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Maria Traydor is a playable character in Star Ocean: Till the End of Time and the spin-off Star Ocean: Anamnesis.

Till the End of Time[]

Maria Invokes Angel Feather

Maria casts the Angel Feather symbol.

In battle, she fights from a distance, her weapon being a gun, but also attacks at short range by kicking, having trained with Mirage and learned some of her martial arts techniques, such as "Triple Kick" and "Crescent Locus".

Additionally, her power of Alteration manifests as support Symbology that can improve other characters' strength, defense, and general abilities. She is considered one of the best characters in the game due to her large variety of attacks and the possibility of dealing lots of damage from long range, as well as short range if needed.

255 44782 12435 1140 386 1196 1460 673
Basic attacks
Attack Range Pos. HP / MP dmg Fury Effect Down Description
Ground Short X 1.00 (x2) / -- 5% -- X (does not knock down) Dashes in for a two-kick combo.
Ground Long X 1.00 / -- 5% -- X Fires her gun once.
Aerial Long X 0.75 (x4) / -- 5% -- H (high chance to knock down) Anti-air attack. Fires her gun four times.
Step Short, Long Circle 0.80 / -- 10% -- X Can be activated during a step by holding the attack button. Fires her gun once.
Ground Short Circle 2.00 / -- 20% -- X Dashes in for a spin kick.
Ground Long Circle 2.00 / -- 25% -- X Fires her gun from far away.
Battle skills/symbology
Skill Details Learned
Aiming Device Default
Scatter Beam Default
Protection Default
Power Up Level 21
Charge Level 22
Aerial Level 24
Reflection Level 26
Magnetic Field Level 28
Pulse Blast Level 32
Crescent Locus Level 38
Triple Kick Level 42
Angel Feather Level 45
Laser Blast Level 46
Gravity Bullet Level 52
Energy Burst Enigmatic Scroll
Radiation Bots Intricate Scroll
Passive skills
Support skills
Tactical skills

Maria learns all manual skills, with the exception of Quick Symbol and Increase MP.



Awakening Details (See Awakening for materials.)
1 New talent: The Mirage Kick (ミラージュ仕込みの蹴技?) - Evasion AP cost -50%, and evasion range and speed +100%
2 Aiming Device LV 2 - ATK x 200% → 220%
Crimson Squall LV 2 - ATK x 340% → 380%
3 New talent: Battlefield Memories (戦場の記憶?) - Absorbs 10% of damage dealt by normal attacks at 100 hits or more
4 New skill: SOA ability icon 112 Raptorshot (ラプターズ・ビュレット?) LV 2 ~ ATK x 390% - Lightning / SOA L icon - 29 AP - 9 (Hits) - Unleash an orb of light that takes an odd trajectory.
5 New talent: Upholding Quark (クォークを背負う者?) - AP recovery speed +50% (party) and AP cost -5% (self)
6 Laser Blast LV 2 - ATK x 190% → 210%
7 New talent: Longing for Peace (平穏な日々を望む心?) - ATK +30% and HP +10%
8 Gravity Bullet LV 2 - ATK x 230% → 260%
9 Energy Burst Barrage LV 2 - ATK x 3500% → 4000%
10 Natural-Born Leader II LV 2 - Damage dealt +50% (party)

Bride Maria[]

Blossom Maria[]

Summer Maria[]

Bunny Maria[]

Winter Maria[]

Divine Maria[]

Vampire Maria[]
