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The following is a list of one-handed swords (片手剣, Katateken?), abbreviated as OHS, a melee weapon type found in Star Ocean: Anamnesis. They are mainly used by Attackers.
One-handed swords can be equipped by the following characters: Andre, Heinrich, Farleen, Ted, Fidel, Daril, Roddick, Lenneth, Claude, Fayt, Edge, Summer Reimi, Rain, Capell, Sigmund, 2B, 9S, Groom Fayt, Bunny Maria, SRF Fayt, Sakura, Gemini, Jack, Sol, Cress, Makoto, Kasumi, Ky, Sakura, Alicia, Valkyrie.
Note: Items marked with an asterisk (*) are only available in the Japanese version and have an unofficially-translated name.
Rarity 1-3☆[]
Name | Ra. Rarity | Slots | Stats LB 5 Level 20 | Factor(s) | Acquisition | |
ATK | INT | |||||
Inferior Sword インフェリアソード? |
1☆ | -- | 180 | 0 | -- | |
A sword that is so basic and agile, even beginners have little trouble wielding it. | ||||||
Walloon Sword ワルーンソード? |
2☆ | -- | 260 | 0 | -- | |
Though unwieldy at first glance, this sword can strike fast and stop blades. | ||||||
Sinclair* シンクレアー? |
2☆ | -- | 275 | 0 |
?? | ||||||
Bastard Sword* バスタードソード? |
2☆ | -- | 290 | 0 |
?? | ||||||
Titan's Nail タイタニウムエッジ? |
3☆ | -- | 340 | 0 |
Weapon Draw, Transmutation |
A longsword said to bestow the strength of a giant upon its wielder. | ||||||
Venom Sword ヴェノムソード? |
3☆ | -- | 348 | 0 |
Weapon Draw, Transmutation |
A one-handed sword that delivers small amounts of poison with every blow. | ||||||
Radiant Sword ブライアンスソード? |
3☆ | -- | 355 | 0 | Weapon Draw, Transmutation | |
A sword of light that seeks to destroy all who harbor evil intentions. | ||||||
Holy Sword ホーリィソード? |
3☆ | -- | 363 | 0 |
Weapon Draw, Transmutation |
A sword bestowed with the divine blessings of the church. | ||||||
Ceramic Sword セラミックソード? |
3☆ | -- | 370 | 0 |
Weapon Draw, Transmutation |
A ceramic sword constructed in a way that optimizes sharpness. |
Rarity 4☆[]
Name | Ra. Rarity | Slots | Stats LB 5 Level 20 | Factor(s) | Acquisition | |
ATK | INT | |||||
Mythril Sword ミスリルソード? |
4☆ | -- | 440 | 0 |
Weapon Draw, Transmutation |
?? | ||||||
Lightning Edge ライトニングエッジ? |
4☆ | -- | 448 | 0 |
Weapon Draw, Transmutation |
Sword forged in the image of the god Raijin. | ||||||
Silvance シルヴァンス? |
4☆ | -- | 455 | 0 |
Weapon Draw, Transmutation |
This mythril-wrought blade was intended to be lightest sword. | ||||||
Arcana Sword アルカナソード? |
4☆ | -- | 463 | 0 | Weapon Draw, Transmutation | |
?? | ||||||
Thunder Sword サンダーソード? |
4☆ | -- | 470 | 0 |
Weapon Draw, Transmutation |
Spirits have bestowed this sword's blade with the gift of lightning. |
Rarity 5☆[]
