Clair Lasbard is an optional playable character in Star Ocean: Anamnesis .
Gameplay [ ]
Clair [ ]
Gacha Permanent
Sharpshooter 5☆ to 7☆
Names marked with (*) are unofficially translated.
Girly Clair [ ]
(乙女クレア , Otome Kurea ? , lit. Maiden Clair )
Event Limited
Sharpshooter 4☆ to 7☆
Names marked with (*) are unofficially translated.
Devil Clair [ ]
Gacha Limited
Attacker ACE 5☆ to 7☆
Names marked with (*) are unofficially translated.
Maid Clair [ ]
(メイドのクレア , Meido no Kurea ? )
Gacha Limited
Invoker ACE 5☆ to 7☆
Names marked with (*) are unofficially translated.
Bride Clair [ ]
Gacha Limited
Attacker ACE 5☆ to 7☆
Names marked with (*) are unofficially translated.
Holiday Clair [ ]
(聖夜クレア , Seiya Kurea ? , lit. Holy Night Clair )
Gacha Limited
Healer ACE 5☆ to 7☆
Names marked with (*) are unofficially translated.
Empress Clair [ ]
(華王妃クレア , Kaōhi Kurea ? , lit. Chinese Empress Clair )
Gacha Limited
Attacker ACE 5☆ to 7☆
Names marked with (*) are unofficially translated.
Smiling Swordswoman微笑の大剣使い ?
ATK +1000, and ATK +1250 at 150 hits or more; Rush Gauge 100% increase on mission start (party)
Luridus Grace青白の天佑 ?
Normal attack AP recovery +200% when not in front of target (party), and slightly recovers AP when using Interrupt (self)
Bewitching Nectar魅惑的な華蜜 ?
Additional hit that deals 10% of damage during skills, and ATK +35%, +65% at 200, 400 hits, respectively
One-of-a-Kind Dear Friend不同不二の心友 ?
AP +40, no flinching and damage taken -30% during Charge Assault
Interruptインタラプト/華王妃クレア ?
Interrupt Charge Assault possible, nullifies enemy's critical hit during Charge Assault, and AP cost -20%
100-Reverse Blossoms (裏桜花・百煉 ? ) ATK x 7500% - / - 5 ( Hits) ... Add. effect: AP cost -65% (20 seconds) Assist : Same.
Gleaming Strike (旋煌破 ? ) ATK x 180% - / - 15 AP - 1 ( Hits) Unleash spirit energy to attack the enemy. Moonlight Twist (繚月 ? ) ATK x 310% - / - 20 AP - 2 ( Hits) Send two shockwaves at your foe. Flower Tempest (赫嵐 ? ) ATK x 410% - / - 26 AP - 4 ( Hits) Strike downward, then upward in rapid succession. Frigid Prison (凍獄刹 ? ) ATK x 780% - / - 32 AP - 11 ( Hits) ...
Summer Clair [ ]
(常夏のクレア , Tokonatsu no Kurea ? , lit. Everlasting Summer Clair )
Gacha Limited
Attacker ACE 5☆ to 7☆
Names marked with (*) are unofficially translated.
Queen of the Beach渚の女王 ?
ATK +45%, and ATK +65, +85% at 150, 300 hits, respectively (party); maintains Cancel Bonus during evasion once per combo (self)
Knowledge of Noble Birth貴種の心得 ?
Additional hit that deals 10% of damage during skills (party); evasion possible during air attacks, 90% chance of surviving a lethal attack at 10% HP or more (self)
Awakening Whip覚醒の鞭音 ?
AP cost -60% at 100 hits or more (self); Rush Gauge 100% increase on mission start, and AP cost -30%, -50% at 100, 200 hits, respectively (party)
Everlasting Summer Freedom常夏の解放感 ?
Normal attack AP recovery +250% (party); ATK +25%, +40% at 250, 400 hits, respectively, and absorbs 3% of damage dealt by Whirlpool Nest during combos of 3 or more skills (self)
Summer Illusion Dance (灼夏・夢迅乱舞 ? ) ATK x 5000% - / - 13 ( Hits) ... Add. effect: Hit counter +100, and critical hit chance +100% (party/10 seconds) Assist : Critical hit chance +100% (party/5 seconds)
Quake Hit (震打 ? ) ATK x 220% - / - 18 AP - 4 ( Hits) ... Wheel Lash (環竜鞭 ? ) ATK x 250% - / - 25 AP - 1 ( Hits) ... Echo Scrape (神鳴刮 ? ) ATK x 540% - / - 40 AP - 8 ( Hits) ... Whirlpool Nest (渦鞭・竜巣陣 ? ) ATK x 700% - / - 43 AP - 6 ( Hits) ...