Star Ocean Wiki

Evelysse is a playable character in the spin-off Star Ocean: Anamnesis.


My strength shall become apparent soon enough.
― Draw success


Awakening (Level) Details (See Awakening for materials.)
1 Cryptic Symbology Arts LV 2 - AP cost -25%, and symbol invoking time -40%
2 Radiant Lancer LV 2 - INT x 300% → 330%
3 Conjure Comet LV 2 - INT x 360% → 400%
4 Sunflare LV 2 - INT x 570% → 630%
5 New talent: Noble Spirit (高潔な魂?) - No flinching during symbol invocation
6 Faerie Light LV 2 - 60 → 50 AP
7 A Girl of Many Talents II LV 2 - Rush Mode damage +30% (party)
8 New talent: Unyielding Feelings (譲れない気持ち?) - HP +15% and DEF +10%
9 Celestial Calling LV 2 - INT x 3500% → 4000%
10 Blessings of the Stars II LV 2 - Recovers 10% HP every 3 seconds, and Rush Gauge quota -40%

Bride Evelysse[]

Winter Evelysse[]

Summer Evelysse[]

New Year's Evelysse[]

Idol Evelysse[]

Witch Evelysse[]

Hotspring Evelysse[]

Dark Evelysse[]
