The city of Krosse.
Krosse is a city in Expel. It is the capital of Krosse Kingdom, and thus, it's located in the middle of the Krosse continent,with Kurik located to the north, Harley to the west and Salva and Arlia to the south of it. The Krosse Cave is located between this city and the Symbologist town of Marze, to the west. The centerpiece of the city is Krosse Castle, where citizens have various services available to them including tax collection and requesting an audience with the king.
Star Ocean: The Second Story/Second Evolution[]

Krosse on the world map.
Claude C. Kenny and Rena Lanford reach Krosse so as to meet the King in an audience about the Sorcery Globe. There, they are informed about the catastrophes on Ell, and Claude and Rena make it their next destination. For that, the king gives them a permit for the Kurik port. Afterwards, both find a symbologist, Celine Jules, in the town center, who proposes to them a treasure hunt quest. The three then head for the nearby Krosse Cave.
Krosse Castle
- Wooden Shield
- Leather Helmet
- 500 Gil
- 600 Gil
- Travel Permit
- Treasure Map
- Leaf Pendant
- In The Second Story the city of Krosse is known as Cross.