Star Ocean Wiki
Star Ocean Wiki

Bernard (ベルナール, Berunāru?) is a minor playable character from Star Ocean: Anamnesis. He is one of many people who can be summoned across time and space by Evelysse and may optionally serve under the captain of the GFSS-3214F.



Birthplace: Artificial Planet Tetragenesis
Birthday: June 14th, 343 S.D.
A very tactful and thoughtful young man, Bernard is the son of nobles on the planet of Tetragenesis. His father and brother are very accomplished individuals and this has left him feeling as though he has very little freedom to do what he wants.
Seized by boredom, Bernard is playing with the idea of leaving home to give chase to a childhood friend who ran away to pursue his lover.

Birthplace: Artificial Planet Tetragenesis
Birthday: June 14th, 343 S.D.
Bernard is the son of nobles on the planet of Tetragenesis. He is currently traversing the universe in a bid to learn the whereabouts of his childhood friend.
He has recently begun reading a book his childhood friend loved, which was written by a certain archaeologist. Unfortunately, Bernard finds the contents to be rather difficult and progress has been slow.



Scholar Bernard[]


