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Mirage Koas is a playable character in Star Ocean: Till the End of Time and the spin-off Star Ocean: Anamnesis.

Till the End of Time[]

As a fighter, her and Cliff Fittir's fighting styles are so similar that only a handful of moves differ between them (the differences are in the color and look of their Special Arts). While Cliff's moves involve mostly his fists, Mirage's moves involve using both her feet and fists. She has two of Maria Traydor's moves, Triple Kick and Crescent Locus, because it is revealed in the Director's Cut that she was the one who taught Maria to fight.

Mirage has a naturally higher MP growth than Cliff as well as better defense, so she can replace him if his defensive stats are an issue. On the other hand, having both Klausians in the battle party allows for some damaging chaos.

255 60017 7879 1138 683 1301 1461 505
Basic attacks
Attack Range Pos. HP / MP dmg Fury Effect Down Description
Ground Short X 0.60 (x2) / -- 10% -- X (does not knock down)
Ground Mid X 1.00 / -- 10% Fury Drain X
Ground Long X 1.00 (x2) / -- 10% -- H (high chance to knock down)
Aerial Short X 1.00 (x2) / -- 10% -- H
Chain #1, #2 Short Circle 2.80, 2.00 / -- 15%, 10% -- H
Ground Mid Circle 2.20 / -- 15% Fury Drain X
Ground Long Circle 2.80 / -- 15% -- H
Battle skills
Skill Details Learned
Charge Default
Aerial Default
Sphere of Might Default
Hammer of Might Default
Electric Fists Level 33
Aerial Assault Level 41
Crescent Locus Level 45
Triple Kick Level 49
Acrobat Locus Level 56
Avenger Charge Level 62
Infinity Kick Burdensom Folio
Blazing Cannon Immense Folio
Passive skills
Support skills
Tactical skills

Mirage learns all manual skills, with the exception of Quick Symbol and Increase MP.



Awakening Details (See Awakening for materials.)
1 Acrobat Locus LV 2 - ATK x 710% → 910%
Crescent Locus LV 2 - ATK x 150% → 170%
2 Merciful Heart II LV 2 - Normal attack AP recovery +150% at short range (party)
3 Triple Kick LV 2 - ATK x 250% → 280%
4 Klausian Heritage II LV 2 - ATK damage dealt +30% at short range (party)
5 New skill: SOA ability icon 64 Impulse Force (インパルス・フォース?) LV 2 ~ ATK x 400% - Non-elemental / SOA L icon - 26 AP - 1 (Hits) - Hurl a pale ball of energy toward your foe.
6 Devastating Kick II LV 2 - ATK +30% (party)
7 New talent: Anechoic Surface (無響の水面?) - Absorbs 2% of damage dealt by [...]
Electric Fists LV 2 - ATK x 410% → 820%
8 Father's Teachings LV 2 - Critical hit chance +40%, critical hit damage +40% and ATK +20% at 100% HP
9 Avenger Charge LV 2 - ATK x 4000% → 5500%
10 Anechoic Surface LV 2 - Absorbs 2% of damage dealt by Electric Fists during combos of 3 or more skills, and nullifies enemy's critical hit during Charge Assault
New talent: Perfect Soldier (パーフェクト・ソルジャー?) - HP +30%, no flinching and damage taken -50% during attacks

Bunny Mirage[]

Bride Mirage[]
