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Star Ocean Wiki

Ricardo Franz is a playable character in Star Ocean: Anamnesis.



Awakening (Level) Details (See Awakening for materials.)
1 Rubalica Kingdom's General LV 2 - ATK damage taken -30%, damage taken -20% at 150 hits or more, no flinching when taking damage of 25% HP or less (party)
2 Tailswing Knuckle Break LV 2 - ATK x 280% → 300%
3 Greatsword to Mow Down LV 2 - Damage taken +40%, and damage taken +60% at 300 hits or more (all enemies)
4 Brandish Edge Break - ATK x 690% → 750%
5 New talent: Tactics from the Future (未来の兵法?) - Rush Gauge and Order Gauge 100% increase on mission start, all-directional guard possible, and AP cost -70% during Order countdown (party)
6 Tearing Blade LV 2 - ATK x 350% → 380%
7 Thoughts Under the Mask LV 2 - Additional hit that deals 10% of damage during skills (party); ATK/INT/DEF/HIT/GRD +20% at 100 hits or more (self)
Brother's Oath LV 2 - ATK +25% and HP +25% (self); normal attack AP recovery +250% (party)
8 Sword Minelayer LV 2 - ATK x 790% → 820%
9 Thousand Wedge LV 2 - ATK x 5000% → 6000%
10 New talent: Reliance on Lil' Sis (妹への信頼?) - Party's Rush Mode damage +40% and recovers 15% every 3 seconds (20 seconds) when guarding

Artillery Ricardo[]