Name | Ra. Rarity | Slots | Stats LB 5 Level 20 | Factor(s) | Acquisition | |
ATK | INT | |||||
Moonstone Sword ムーナイトソード? |
5☆ | -- | 530 | 0 |
5★ OHS Coin Exchange, Weapon Draw, Transmutation |
An extremely light and wieldy sword forged from moonstone. | ||||||
Lightning Sword ライトニングソード? |
5☆ | -- | 485 / JP835 GL | 0 |
5★ OHS Coin Exchange, Weapon Draw, Transmutation |
A sword found lying in the recesses of a shrine. | ||||||
Cursed Balmung Blade 魔剣バルムンク? |
5☆ | -- | 545 | 0 |
Launch Coin/5★ OHS Coin Exchange, Weapon Draw |
A hero slayed a dragon with this sword. It's symbology aids those with the jitters. | ||||||
Claidheamh Soluis クラウ・ソラス? |
5☆ | -- | 490 / JP840 GL | 0 |
5★ OHS Coin Exchange, Weapon Draw, Transmutation |
A sword of legend wielded by heroes, with a blade imbued with light itself. | ||||||
Aurora Blade オーラブレード? |
5☆ | 478 | 0 |
Eliminate Jie Revorse | |
A sword of light that glows with the life and brought Jie Revorse to his knees. | ||||||
Blade of Ruin ルインズフェイト? |
5☆ | -- | 500 / JP850 GL | 0 |
JP: 5★ OHS Coin Exchange GL: Weapon Draw |
Sword whose cursed blade rains destruction upon all in its path. | ||||||
Thunderstroke Broadsword 雷公剣・ボルトエッジ? |
5☆ | -- | 862 | 858 |
The Broken Ruler and Captive Queen, 5★ OHS Coin Exchange |
Lightning sword made for holders of the Book of the Omega Fighting Technique. | ||||||
Centrifuge Blade セントリフュージブレード? |
5☆ | 513 | 508 |
The Broken Ruler and Captive Queen | |
SRF blade imbued with the azure chordal's powers and uses centrifugal force. | ||||||
Blaublitz 海宝剣・ブラウブリッツ? |
5☆ | 2 | 965 | 960 |
Weapon Draw |
A quality sword carved from a blue coral creature and deals lightning-like strikes. | ||||||
Slayer of Divine Beings 咎人の剣「神を斬獲せし者」? |
5☆ | 475 | 0 |
Blood Valkyrie | |
A sword that belonged to a killer of gods. Deities are powerless before it. | ||||||
Slayer of Divine Beings II |
5☆ | -- | 861 | 0 |
Weapon Draw |
A sword that belonged to a killer of gods. Deities are powerless before it. | ||||||
Sacred Tear セイクリッドティア? |
5☆ | 479 | 0 |
VR Arena Battle: Hell's Siren | |
An antimatter weapon known as the 'Sacred Tear', and prevents mental exhaustion. | ||||||
Icicle Sword アイシクルソード? |
5☆ | -- | 585 | 583 | JP: 5★ OHS Coin Exchange GL: Weapon Draw | |
A sword that exudes a frigid darkness. It freezes all it comes into contact with. | ||||||
Veinslay 名剣ヴェインスレイ? |
5☆ | 961 | 956 |
Weapon Draw | |
A famous sword that rids its wielder of despair. It's saved the world many times. | ||||||
Jade Bastard Sword ジェイドバスタード? |
5☆ | 492 | 486 |
Weapon Draw | |
Sword carved from pale blue stone. It is a near-weightless weapon. | ||||||
Virtuous Contract 白の契約? |
5☆ | 863 | 859 |
Tomb of Remembrance | |
