The Kingdom of Trei'kur is one of three kingdoms in Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness. Trei'kur is at war with the Kingdom of Resulia.
War with Resulia[]
Trei'kur declared war on Resulia to capture their lands and eliminate their people. Trei'kur is not very fertile land, mostly mountainous and desolate, vast lands where little can grow and life is difficult, where Resulia's soil is plentiful and vast fields of grass and wildlife is common. The people of Trei'kur seem to look on at Resulians with disdain for their easier lives.
The Trei'kurian military is led by Der-Suul, a powerful signeturge and swordsman, and rival to Daril Camuze. Der-Suul was approached by members of Kronos and was offered new weapons to use in the war against Resulia. Normally, Resulia could hold its own against Trei'kur, but was easily outmatched once the enemy received "gleaming sticks" from Kronos. These gleaming sticks were actually Phase Guns which far surpassed the technology of anything else on Faykreed.
Dictionary Entry[]
Not even the most biased of historians would endeavor to call this parched land a paradise. Most of the country is a desert, and what little of the soil that departs from that description has too few nutrients to sustain the raising of crops.
Its lack of natural resources is the primary reason this country, situated in the west of the Vestielian continent, is currently at war with neighboring Resulia.