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Nel Zelpher is a playable character in Star Ocean: Till the End of Time and the spin-off Star Ocean: Anamnesis.

Till the End of Time[]

Nel is a combination of thief/ninja and symbologist with daggers as her weapon of choice. Her normal attacks consist of small slashes with some acrobatics thrown in. She initially learns damaging mid-range skills with some simple attack symbols. As she levels up, her attacks become more magical in nature and are primarily focused on Wind and Lightning, along with a few symbologically enhanced physical attacks.

255 55097 9190 1180 529 1299 1429 663
Basic attacks
Attack Range Pos. HP / MP dmg Fury Effect Down Description
Ground Short X 1.00 (x4) / -- 10% -- L (low chance to knock down) Spins upwards. Does all hits to tall enemies.
Ground Mid/Long X 1.00 / -- 8 (Mid)/5 (Long)% Fury Drain X (does not knock down) Dashes in for a quick slash.
Special Short X 1.00 / 0.10 8% Fury Drain X When surrounded, jumps and throws a bomb.
Chain #1, #2 Short Circle 1.70, 1.00 / -- 12%, 5% -- X Jumps into the air and homes in on the target in a cannonball attack; the (weak) chain follow-up triggers if there is another enemy near.
Chain #1, #2 Long Circle 2.00, 1.00 / -- 12%, 5% -- X
Battle skills
Skill Details Learned
Shockwave Fires a small wave of energy at enemies. Default
Fire Bolt Fire-elemental symbol. Shoots a tracking flame bullet towards the enemy. Default
Healing Recovery symbol. Restores 35% of one ally's HP, or more with skill level. Default
Aerial ?? Level 6
Shadow Wave Generates a large crescent shockwave in front of her. Level 10
Ice Needles Water-elemental symbol. Manifests flying sharp ice blocks; may freeze. Level 10
Ice Daggers Throws a series of frozen daggers at enemies; may freeze. Level 15
Lightning Blast Wind-elemental symbol. Sends a short stream of electricity towards a foe. Level 18
Charge ?? Level 19
Poison Cloud Creates a small, green cloud that damage. May cause poison. Level 20
Whirlwind Damages nearby enemies by surrounding herself with wind for a short time. Level 25
Flying Guillotine Flings her daggers at enemies as a boomerang-like flying disk. Level 30
Thunder Flare Wind-elemental symbol. Generates an electromagnetic field. Level 35
Lightning Chain Releases a stream of lightning from her daggers that homes in on enemies. Level 40
Lightning Strike Wind-elemental symbol. Causes lightning to strike for high damage on a narrow range. Level 50
Mirror Slice Slashes, leaps into the air, fires lightning, then slashes through a foe. Level 52
Divine Wrath Perfoms a very long series of slashes before finishing with a giant pink tornado. Obscure Scroll
Splitting Sky Performs a series of hand signs, leaps, becomes encircled in a sphere of lightning, and fires a continuous stream of lightning at the target. Voluminous Folio
Passive skills
Support skills
Tactical skills

Nel learns all manual skills, with the exception of Quick Symbol and Increase MP.



Awakening Details (See Awakening for materials.)
1 New talent: Unwavering Devotion (絶対の忠義?) - Damage dealt +30% (party), and ATK damage taken +15% when poisoned (all enemies)
2 Poisonous Shot LV 2 - ATK x 200% → 220%
3 Poisonous Guillotine LV 2 - ATK x 370 → 410%
4 Covert Operation LV 2 - Repel +1, and ATK damage dealt +80% during combos of 3 or more skills
5 Poisonous Terror LV 2 - ATK x 500 → 550%
6 Poisonous Blade LV 2 - ATK x 680% → 750%
7 Prayer for Peace LV 2 - Critical hit chance +15% (party)
8 New skill: SOA ability icon 13 Poisonous Hydroblades (散牙剣?) LV 2 ~ ATK x 210% - Ice / SOA S icon - 20 AP - 2 (Hits) - Manifest and hurl an aqueous knife. Occasionally poisons foes.
9 Divine Wrath LV 2 - ATK x 2000% → 3000%
10 New talent: Head of the Secret Legion (封魔師団『闇』の隊長?) - ATK +30% and HIT +10%

Oracle Nel[]

Bride Nel[]

Maid Nel[]

Angel Nel[]

Summer Nel[]

Empress Nel[]

Demon Nel[]

Holiday Nel[]
