Faize Sheifa Beleth (フェイズ・シッファー・ベレス, Feizu Shiffā Beresu?) is one of the main characters of Star Ocean: The Last Hope. A young Eldarian, he is working alongside other Eldarians to assist shipwrecked ships on Aeos when he first meets Edge Maverick and Reimi Saionji, of the Space Reconnaissance Force.
- Dictionary
- The Last Hope: Faize Sheifa Beleth, Faize Sheifa Beleth (2)
- Profile
- Birthplace: Planet Eldar
- Birthday: February 3rd, 2078 A.D.
- A young man who is part of a group of Eldarians that goes to the aid of shipwrekced spaceships in the 10s (S.D.).
- Faize is a genetically engineered Eldarian, which has resulted in his great skill and ambition.
- He finds Lymle's remarks to be illogical, but at the same time secretly admires her way of thinking for being so different from his.
Faize is a genetically-created Eldarian: as atmospherical conditions on Eldar are incredibly harsh due to the state of its star, reproduction is enhanced by genetic engineering.
Faize is first met on planet Aeos. He and a group of Eldarians go to the aid of the shipwrecked spaceships on Aeos to aid the Earthlings at the request of the SRF Commander. He encounters Edge Maverick and Reimi Saionji at the crash site of one the ships, but before he can properly introduce himself the group is attacked by Armaros and he helps them dissipate the new threat. He then tells the, rather surprised, partners that he is what they could refer to as an alien. Amazed at this they question if the SRF had known about his race, to which he replies positively. He explains the two are wanted back at the new base established at the SRF-003 Calnus site.
The trio returns and Edge and Reimi are shocked at the advancement of the site. What had been a crash site has been transformed into a huge exploration base thanks to Eldarian technology. Meeting Supreme Commander Gaghan and their own commander, they explain that Faize's magic is symbology, and the three get made into an actual group. Edge is promptly given command of the SRF-003 Calnus with Faize and Reimi as his only crew members.
Acting as the Calnus' navigator, the trio make for the unexplored planet Lemuris. After setting foot in Triom Village they are treated as gods, for one of the villagers had seen them land in the "celestial ship". They come to the aid of Ghimdo Triom Phi, the village chief, who seems to have some sort of disease. Ghimdo explains that the disease, called Bacculus, is plaguing the planet and it turns people into stone. A child walks in and begins drawing on the floor next to the village chief: his granddaughter. Faize realizes she is drawing a symbology symbol. Amazed, he asks Ghimdo about it, who explains that Lymle is the planet's best symbologist. Whilst Faize laughs at the explanation, Lymle summons Cerberus, a blazing demon dog, to sic Faize, in effect silencing him.
After finishing the symbol, therefore delaying the disease's effect, Lymle tells her Grandfather that she's leaving to get a symbol. Shocked and concerned about her safety, he explains that she means to go to a hermit symbologist living in a tower to learn a spell to cure the disease by herself. Before Ghimdo has a chance to ask, Edge decides to help her get there using the SRF exploration mission statement as a reason. Asking only to stop treating them like gods, all four leave for the tower.
After traversing a snowfield, the group enters Alanaire Citadel (where Edge's hidden symbology instinct kicks in). When they reach the top they see the symbologist being attacked. After fighting off the Dragon Newt, the tower starts to collapse, taking the symbologist along with it. Cursing their late timing, Lymle explains that her friend in nearby Woodley Village should know a way to cure it. When asked about her knowledge, she states that one must write their name on the walls of the tower when mastery of the symbol is completed. The group heads to Woodley Village.
After Edge and crew escape from the Alternate Earth and land on Roak, Faize has a run-in with a girl from a tribe of nomads called the Black Tribe. They share a common interest in symbology, and the girl gives Faize a cloak which he wears for the rest of the game. When Sarah Jerand is kidnapped, it turns out the nomads were kidnapped as well. After hearing an augury from the oracle Eleyna Farrence saying that Sarah and the nomads have been captured for a sacrifice ritual in the Purgatorium, Faize insists that they hurry and storm the Purgatorium, leading to a brief argument with Edge. After searching the Purgatorium the next day, defeating the cultist leader and rescuing Sarah, Faize learns that the friendly tribe girl had been slaughtered, thus being the catalyst for his descent into darkness.
Upon returning to Aeos and finding the exploration base in ruins, the crew runs into Crowe F. Almedio and Arumat P. Thanatos, who save them from an onslaught of Phantoms. Eventually, Arumat informs Edge's crew that Eldar is no more. Initially, Faize is struck by disbelief and sorrow, but Crowe reassures him, saying that the Eldarians managed to escape and that their refugee ships are orbiting Aeos with the Aquila. Upon notification that the Eldarian ships are under attack, Edge advises Crowe to protect the Eldarians while his crew takes out the Grigori located on Aeos. Faize, concerned for his brethren, decides to go with Crowe to ensure that they will be safe, and promises they'll meet again on En II. Arumat joins Edge's crew in Faize's place. Unfortunately, the Phantom warships proved formidable as many Eldarian ships were destroyed.
