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Daphtine (ダフティーネ, Dafutīne?) is a major planet that appears in Star Ocean: Anamnesis. It is located near Levarance's region of space, and is the main setting for Episode 2 -Twin Eclipse-.



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Completing mission 1-32 "" earns the player the "Clear EP2 Chapter:01" (EP2 CHAPTER:01 クリア, Episōdo Wan Chaputā Wan Kuria?) 5☆ title. All battle missions have as their primary rewards the following items: random experience prisms (e.g. R. Gold Prism, R. Silver Prism) and ingots (e.g. Gold Ingot, Silver Ingot).

The following enemies appear: ... The mission board is as follows:

"Lost Child" (銀河の迷い子?)

Daphtine Outer Space (ダフティーネ宙域?):

  • 1-1 Homeworld (故郷?) - Main
  • 1-2 Perilous Sector (危険な宙域?) - Main
  • 1-3 Distress Signal (救難信号?) - Main
    • F-001 Near the Satellite (浮かぶ衛星付近にて?) - Battle (2 stages; lv.50/130/200) - SOA Gold Ingot x1, SOA Ra Gold Prism x1 // ☆☆ Gem x100, SOA ATK Starseed x5 // ☆☆☆ Gem x100, SOA ATK Starseed x5 (initial clear)
  • 1-4 Lifeboat (救命艇?) - Main
    • F-002 Wild Sector (荒れた宙域?) - Battle (2 stages; lv.50/130/200) - SOA Gold Ingot x1, SOA Ra Gold Prism x1 // ☆☆ Gem x100, SOA INT Starseed x5 // ☆☆☆ Gem x100, SOA INT Starseed x5 (initial clear)
  • 1-5 Two Coros (2つのコロ?) - Main
  • 1-6 Little Girl's Waking (少女の目覚め?) - Main
  • 1-7 Whereabouts of the Immigrant Ship (移民船の行方?) - Main
    • F-003 Region Exploration (宙域の探索?) - Battle (2 stages; lv.51/131/200) - SOA Gold Ingot x1, SOA Ra Gold Prism x1 // ☆☆ Gem x100, SOA DEF Starseed x5 // ☆☆☆ Gem x100, SOA DEF Starseed x5 (initial clear)
  • 1-8 Glimmer of Hope (希望の光?) - Main
    • F-004 Exploring the Daphtine System (ダフティーネ宙域探索?) - Battle (2 stages; lv.51/131/200) - SOA Gold Ingot x1, SOA Ra Gold Prism x1 // ☆☆ Gem x100, SOA HIT Starseed x5 // ☆☆☆ Gem x100, SOA HIT Starseed x5 (initial clear)
    • F-005 Encounter in Space (宙域での遭遇?) - Battle (2 stages; lv.52/131/200) - SOA Gold Ingot x1, SOA Ra Gold Prism x1 // ☆☆ Gem x100, SOA GRD Starseed x5 // ☆☆☆ Gem x100, SOA GRD Starseed x5 (initial clear)
  • 1-9 The Return Home (帰るべき場所?) - Main
    • F-006 Exploring Around (周辺の探索?) - Battle (2 stages; lv.52/132/200) - SOA Gold Ingot x1, SOA Ra Gold Prism x1 // ☆☆ Gem x100, SOA HP Starseed x10 // ☆☆☆ Gem x100, SOA HP Starseed x10 (initial clear)
  • 1-10 Daphtine's Civilization (ダフティーネの文明?) - Main
  • 1-11 Powered Arms (パワードアーム?) - Main

Daphtine (惑星ダフティーネ?):

