Katarina (カタリーナ, Katarīna?) is a minor character from Star Ocean: Anamnesis. She is a member of the Kronos military, as well as one of many people who can be summoned across time and space by Evelysse and may optionally serve under the captain of the GFSS-3214F.
- Profile
- Birthplace: Kronos
- Birthday: March 24th, 508 S.D.
- A member of the Kronos military.
- Katarina was originally a part of President Mutal's undercover unit. While her ruthlessness has earned her the nickname "Lady Blizzard," an injury to her leg led to her retirement from this position. Since then, she has become a more compassionate person.
- She is currently working as a commander and strongly emphasizes employing strategical tactics.
After me!
― Draw success
Violet Katarina[]
Violet Katarina is a gratis unit released as part of the rifle implementation commemorative. She could initially be obtained through an achievement—that of uncapping an accessory one time.
Katarina Quotes
あれ? 校務員さん、そこにあった脚立 どこにキャタツけたの?
お疲れさん。頑張りすぎてないかい? 休息も大事だよ。
あらっ、来客用の紅茶がないわね。えらいコウチャ! なんてね。
Violet Katarina Quotes
かつてのように、派手な戦争をするつもりは ないけど、この武器だけは手放せなくてね。
今はただ、平和な世界の訪れと あの少女の幸せを祈っているよ。
Katarina Quotes (Global)
Traveling is one of the most rewarding things you can do.
Captain, you're going to work yourself to death! You need to take a break for once!
Violet Katarina Quotes (Global)
I don't intend to fight any big wars like the last one, but I can't make myself let go of this weapon.
Now I just want peace for the world, and happiness for that girl.