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The Riven Ring (暗礁地帯, Anshōchitai?) is a planetary ring in Star Ocean: Anamnesis that is composed of not only asteroids and dust but abandoned ships as well.


The Riven Ring is a large belt of debris that contains the wreckage of many ships. As in other areas with a high concentration of debris, the Ring is inhabited by stropers, vigorous creatures that evolved within these belts and live by consuming rubble from the boulders and metals present, and which have a high reproduction rates.


In S.D. 539, Coro disengages the GFSS-3214F's warp drive after the sensors pick up on the ring's presence up ahead. Once the ship stops, Coro explains to the captain and Evelysse that, with their current sensors, he cannot see where the belt ends so they cannot take a detour. The captain suggests that Coro navigates his way through the debris, even though the odds are against them. Evelysse, too, trusts Coro to do it—reminding Coro that they made it through space without any shields before.

With their lives on the line, Coro does as told and steers the ship through the debris. Coro also picks up a pulse up ahead, and warns that stropers might target the ship next. The captain and Evelysse defend the ship. Coro also locates the wreckage of a Purge defense ship containing a pulse tower energy unit, which they decide to investigate. Evelysse finds the captain's logbook; although corrupted, it once again mentions Operation: Frost. Afterwards, Coro locates Purge transport ship but it doesn't have new information. Coro later locates another, but much less damaged this time.

They find a pulse tower counter-jamming device and a control unit; after connecting it to the Quad Scanner, Coro is able to extract information regarding the Levarance language, which may allow him to analyze the data they obtained on Maere. As they are about to leave, a creature-controlled meteoroid starts pursuing the ship. The captain instructs Coro to steer the ship next to the meteoroid, so that they can jump and kill the creature. After they do so, they are able to get out of the belt. Coro informs that he analyzed the data, which contains some details about the Levarance's CS plan. They then depart for the next star system: Berbent.


Completing mission 5-33 "Investigating the Debris 2" earns the player the "Clear Chapter 5" (第5章クリア, Daigo-shō Kuria?) 4☆ title. All battle missions have as their primary rewards the following items: the rare S. Limit Breaker, random Augmentation crystals (e.g. M. Red Crystal, S. Red Crystal) and experience prisms (e.g. R. Silver Prism, R. Bronze Prism, Red Prism Stone), enhancement hammers (e.g. Silver Hammer: Enhance, Bronze Hammer: Enhance), as well as random 2-3☆ weapons (e.g. Titan's Nail, Walloon Sword).

The following enemies appear: Stroper, Skeleton Soldier, Giant Fungus, Tiny Fungus, Master Wizard, Metal Golem, Eyebalone. The mission board is as follows:

  • 5-1 Space Debris (広大なデブリ地帯?) - Story
  • 5-2 Creatures from Outer Space (暗礁の中の生体反応?) - Story
  • 5-3 Defeating the Debris Monster (デブリに潜む生物討伐?) - Battle (2 stages; lv.86) - Gem x100 (initial clear)
  • 5-4 Hidden Among the Debris (デブリに生息する生物?) - Story
  • 5-5 ??? (残骸の海(1)?) - Battle (2 stages; lv.86) - Gem x100 (initial clear)
  • 5-6 ??? (残骸の海(2)?) - Battle (3 stages; lv.86) - Gem x100 (initial clear)
  • 5-7 Hidden Clues (残骸に潜む手掛かり?) - Story
  • 5-8 Searching Remains (謎の残骸調査?) - Battle (3 stages; lv.87) - Gem x100 (initial clear)
  • 5-9 The Logbook (残された航海日誌?) - Story
  • 5-10 ??? (艦の残骸(1)?) - Battle (2 stages; lv.87) - Gem x100 (initial clear)
  • 5-11 ??? (艦の残骸(2)?) - Battle (3 stages; lv.87) - Gem x100 (initial clear)
  • 5-12 ??? (艦の残骸(3)?) - Battle (2 stages; lv.87) - Gem x100 (initial clear)
  • 5-13 ??? (艦の残骸(4)?) - Battle (3 stages; lv.87) - Gem x100 (initial clear)
  • 5-14 The Emblem (流れ着いたエンブレム?) - Story
  • 5-15 The Warship (戦闘艦調査?) - Battle (3 stages; lv.88) - Gem x100 (initial clear)
  • 5-16 Remnants of the Past (座礁した戦闘艦?) - Story
  • 5-17 Investigating the Transport Ship 1 (輸送艦の探索(1)?) - Battle (3 stages; lv.88) - Gem x100 (initial clear)
  • 5-18 Investigating the Transport Ship 2 (輸送艦の探索(2)?) - Battle (2 stages; lv.88) - Gem x100 (initial clear)
  • 5-19 Investigating the Transport Ship 3 (輸送艦の探索(3)?) - Battle (3 stages; lv.88) - Gem x100 (initial clear)
  • 5-20 Investigating the Transport Ship 4 (輸送艦の探索(4)?) - Battle (2 stages; lv.88) - Gem x100 (initial clear)
  • 5-21 Ghost of a Ship (見つけた艦影?) - Story
  • 5-22 Getting to the Bottom of Things (輸送艦調査?) - Battle (3 stages; lv.89) - Gem x100 (initial clear)
  • 5-23 Mysterious Cargo (輸送艦が運ぶもの?) - Story
  • 5-24 Into the Riven Ring 1 (デブリの先へ(1)?) - Battle (2 stages; lv.89) - Gem x100 (initial clear)
  • 5-25 Into the Riven Ring 2 (デブリの先へ(2)?) - Battle (2 stages; lv.89) - Gem x100 (initial clear)
  • 5-26 Into the Riven Ring 3 (デブリの先へ(3)?) - Battle (2 stages; lv.89) - Gem x100 (initial clear)
  • 5-27 Into the Riven Ring 4 (デブリの先へ(4)?) - Battle (3 stages; lv.89) - Gem x100 (initial clear)
  • 5-28 Into the Riven Ring 5 (デブリの先へ(5)?) - Battle (3 stages; lv.89) - Gem x100 (initial clear)
  • 5-29 Traversing the Riven Ring (迫るデブリ?) - Story
  • 5-30 Surveying the Rubble (迫りくるデブリ調査?) - Battle (3 stages; lv.90) - Gem x100 (initial clear)
  • 5-31 Decoding Data (解読されるデータ?) - Story
  • 5-32 Investigating the Debris 1 (デブリ調査(1)?) - Requires SOA Barrier Blaster x1 - Battle (3 stages; lv.100) - Gem x2000, SOA Rainbow Crystal x1 (initial clear)
  • 5-33 Investigating the Debris 2 (デブリ調査(2)?) - Requires SOA Barrier Blaster x1 - Battle (3 stages; lv.100) - SOA S Limit Breaker x10, SOA Rainbow Crystal x1 (initial clear)

