We are not your foe. We do not wish to fight either.
― J.J.
J.J. (JJ, Jei Jei?) is a playable character in Star Ocean: The Divine Force. A swordsman whose body is fully mechanized via integration, he meets Raymond Lawrence and Laeticia Aucerius while fighting to protect his hometown.
Little is known about J.J. He is a humanoid that has almost fully physically integrated with Scorpium. He is saved by Raymond Lawrence and the party during an attack on the ship he was aboard.

J.J. is calm, fair, and respectful of his friends.
J.J. is an optional playable character in The Divine Force, exclusively available only when playing Raymond's side. J.J. favors the katana, and uses two types of swordplay in his combat style. One set of skills features devastating strikes after long periods of buildup (which do not increase his VA gauge), while the other are powerful counters with strict timing requirements. His Vatting attack alongside D.U.M.A. is called O-Zan-Ku: Worldender.
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