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The following is a list of Cooking (料理, Ryōri?, lit. Cuisine) recipes in Star Ocean: The Last Hope. There are 29 recipes in this specialty.

Progression on the Cooking skill is attributed to Reimi Saionji.


Notes: The following chart shortens the IC skills as: Smt. (Smithery), C./Cook. (Cooking), Al. (Alchemy), Art. (Artistry), Eng./E. (Engineering), Crf. (Crafting), Cmp. (Compounding), Sn. (Sense).
The last column lists the characters required, beside Reimi, in the Invention Group. « // » indicates a different combination, while « OR » indicates characters that are interchangeable.

Item Lv. Material Requires Reimi + [...]
Lemon Juice 1 Lemon x1, Natural Water x1 Cook. 6, Art. 11, Crf. 9, Sn. 8 Lymle + Faize OR Sarah
P. Plum Rice White Rice x1, Pickled Plum x1, Seaweed x1 Cook. 5 Alone // Sarah
Ochazuke 2 W. Rice x1, P. Plum x1, Seaw. x1, N. Water x1 Cook. 10 Alone // Sarah
Otherw. Cuisine I. Leg x2, I. Egg x4, Rotten Fish x1, Vinegar x2 Cook. 10, Sn. 3 Alone // Edge + Meracle
P. Pepper Potion 3 Seasonings x1, Vinegar x1, Empty Bottle x1 -- Recipe Memo 06
P. Peperoncino Uncooked Pasta x1, Seasonings x1, O. Oil x1 Cook. 5 Alone // Sarah
Oyakodon White Rice x2, Raw Animal Meat x1, Common Egg x1, Special Warishita Sauce x1 Cook. 11, Cmp. 4, Sn. 3 Lymle
Caesar Salad Veget. x2, O. Oil x1, R. Cheese x1, Lemon x1 Cook. 11, Sn. 1 Faize // Meracle
Curry Rice 4 White Rice x2, Raw Animal Meat x1, Vegetables x1, Seasonings x1 Cook. 12, Art. 4, Cmp. -9, Sn. 7 Meracle + Lymle OR Sarah
Hamburg Steak R.A. Meat x2, Veget. x1, C. Egg x1, Seasn. x1 Cook. 10, Sn. 6 Faize OR Sarah
Salt-Grilled Saury Raw Fish x1, Vegetables x1 Cook. 11, Art. 7 Meracle // Lymle + Faize
Custard Pie Pie Crusts x1, Fresh Cream x1 C. 11, Art. 7, Sn. 8 Lymle + Faize OR Meracle
Pasta Bolognese 5 U.Pasta x1, R.A.Meat x1, Vegt. x1, R.Cheese x1 -- Recipe Memo 07
Shortcake Common Egg x1, F. Cream x2, Blueberries x4 Cook. 6, Sn. 9 Lymle + Faize // Myuria + Edge
Blueberry Tart 6 C. Egg x1, Fresh Cream x1, Blueberries x4 C. 15, Art. 10, Crf. 9, Cmp. 9, Sn. 8 Meracle + Lymle
Salmon Meuniere Raw Fish x1, Olive Oil x1, Lemon x1 C. 12, Crf. 9, Sn. 5 Meracle + Myuria OR Edge
Pasta Genovese 7 Uncooked Pasta x1, Seasonings x1, Olive Oil x1, Rich Cheese x1, Blue Seed x2 C. 13, Crf. 8, Sn. 2 Meracle // Lymle + Faize
Beef Steak R.A. Meat x2, Vegetables x1, Seasonings x1 Cook. 17, Sn. 2 Meracle // Meracle + Myuria
Stamina Pie Pie Crusts x2, Raw Animal Meat x2 Cook. 6, Art. 7, Crf. 9, Sn. 5 Sarah
Fermented Sushi White Rice x2, Raw Fish x2 C. 12, Art. 9, Sn. 5 Meracle + Myuria OR Edge
Swordfish Piccata 8 Raw Fish x1, Common Egg x1, Rich Cheese x1 Cook. 9, Art. 9, Cmp. 1, Sn. 10 Sarah
Speed Pie Pie Crusts x2, Lemon x1, Fresh Cream x1 Cook. 9, Art. 7, Crf. 5, Sn. 3 Sarah
Acceleration Pie Pie Crusts x2, Sweet Fruit x3 Cook. 6, Art. 9, Crf. 5, Sn. 3 Sarah
Ratatouille Vegetables x3, Olive Oil x2 Cook. 13, Sn. 2 Meracle // Meracle + Myuria
Mille-feuille Pie Crusts x3, F. Cream x1, Sweet Fruit x1 -- Recipe Memo 08
Sushi 9 White Rice x2, Vinegar x1, Raw Fish x1 Cook. 10, Art. 12, Cmp. 3, Sn. 11 Lymle + Sarah
Sukiyaki 10 R.A. Meat x2, Vegetables x1, Sp. Wa. Sauce x1 Cook. 9, Sn. 10 Sarah
Vegetable Stir-Fry R.A. Meat x1, Vegetables x2, Seasonings x1 Cook. 9, Sn. 5 Sarah
Miracle Pie Pie Crusts x2, Rich Cheese x1, Vegetables x1, Common Egg x1 Cook. 9, Art. 9, Cft. 9, Sn. 10 Sarah

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