  • 1-12 The Beginning of a New Journey (新たな旅の始まり?) - Main
    • F-007 Road to the Mountains (山岳への道のり?) - Battle (2 stages; lv.52/132/200) - SOA Gold Ingot x1, SOA Ra Gold Prism x1 // ☆☆ Gem x100, SOA HP Starseed x10 // ☆☆☆ Gem x100, SOA HP Starseed x10 (initial clear)
  • 1-13 Daphtine's Protist (ダフティーネの原生生物?) - Battle (2 stages; lv.53/132/200) - SOA Gold Ingot x1, SOA Ra Gold Prism x1 // ☆☆ Gem x100, SOA INT Starseed x5 // ☆☆☆ Gem x100, SOA INT Starseed x5 (initial clear)
  • 1-14 The Smell of Soil, the Sound of Wind (土の匂い、風の音?) - Main
    • F-008 Searching Around (辺りの探索?) - Battle (2 stages; lv.54/133/200) - SOA Gold Ingot x1, SOA Ra Gold Prism x1 // ☆☆ Gem x100, SOA DEF Starseed x5 // ☆☆☆ Gem x100, SOA DEF Starseed x5 (initial clear)
    • F-009 On a Rough Road (荒れた道にて?) - Battle (3 stages; lv.54/133/200) - SOA Gold Ingot x1, SOA Ra Gold Prism x1 // ☆☆ Gem x100, SOA HIT Starseed x5 // ☆☆☆ Gem x100, SOA HIT Starseed x5 (initial clear)
  • 1-15 Rampant Thornites (蔓延るバーベッド?) - Battle (2 stages; lv.55/133/200) - SOA Gold Ingot x1, SOA Ra Gold Prism x1 // ☆☆ Gem x100, SOA HP Starseed x10 // ☆☆☆ Gem x100, SOA HP Starseed x10 (initial clear)
  • 1-16 Threat Across Stars (星をまたぐ脅威?) - Main
  • 1-17 Attacking Thornites (襲い掛かるバーベッド?) - Battle (3 stages; lv.55/134/200) - SOA Gold Ingot x1, SOA Ra Gold Prism x1 // ☆☆ Gem x100, SOA ATK Starseed x5 // ☆☆☆ Gem x100, SOA ATK Starseed x5 (initial clear)
  • 1-18 Misunderstanding (勘違い?) - Main
  • 1-19 Tika's Remembrance (ティカの記憶?) - Main
    • F-010 Road to Dagriss (ダグリスへの道?) - Battle (2 stages; lv.55/134/200) - SOA Gold Ingot x1, SOA Ra Gold Prism x1 // ☆☆ Gem x100, SOA GRD Starseed x5 // ☆☆☆ Gem x100, SOA GRD Starseed x5 (initial clear)
    • F-011 In the Open Meadow (ひらけた草原にて?) - Battle (2 stages; lv.56/134/200) - SOA Gold Ingot x1, SOA Ra Gold Prism x1 // ☆☆ Gem x100, SOA INT Starseed x5 // ☆☆☆ Gem x100, SOA INT Starseed x5 (initial clear)
  • 1-20 Mining Town Dagriss (炭鉱の村 ダグリス?) - Main
  • 1-21 Memory Gap (記憶のずれ?) - Main
  • [Eve] Dagris Late at Night (【リーシュ】ダグリスの夜更け?) - Sub
    • F-012 Calm Before the Storm (嵐の前の静けさ?) - Battle (2 stages; lv.56/134/200) - SOA Gold Ingot x1, SOA Ra Gold Prism x1 // ☆☆ Gem x100, SOA HIT Starseed x5 // ☆☆☆ Gem x100, SOA HIT Starseed x5 (initial clear)
  • 1-22 Raid at Dawn (明け方の襲撃?) - Main
  • 1-23 Beast Attack in Town (村を襲う獣?) - Battle (2 stages; lv.57/135/200) - SOA Gold Ingot x1, SOA Ra Gold Prism x1 // ☆☆ Gem x100, SOA DEF Starseed x5 // ☆☆☆ Gem x100, SOA DEF Starseed x5 (initial clear)
  • 1-24 Dagris In Flames (炎にまかれるダグリス?) - Main
  • 1-25 Firebreather (炎を吐く獣?) - Battle (3 stages; lv.57/135/200) - SOA Gold Ingot x1, SOA Ra Gold Prism x1 // ☆☆ Gem x100, SOA INT Starseed x5 // ☆☆☆ Gem x100, SOA INT Starseed x5 (initial clear)
  • 1-26 Driven into a Corner (絶体絶命?) - Main
  • 1-27 The Youth with the Twin Lightblades (光の双刃を持つ青年?) - Main
  • 1-28 Joint Struggle (共闘?) - Battle (1 stage; lv.58/135/200) - SOA Gold Ingot x1, SOA Ra Gold Prism x1 // ☆☆ Gem x200, SOA HP Starseed x10 // ☆☆☆ Gem x300, SOA HP Starseed x10 (initial clear)
  • 1-29 Skeptic Gaze (疑いの眼差し?) - Main
  • 1-30 Excessive Introduction (無茶な自己紹介?) - Main
  • 1-31 Wanted Poster (手配書?) - Main
    • F-013 Exploring Dagriss' Outskirts (ダグリスの近辺探索?) - Battle (3 stages; lv.58/136/200) - SOA Gold Ingot x1, SOA Ra Gold Prism x1 // ☆☆ Gem x100, SOA ATK Starseed x5 // ☆☆☆ Gem x100, SOA ATK Starseed x5 (initial clear)
  • 1-32 Yrian's Wish (ユーインの願い?) - Main
    • F-014 Protist Swarm (原生生物の群れ?) - Battle (3 stages; lv.59/136/200) - SOA Gold Ingot x1, SOA Ra Gold Prism x1 // ☆☆ Gem x100, SOA INT Starseed x5 // ☆☆☆ Gem x100, SOA INT Starseed x5 (initial clear)
    • F-015 Herd of Thornites (バーベッドの群れ?) - Battle (3 stages; lv.59/136/200) - SOA Gold Ingot x1, SOA Ra Gold Prism x1 // ☆☆ Gem x100, SOA DEF Starseed x5 // ☆☆☆ Gem x100, SOA DEF Starseed x5 (initial clear)
    • F-016 Thornite Beast (バーベッドビースト?) - Battle (3 stages; lv.60/137/200) - SOA Gold Ingot x1, SOA Ra Gold Prism x1 // ☆☆ Gem x100, SOA ATK Starseed x5 // ☆☆☆ Gem x100, SOA ATK Starseed x5 (initial clear)