A white blade wielded by warriors of the east. | ||||||
Cruel Oath 黒の誓約? |
5☆ | 861 | 858 |
Tomb of Remembrance | |
A black blade wielded by warriors of the east. | ||||||
Type-3 Sword 三式戦術刀? |
5☆ | 2 | 962 | 956 | Weapon Draw (limited) | |
An old YoHRa model. | ||||||
Type-4O Sword 四〇式戦術刀? |
5☆ | 2 | 964 | 958 |
Weapon Draw (limited) |
The latest YoRHa model. | ||||||
MK-2 SRF Blade SRFブレードMK-2? |
5☆ | 493 | 489 |
Armaros of the Deep Descends | |
SRF melee weapon created based on the suggestions of those from the frontlines. | ||||||
Stormblade ストームディーラー? |
5☆ | 2 | 963 | 958 | Weapon Draw | |
A wind-based sword that allows its wielder to absorb the damage dealt by it. | ||||||
Timepiece Broadsword クロックハンズエッジ? |
5☆ | -- | 833 | 827 |
Weapon Draw, 5★ OHS Coin Exchange |
A mechanical sword that amplifies its user's energy. | ||||||
Crimson Saber クリムゾンセイバー? |
5☆ | 861 | 859 |
Vision of New Beginnings | |
A uniquely shaped silver blade that shines in response to the wielder's spirit. | ||||||
Earthen Crystal Edge ソイルクリスタルエッジ? |
5☆ | 2 | 963 | 957 | Weapon Draw | |
Sword that grants power of earth. Knights gain power from enemies they damage. | ||||||
Sawtooth Blade スクラッチブレード? |
5☆ | 2 | 960 | 959 |
Weapon Draw |
A blade with serrated edges designed to cut through flesh. | ||||||
Dainsleif 魔剣ダインスレイヴ? |
5☆ | 2 | 963 | 958 |
Weapon Draw |
A cursed blade tainted with the blood of many. Inflicts bitter wounds. | ||||||
Tomb Blade トゥームブランド? |
5☆ | 2 | 960 | 958 |
Weapon Draw |
Magic sword with a fearsome engraving. Sends its victims to the grave. | ||||||
Holy Blade Farwell* 聖剣ファーウェル? |
5☆ | 2 | 960 | 959 | Weapon Draw | |
?? | ||||||
Crescent Sword* クレセントソード? |
5☆ | 862 | 861 |
A Matchless Blade that Severs Chains | |
?? | ||||||
Emblazoned Sword* エンブレムソード? |
5☆ | 860 | 863 |
A Matchless Blade that Severs Chains | |
?? | ||||||
Instrumental Sword* インストルメントソード? |
5☆ | 2 | 963 | 956 | Weapon Draw | |
?? | ||||||
Bloody Sword* ブラッディソード? |
5☆ | 2 | 1109 | 1110 |
Weapon Draw |
?? | ||||||
Eclipse Sword* エクリプスソード? |
5☆ | 2 | 962 | 957 |
Weapon Draw |
?? | ||||||
Bridal Arts* ブライダルアーツ? |
5☆ | 512 | 506 |
Entrusted Feelings, Oath to Tomorrow | |
?? | ||||||
Blue Planet* ブループラネット? |
5☆ | 2 | 1112 | 1106 | Weapon Draw | |
?? | ||||||
Crustacean Bite* 削殻剣・クラスタシアバイト? |
5☆ | 2 | 1259 | 1255 |
Weapon Draw |
?? | ||||||
Lucky Hands* ラッキーハンズソード? |
5☆ | 531 | 529 |
Gambling Satellite -Rabbit Counterattack- | |
?? | ||||||
Blade of Suits* ブレイド・オブ・スート? |
5☆ | 3 | 1262 | 1257 | Weapon Draw | |
?? | ||||||
Hologram Sword* ホログラムソード? |
5☆ | 3 | 1261 | 1258 | Weapon Draw | |
?? | ||||||
Saint Tree Sword* セントツリーソード? |
5☆ | 3 | 1258 | 1254 |
