This ship is full of such amazing men and women... I need to do my very best!
― Sidonius
Sidonius (シドニウス, Shidoniusu?) is a minor playable character from Star Ocean: Anamnesis. According to his description, he was a researcher who was tasked with looking into the development of an antimatter reactor for the military, prior to the Earth joining the galactic community and to the outbreak of World War III.
He is one of many people who can be summoned across time and space by Evelysse and may optionally serve under the captain of the GFSS-3214F.
- Profile
- Birthplace: Earth
- Birthday: July 17th, 1926 A.D.
- A researcher who has been charged with looking into the development of antimatter reactors for the military. Lately, he has been thinking about quitting since his supervisor is quite tought on him.
I'm strong too, you know.
― Draw success
Sidonius Quotes
僕の授業で、みんながちょっとでも 化学に興味を持ってくれたら嬉しいな。
こんな僕でも艦長の 役に立ててるといいな。
ミラ先輩、また変な実験してないと いいな……うう、胃痛が……。
あの子のオカリナの音色に、いつも癒されて いるんだ。今も、研究所にいた頃もね……。
Sidonius Quotes (Global)
This ship is full of such amazing men and women... I need to do my very best!
I hope I can be of some use to you.