I could produce even better medicines if you'd invest in my work. And that investment would save the lives of many unfortunate people throughout these lands.
― Milenya
Milenya is an Inventor in Star Ocean: Till the End of Time. A noble woman, she is trying her best to heal those who have been injured during the war.
- Till the End of Time: Milenya
A trueborn noble and head of one of the top two houses of the Kingdom of Airyglyph. Recently, however, Milenya has expressed objections to the war with the Kingdom of Aquaria, and this earned her the wrath of the powerful warmonger Duke Vox. Vox had her branded as a rebel and subjected to house arrest. Unsurprisingly, not even Vox dared to execute the head of a noble house with such a long and distinguished heritage. But even a punishment as light as house arrest must be difficult to endure for a woman who has known nothing but luxury since birth.
- Skills: Level 19 Compounding
- Time: +0%
- Cost: -20%
- Location: Arias Temple
- Recruited with: 3200 Fol