Silver | |
Close Encounters 未知との遭遇? |
Meet Ronyx and Ilia. | 15 | Bronze | |
The Thing from Outer Space 宇宙からの物体X? |
Visit the crash site. | 15 | Bronze | |
What Goes Around Comes Around 親切は人の為ならず? |
Help Foster at Mt. Eckdart. | 15 | Bronze | |
Trial by Beast 幻獣の試練? |
Defeat the Peryton in the Labyrinth of Champions. | 15 | Bronze | |
Demon Slayer 悪霊退散? |
Defeat the Succubus in the Treasury. | 15 | Bronze | |
Rabbit Stew ウサギ狩り? |
Defeat the Jabberwabbit in the Abandoned Mine. | 15 | Bronze | |
Hobbyist コレクター? |
Collect all Emblems. | 15 | Bronze | |
An Uncomfortable Truth 不幸な真実? |
Discover the truth hidden within the deepest chamber of the Purgatorium. | 15 | Bronze | |
Fallen Hero 堕ちた英雄? |
Defeat Del Argosy in the Demon World. | 15 | Bronze | |
An End to War 魔界大戦終結? |
Defeat Asmodeus in the Space-Time Laboratory. | 15 | Bronze | |
The Prodigal Brother 放浪兄貴? |
Befriend Cyuss. | 15 | Bronze | |
The Captain We Deserve みんなの隊長? |
Befriend Phia. | 15 | Bronze | |
Swordsman of Legend 伝説の剣士? |
Befriend Ashlay. | 15 | Bronze | |
A Gift from the Heavens 空飛ぶイケメン? |
Befriend Ioshua. | 15 | Bronze | |
Bewitching Beauty 麗しの淑女? |
Befriend Mavelle. | 15 | Bronze | |
Wings of Mercy 贖罪の天使? |
Befriend Erys. | 15 | Bronze | |
Lupine Fists わんこ神拳? |
Befriend T'nique. | 15 | Bronze | |
Fascinating Fellpool アイドルキャット? |
Befriend Pericci. | 15 | Bronze | |
Our Secret...Weapon? 秘密兵器?? |
Befriend Welch. | 15 | Bronze | |
The Adventure Continues 冒険は続く? |
View the ending in which Ronyx and Ilia become a couple. | 15 | Bronze | |
Latent Talent 隠れた才能? |
Awaken any character's talent. | 15 | Bronze | |
Moneybags 大金持ち? |
Purchase the Tri-emblem. | 15 | Bronze | |
Memories Never Fade 忘れ得ぬ記憶? |
Unlock all movies in the Movie Gallery. | 15 | Bronze | |
Take Me for a Ride! カモンバーニィ!? |
Obtain the Bunny Whistle. | 15 | Bronze | |
Jack of All Trades 芸達者? |
Learn all Special Arts. | 15 | Bronze | |
A Trick for Every Occasion スキルマスター? |
Purchase all skill sets. | 15 | Bronze |
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