Star Ocean Wiki

Myuria Tionysus is a playable character in Star Ocean: The Last Hope and Star Ocean: Anamnesis.

Star Ocean: The Last Hope[]

Myuria is the most balanced of the game's three mages. Her symbols are Mid-Healing, Minor Supportive, and Major Destructive. She is better at healing than Lymle but her offensive spells are slightly weaker, and is the only character besides Sarah who can cast Restoration. She is proficient in Water, Thunder, and Darkness-elemental symbology.

Myuria is also proficient at Compounding, which allows her to create a varied set of potions for in-battle use at Item Creation.

Like all characters, Myuria has 100 specific battle trophies she can earn. Her base resistance against all status ailments is 0, and her movement speed is normal.

33 3301 753 126 91 104 90 42 90 1.2
100 24264 2486 845 1072 702 351 213
200 36200 4581 1228 2006 1214 904 779
255 48640 5346 1294 2356 1320 1037 1206
Move set
Move Xbox 360 International
Long-range attack A X
Short-range attack AAAAAA XXXXXX
Short-range dir. (directional) attack ? L3 + X
Anti-Air attack Analog stick at neutral, then A Analog stick at neutral, then X
Jump B Circle
Name Details Learned
Healing HP recovery; Recovers 31% of one ally's maximum HP at level 1, 40% at level 10. Default
Ice Needles Ice-elemental; Launches six needles of ice at the enemy, nine at lv. 10. Default
Lightning Blast Lightning-elemental; Hurls lightning bolts at the enemy. Default
Deep Freeze Ice-elemental; Cools the air surrounding the enemy to freeze them. Level 12
Void Support; Places nearby enemies in Void status, cancelling their support effects. Level 17
Thunder Flare Lightning-elemental; Summons a ball of lightning that envelops the enemy. Level 23
Shadow Needles Dark-elemental; Launches five needles of darkness at the enemy from behind. Level 35
Enlighten Support; Temporarily boost one ally's INT by 30%. Level 41
Faerie Healing HP recovery; Summons a faerie to recover 26% of all allies' max HP, 35% at lv. 10. Level 47
Reflection Support; Temporarily boosts one ally's elemental resistance by 3. Level 52
Dark Devourer Dark-elemental; Summons a creature from the netherworld to feast upon a foe. Level 56
Restoration Resurrection; Revives an incapacitated ally at 22% of their max HP, 40% at lv.10. Level 61
Arctic Impact Ice-elemental; Encases the enemy in a pillar of ice, then shatters it to pieces. Level 67
Extinction Non-elemental; Encases an enemy, then releases the energy in an explosion. Level 73
Divine Wave Non-elemental; Summons a wall around the caster, damaging nearby enemies. Skill Manual
Plasma Cyclone Lightning-elemental; Conjures up a lightning storm across the battlefield. Skill Manual
Faerie Star HP recovery; Summons a faerie to recover 81% of all allies' max HP, 90% at lv. 10. Skill Manual
Battle skills
  • INT Boost
  • HP Boost
  • MP Boost
  • Fast Cast
  • Energy Shield
  • First Aid
  • Auto Healing
  • Pride
  • Fury Boost
  • Rage
  • Steal
  • Hide
  • Mindflare
  • Convert
Field skills

Star Ocean: Anamnesis[]


Awakening (Level) Details (See Awakening for materials.)
1 New talent: Graveside Flowers (墓前に捧げる花?) - AP cost -50% during combos of 3 or more skills
2 Deep Freeze LV 2 - INT x 460% → 510%
3 Thunder Flare LV 2 - INT x 460% → 1020%
4 In Loving Memory of Lucien II LV 2 - Symbol invoking time -60%
5 Arctic Impact LV 2 - INT x 670% → 740%
6 Plasma Cyclone LV 2 - INT x 700% → 1400%
7 New talent: A New Step Forward (新たな一歩?) - INT damage dealt +50% at 100 hits or more
8 New skill: SOA symbol icon 28 Lightning Blast (ライトニングブラスト・撃?) LV 2 ~ INT x 250% - Lightning / SOA L icon - 23 AP - 10 (Hits) - Unleash a stream of lightning straight in front of you.
9 Ultraviolet Extinction LV 2 - INT x 4500%
10 Hardier Warrior of Morphus LV 2 - INT +40%

Summer Myuria[]

Courtesan Myuria[]
