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Peppita Rossetti is a playable character in Star Ocean: Till the End of Time and the spin-off Star Ocean: Anamnesis.

Till the End of Time[]

Peppita is a dancer-type character who equips capes and dancing shoes as weapons.

Some of Peppita's skills are dances that affect allies/enemies within a ranged circle, having varying effects such as modifying their ability strength. She also has a good counterattacking ability to compensate for her poor speed and slow attack animations, which can be easily interrupted by faster enemies. The advantage of Peppita's counterattack feature is that she remains invincible throughout the animation, allowing skilled players to wade through dangerous enemy special moves if timed correctly. Although she starts at level 1 late in the game, she can easily catch up and become a worthwhile member of the party.

255 54885 9180 1022 383 1174 1436 522
Basic attacks
Attack Range Pos. HP / MP dmg Fury Effect Down Description
Ground Short X 1.00 / -- 5% -- X (does not knock down) A fast cape swipe that's easy to hit with.
Ground Mid/ Long X 0.70 (x2) / -- 5% Fury Drain X Jumps and then homes in on the enemy.
Counter Short X 0.60 (x2) / 0.10 (x2) 5% Confusion H (high chance to knock down) Dodges and sends the enemy flying upwards.
Ground Short Circle 2.80 (x3) / -- 12% -- H Jumps upwards spinning with her cape.
Ground Long Circle 2.00 / -- 12% Fury Drain X A double-handed cape attack.
Counter Long Circle 1.50 (x3) / 0.20 (x3) 12% Confusion X Dodges and attacks.
Battle skills
Skill Details Learned
Magical Hook Attacks with a fishhook, then charges. MP damage; may lower Fury or confuse. Level 5
Charge ?? Level 6
Frozen Daggers A series of water-elemental ice spikes may freeze the opponent. Level 10
Power Dance Creates an area where allies have an ATK boost for a short while. Level 15
Aerial ?? Level 18
Instanto Blast Sends out an invisible blast that may instantly kill. Causes MP damage. Level 20
Panic Dance Creates a circular area around her that confuses enemies. Level 25
Kaboom Creates a star that rotates around her, hitting all enemies multiple times. Level 30
Healing Dance Generates a circular area around her that heals allies that stand in it. Level 40
Faerie Friend Creates a large stuffed animal that attacks, mirroring Peppita's actions. Level 50
Magical Dance Creates a circular area around her that recovers the MP of allies that stand in it. Hefty Folio
Dream Hammer Creates a huge hammer; afterwards continuously pressing the attack button will make her swing it at the opponent until her Fury gauge runs out. Causes MP damage. Weighty Folio
Passive skills
Support skills
Tactical skills

Peppita learns all manual skills, with the exception of Quick Symbol and Increase MP.



Awakening Details (See Awakening for materials.)
1 Rossetti Troupe Dancer LV 2 - Glitter Star AF effect increases to ATK/INT/DEF/HIT/GRD +55% at 100% HP
Glitter Star AF LV 2 - ATK x 360% → 390%
2 Kaboom LV 2 - ATK x 960% → 990%
3 Ready to be a Performer LV 2 - Nullifies party's status ailments, and party's normal attack AP recovery +250% when using Frozen Daggers or Rhythmical Tap (15 seconds)
4 New talent: Encounter With Father (実父との邂逅?) - Party recovers 10% HP when using Kaboom
5 Encounter With Father LV 2 - Party recovers 10% HP when using Kaboom, and 90% chance of surviving a lethal attack at 10% HP or more
6 Rhythmical Tap LV 2 - ATK x 560% → 590%
7 Keepsake Earrings LV 2 - Party's Rush Mode damage +50% when using Kaboom (20 seconds)
8 Frozen Daggers LV 2 - ATK x 690% → 720%
9 Power Dance LV 2 - ATK x 4500% → 5000% ~ Damage taken -40%, and no flinching when taking damage of 15% HP or less (party/20 seconds)
10 New talent: Make Everyone Smile (みんなを笑顔に?) - Order Gauge 200% increase on mission start, AP cost -70% (party) and ATK +30% (self) during Order countdown

Magician Peppita[]