Weapon Draw |
?? | ||||||
Divine Cutter* 機壊剣・ディヴァインカッター? |
5☆ | 3 | 1265 | 1250 | Weapon Draw | |
?? | ||||||
Spirit Sword Arataka* 霊剣・荒鷹? |
5☆ | 1 | 864 | 860 |
Romantic Winds in the Star Ocean |
?? | ||||||
Mop* モップ? |
5☆ | 1 | 863 | 862 |
Romantic Winds in the Star Ocean |
?? | ||||||
Light Blade Mukei* 光刀・無形? |
5☆ | 3 | 1261 | 1257 |
Weapon Draw (limited) |
?? | ||||||
Red Sun* レッド・サン? |
5☆ | 3 | 1260 | 1255 | Weapon Draw (limited) | |
?? | ||||||
Iron Edge: Unilogrin Co.* アイアンエッジ:ユニログリン製? |
5☆ | 1 | 861 | 858 |
Radiata Knights - One Dream |
?? | ||||||
Arbitrator* アービトレイター? |
5☆ | 3 | 1262 | 1257 | Weapon Draw | |
?? | ||||||
Junkyard Dog* ジャンクヤード・ドッグ? |
5☆ | 1 | 862 | 857 |
Gears Spilling From Tranquillity |
?? | ||||||
Junkyard Dog: Flame* ジャンクヤード・ドッグ【焔】? |
5☆ | 3 | 1263 | 1256 | Weapon Draw (limited) | |
?? | ||||||
Grip Sword* グリップソード? |
5☆ | 1 | 863 | 855 |
Star Ocean Phantasia -Place of Dreams- |
?? | ||||||
Vorpal Sword* ヴォーパルソード? |
5☆ | 3 | 1264 | 1255 | Weapon Draw (limited) | |
?? | ||||||
Accursed Treasure Sword* 罪禍の宝剣? |
5☆ | 3 | 1261 | 1258 | Weapon Draw | |
?? | ||||||
El Cid* エルシド? |
5☆ | 1 | 861 | 856 |
Siren's Lament #01 |
?? | ||||||
Deus Xiphos* デオスクシポス? |
5☆ | 3 | 1262 | 1256 | Weapon Draw (limited) | |
?? | ||||||
White Snow Rapier* 白雪のレイピア? |
5☆ | 1 | 865 | 854 |
Siren's Lament #02 |
?? | ||||||
Sword of Sinai* シナイの神剣? |
5☆ | 3 | 1265 | 1254 | Weapon Draw (limited) | |
?? | ||||||
Magnolia Éclair II* マグノリア・エクレールⅡ? |
5☆ | 1 | 1160 | 1158 |
Wings and Thunder Brought Together |
?? | ||||||
Magnolia Éclair II: Thunder* マグノリア・エクレールⅡ【霹】? |
5☆ | 3 | 1562 | 1560 | Weapon Draw (limited) | |
?? | ||||||
Amamiya Kunisada* 天宮國定? |
5☆ | 1 | 830 | 830 |
Flowers Blooming in the Star Ocean |
?? | ||||||
Anti-Demon Longsword* 対魔兵装・太刀? |
5☆ | 3 | 1561 | 1560 | Weapon Draw (limited) | |
?? | ||||||
Crest Estoc* クレストエストック? |
5☆ | 1 | 831 | 829 |
Sunlight Ushered by the Goddess |
?? | ||||||
God Sword Sigrdrifa* 神剣・シグルドリーヴァ? |
5☆ | 3 | 1560 | 1560 | Weapon Draw (limited) | |
?? | ||||||
Randgrid's Blade* 神剣・ランドグリーズ? |
5☆ | 1 | 830 | 830 |
Memorial Star of Those Reincarnated |
?? | ||||||
God Sword Reginleif* 神氷剣・レギンレイヴ? |
5☆ | 3 | 1562 | 1560 | Weapon Draw | |
?? | ||||||
Varias Edge* 神機剣・ヴァリアスエッジ? |
5☆ | 3 | 1863 | 1859 | Weapon Draw | |
?? | ||||||
Arctic Excavation Sword: Good Sound* 凍土発掘剣・良音? |
5☆ | 3 | 1265 | 1255 | Purchase Campaign Reward (May 14–20, 2020), Weapon Draw | |
?? | ||||||
Elemental Edge* エメラルドエッジ? |
5☆ | 1 | 832 | 828 |
Weapon Draw, Dream-Chasing Girls and the Galaxy’s Singing Stars |
?? | ||||||
Hopeful Recoro* 虹剣・ホープフルレコロ? |
5☆ | 3 | 1863 | 1859 | Weapon Draw | |
?? |