Convictors (断罪者, Danzai-sha?) are regular enemies from Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, but the first one encountered by the party is a boss at the Time Gate, right after two boss battles against an Enforcer and a Proclaimer. Convictors are the third type of Executioner.
The Convictor boss is probably the hardest boss since Crosell, added to the fact that it comes right after two other fights. Its whirlwind is extremely strong, as it able to deal large amounts of both HP and MP damage, leaving the player with little choice but to heal both. Not only that, it continuously makes those whirlwinds. The player may have to play very defensively for the battle and sacrifice a fair number of items.
Battle skills[]
- Basic 1 - Weak attack (6% Fury; HP damage; high chance to knock down).
- Basic 2 - Strong attack (6% Fury; HP/MP damage; low chance to stun).
- Basic 3 - Weak attack (10% Fury; HP/MP damage; high chance to knock down and stun; average chance to knock back).
- Aeroblast - Weak attack.
- Lightning Beam - Special attack.
- Faerie Light (regular enemies) - Symbol.
- Thunder Flare (regular enemies) - Symbol.
Regular enemy[]
Battle trophies[]
Two can be earned by defeating the boss version.
- 109 - Defeat Convictor within 1 minute.
- 110 - Defeat Convictor without taking damage.