After Faize witnesses many innocent people die, people whom he was powerless to help, he becomes possessed by the Grigori and the party must face him at the end of the game as the final boss, the Apostle of Creation.
Upon undergoing conflicted thoughts and feelings, he transforms into Satanail, and the party defeats him for the final time. He comes back to his senses and Edge and Lymle rush to his side. After making amends with Lymle, and apologizing to Edge, Nox Obscurus begins to collapse, due to Faize's defeat. Giotto appears in a transport symbol, urging everyone to get to the symbol. Picked up by Edge, the two make way for the symbol, avoiding the collapsing segments of the Palace of Creation. Talking to Edge along the way, Faize asks Edge where he went wrong as all he wanted was to protect people. The two talk for awhile, despite the peril, and Faize realizes he should have protected people with his own power, instead of reaching for a power that was right in front of him.
As the pair get close, a floor segment collapses, causing Faize to fall. As Edge continues to hold on to him, Faize is amazed by Edge's willpower. Entrusting him with the continued safety of the universe, Faize lets go of Edge's hand, falling into the abyss to his (presumable) death. However, Faize manages to help Edge even after his apparent death. Edge looks to the rest of the party and gives Giotto the signal to teleport them out of Nox Obscurus, before jumping into the abyss after Faize. Faize's Sol reaches Edge in time and takes him to safety.
Edge makes many points in his argument against continuing contact with underdeveloped planets. Much of his motivation likely stems from Faize's death. Soon after the events of the game, the Underdeveloped Planet Preservation Pact was created.
The hidden "Faize ending", obtained by viewing eight specific Private Actions over the course of the story, takes place on Lemuris. As Lymle is standing at her grandfather Ghimdo's grave, and after she says how she isn't really lonely, she starts to silently cry. An unknown figure greatly resembling Faize walks up to Lymle and places a daisy in her hair. When Lymle turns around and sees him, she smiles. Like the other hidden "Crowe ending", this is also open to interpretation. However, it implies that Faize did survive and has gone into seclusion on Lemuris to be with the remaining Eldarians.
Faize is polite, honest and quiet, and capable of cool reasoning. He has great aptitude for spacecraft, partly due to his engineering and navigational skills. Despite his seemingly calm disposition, he is in fact easily surprised and emotionally swayed. He looks up to people with assertive personalities, like Edge and Lymle. However, his logical disposition also puts him at odds with the latter, as unreasonable behavior can easily irritate him.
With these two, Faize develops close relationships. Faize admires Edge and thinks of him as a older brother. They get along really well, but disagree regarding the issue of trusting strangers. His admiration of Edge's take-charge personality leads to a blow-up when he urges the despairing Edge to save Sarah, while Edge insists they stay until Eleyna recovers. Faize later confesses that all he ever wanted was to become a person like Edge and that it feels nice to follow his lead and hear him calling back to him.
Regarding Lymle, she acts extremely cold towards Faize at first and Faize tends to avoid her, but they become closer throughout the various PAs and reluctantly show it. In one PA, where Lymle and Welch are playing a prank on their shipmates, she ends up accidentally kissing Faize—given their backgrounds, likely both of their first kisses. He reacts uncharateristically when Lymle tries to have a nap with Edge, making fun of her. When he leaves the group on Roak, Lymle waits for him to rejoin and becomes uneasy when Faize gets along with Amina, later sensing his pain after her death. By the time he departs the Calnus for good, Faize notices her dejected attitude. When he comes to his senses on Nox Obscurus, he seems to accept Lymle's feelings towards him and his own.
In Star Ocean: The Last Hope, Faize is one of the available symbologists, specializing in Dark and Earth symbols, while also being competent in close-range fighting. He equips rapiers. Faize is skilled in the Item Creation skill of Alchemy, which allows him to create rare materials and potions.
He is also playable in Star Ocean: Anamnesis, wherein he has two variants: "Faize" and "Exorcist Faize". His standard variant is an Invoker who uses blade & sheaths, has fast casting times, and specializes at inflicting the Curse ailment.
- Beleth is the the name of a fallen angel and one of the kings of Hell said to be bent on saving Earth from destruction from the drove of humans who have become too thick in numbers.
- While on Roak, Faize receives a cloak that he wears in cutscenes and in battle, and eventually wears it as a memento. A running gag is that Lymle says it looks horrible on him. This eventually allows Lymle to identify him later in the game.
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