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Claude C. Kenny is a playable character in Star Ocean: The Second Story, its remake Star Ocean: Second Evolution, as well as Star Ocean: Blue Sphere and Star Ocean: Anamnesis.

The Second Story / Second Evolution[]

Claude wields swords and dons heavy armor in battle, and is a capable and versatile melee fighter with self-healing abilities, as well as both close and long-range arts. Claude has the third highest range of normal ground attack, losing only to Ernest and Dias. His stats are all very balanced, having the highest STR growth in the game, as well very high CON, making him excel as a frontline fighter.

Among his notable Special Arts are Helmetbreak, which allows him to strike enemies from virtually any range; the self-healing Sword of Life; Rock Explosion, which can cover a wide area of effect and hit multiple opponents at once; and the multi-hit Dragon Roar, which allows Claude to easily daze opponents. In the remake version, Claude can slash his opponent three times with his primary basic combo, and does a jumping slash against airborne targets. His most powerful combo is when Mirror Blade serves as the last blow in the combo, dealing heavy damage on his opponents. A major drawback of Claude is that most of his Special Arts have high MP cost, although this can be remedied with some accessories.

Claude is well known to be a game-breaking character due to the ability to obtain the Aeterna early in the game. Not only it has good stats, but it also shoots stars on normal attacks, causing multiple hits and may daze and/or stun-lock enemies and bosses. This, combined with accessories such as Meteor Ring and Ring of Lightspeed, makes Claude deal a massive amount of hits per attack.

The Second Story R[]

Claude remains mostly the same in the second remake, but has been rebalanced in general. His normal attack connects slightly better, and many of his underperforming Arts have been buffed, most notably Meteor Palm, which is now viable even in the endgame. His Double Slash now dealing four hits due to Claude executing the art in four slashes. His Sword of Life now heals allies within Claude's aura range, in addition to also having a hitbox that damages nearby enemies, making it a much more useful Art in general. On the other hand, his Rock Explosion and Dragon Roar have been nerfed, with the former now covering much less range, and the later having increased ending lag. His Dragon Roar now reveals to summon a mini blue dragon to form a projectile with its blue flame breath and his Mirror Blade gains blue aura properties as the last blow creates a powerful blue aura pillar to blast his enemies in a heavy damage. The Phase Gun becomes available again for Claude after obtaining the Phase Unit Key Item by talking to Nall after obtaining the Psynard, this will allow the Phase Gun to be upgraded and now has MP to use, and he gets to keep it in NG+.

Claude's new ultimate weapon is the Planeteer (acquired from a Group Battle after clearing the Maze of Tribulations), which doubles the trigger rates of the Godspeed, Breaker and Overload skills. While offensively it lags behind the Levantine, it is more accurate and also offers AVD in addition to its Breaking power. When upgraded into its Destruction form, its ATK and AVD values are increased, a DEF bonus is added, and it inflicts triple shield damage on top of its previous effects.


Gain -- -- 3-6 2-4 2-3 -- 1-2 -- 0-1 0-1 --
1 130 20 10 5 10 10 10 132 15 20 0
100 9279 556 705 321 352 102 267 133 100 109 ?
255 9999 999 1391 791 738 102 513 133 165 183 ?

Special Arts[]

Name Details Learned
Phase Gun Fire rays from a small phase gun issued by the Pangalactic Federation. Default
A. Slash/Shkwv. Swirl Deliver a shockwave. Level 3
Me. Palm/Palm of Destrc. Fire off a burst of inner energy. Level 7
Helmetbreak Jump into the air and deliver a crushing blow to the enemy's head. Level 13
Sword of Life Restore HP by controlling the flow of energy within the body. Level 20
Knuckle Burst Focus energy into the fist to produce a burst of fire. Level 28
Rock Explosion Punch the ground to cause sharp rock formations to jut out and pierce enemies. Level 38
Double Slash Deliver two attacks in rapid succession. Level 45
Dragon Roar Deliver a burst of inner energy in the shape of a dragon. Level 53
Sword Bomber Focus energy into the sword to shoot out several blasts of scorching fire. Level 62
Mirror Blade Deliver a succession of blows in a beautifully choreographed sequence. Level 70
Phase Gun Fire rays from a small phase gun issued by the Pangalactic Federation. Obtain Phase Unit from Nall
Talent Initial Bloom Learned when using
Originality 65% 10% Crafting, Customize
Taste 10% 1% Cooking
Nimble Fingers 50% 8% Crafting, Machinist
Design Sense 65% 8% Art, Machinist
Composition 80% 15% Writing
Rhythm Sense 40% 2% Music
Listening 40% 2% Music
Love of Animals 20% 5% Familiar
Animal Instinct 10% 1% Scout
Blessing Of Mana 0% 0% Alchemy

Blue Sphere[]

Claude can be recruited through a PA after Rena joins the party, which involves creating a magic bullet. Although he is a reliable party member, his SP investments may be hindered due to joining in the end game. He is a close-range fighter as his regular attacks use both fighting and swords. His Special Arts are pretty good, except for Sword of Life.

His unique Field Actions are Phase Gun and its fire variant, Phase Gun α.

Special Arts
Name Details Learned
Phase Gun Default
Sword of Life Default
Rock Explosion MP 50 + Power Release
Dragon Roar MP 70, INT 20 + Danger Radar
Sword Bomber MP 100, INT 30 + Body Control
Mirror Blade MP 120 + Eye for Detail
Dragon Omega Break Psychometry (Elysium)


It'll work itself out.
― Draw success


Level Details
1 New talent: Leaving the Sheltered Nest (庇護下からの巣立ち?) - Evasion possible during air attacks, no flinching and damage taken -30% when in air
2 Sword Bomber LV 2 - ATK x 550% → 600%
3 Helm Render LV 2 - ATK x 440% → 500%
4 Passed-Down Martial Arts LV 2 - Normal attack AP recovery +150% (party)
5 Air Slash LV 2 - ATK x 200% → 220%
6 Double Slash LV 2 - ATK x 200% → 220%
7 New talent: Hero of the Federation (銀河連邦の英雄?) - ATK damage dealt +100% during combos of 3 or more skills
8 Learned Finesse II LV 2 - ATK +60% (all defenders)
9 Mirror Blade Tempest LV 2 - ATK x 3000% → 4000%
10 Hero's Resolve LV 2 - ATK +40% (party), and ATK +60% (all attackers)

Uniform Claude[]

Blue Sphere Claude[]

Level Details
1 Second Lieutenant's Discipline II LV 2 - Damage dealt +40%, and +80% when not behind target (party)
2 Phase Gun: Pierce LV 2 - ATK x 200% → 240%
3 Study Abroad Advocate II LV 2 - Normal attack AP recovery +250%, evasion AP cost -80%, and movement rate +30% (party)
4 Phase Gun: Detonate LV 2 - ATK x 750% → 770%
5 New talent: True Fairy Tale (おとぎ話の真相?) - 90% chance of surviving a lethal attack at 20% HP or more (sharpshooters, invokers, healers), and recovers 100% AP when evading damage (self)
6 Phase Gun: Diffuse LV 2 - ATK x 250% → 270%
7 Trials & Growth II LV 2 - Skills +60% damage when not behind target
8 Phase Gun: Trace LV 2 - ATK x 730% → 750%
9 Confident Poise LV 2 - Damage taken -35% (self, invokers, healers), and no flinching when taking damage of 25% HP or less (sharpshooters, invokers, healers)
10 New talent: Surpassing Father (父を超える英雄?) - Recovers 10% HP when using Phase Gun: Trace; HP recovery over limit possible, and adds 10000 HP excess limit
