Renier (レニエ, Renie?) is a minor playable character from Star Ocean: Anamnesis. She is one of many people who can be summoned across time and space by Evelysse and may optionally serve under the captain of the GFSS-3214F.
- Profile
- Birthplace: Kronos
- Birthday: January 1st, 501 S.D.
- A former soldier affiliated with an anti-Kronos faction. She uses her charm to deceive men, who gives her an edge when it comes to gaining intelligence.
- She often talks about her previous romantic interests, but when asked about her ninth suitor, she will fall suspiciously silent.
Hmph, excellent.
― Draw success
Scholar Renier[]
Renier Quotes
暇だから、艦長 わたしの話し相手になってよ~。
艦長、次はどこの 惑星へ向かうつもり?
3年生がみんな笑顔で卒業できるまで わたしに休みなんてないわ。
カタリーナがあの元実験体の少女と楽しそう に話していたわ。この地が生んだ奇跡ね。
Scholar Renier Quotes
ふふ、この本の内容が知りたいの? ダメ、ぼうやにはまだ教えられないわ。
Renier Quotes (Global)
I've got all the time in the world, Captain. Want to sit down and have a chat?
So...where are we going to next?
Scholar Renier Quotes (Global)
You want to know what I'm reading? I'm afraid the content is not suitable for a young squirt like you.
Allow me to show you my abilities as a signeturge.