This is a list of known quotes by Bacchus D-79 throughout the Star Ocean series.
Star Ocean: The Last Hope[]
I estimate our combat abilities to be roughly equal.
Estimated elimination time: 3 minutes, 30 seconds.
If we deal with the situation calmly, this should be simple enough.
— entering battle
Shifting to warm-up mode.
Our combat abilities are superior.
Estimated elimination time: 1 minute, 20 seconds.
— entering easy battle
Attack alert detected! This fight will be dangerous.
The defeat of a worthy enemy always means personal development.
Even a body such as mine can still tremble with excitement.
— entering hard battle
Attack distance secure! We have them unawares.
Our victory in this battle is certain!
We must seize on their confusion and strike!
— pre-emptive
My sensors showed no readings...!
I should've known better...
Were they beyond the range of my sensors...?
— ambush
Enemy pursuit engaged!
Homing missile!
— anti-air attack
Hmm! Hah!
Huh! Hah!
Hmm! Aaaagh!
Huh! Aaaagh!
— blinsides
Power limiter deactivated!
Allow me to handle this!
— Rush Mode
— when hurt
Operation level reduced to C...
Errors detected in combat functions... Shutdown imminent...
— at critical health
Forgive me, and thanks."
My thanks. Repair complete! Now rebooting.
Functions recovered! I'm not finished yet!
— when receiving help
Forgive me...Freesia...
Damage rate 99.99%... This was my error...
N-Uggghhh! ...Blast!
— incapacitated
Emotional voltage increasing! Prepare yourself!
Toying with my friends' lives... Your sins are heavy!
Mr. Edge!
Miss Reimi!
Mr. Faize!
Miss Meracle!
Mrs. Myuria!
Mr. Arumat!
— when angered
We must retreat, Mr. Edge.
Evasion complete. Battles of attrition should be avoided.
— during escape
You cannot escape!
— when using Force Breaker
One hundred thousand volts, discharge!
— when using Galvanic Shock
Target, lock-on complete!
— when using Irradiation
Thorax armament deployed, energy charged!
— when using Termination
Can you withstand the force of gravity?
— when using Black Hole Sphere
Holy cannon, come to me!
— when using Blessed Buster
This is the true power of justice and order!
— when using Justice Savior
Revere the sacred treasures of space!
— when using Godslayer
All obstacles have been eliminated, Mr. Edge.
No errors. This battle went exactly as calculated.
— victory
For a battle...rather an anticlimactic affair.
I long for a victory that would allow me to feel heat.
— easy victory
Mmgh... Damage is severe. It would seem I've become careless.
This battle... Did I make a tactical error...?
— hard-fought victory
Hmm... The increase in my combat ability is impressive.
This body of mine would still seem to have hidden potential.
I swear to use this power in the name of justice!
It seems my travels with you all were no mistake.
I yearn to see what lies beyond these new powers.
— when leveling up
Please step back.
— mining
Stealth activated.
— stealth
Yes, we can use this.
Success is proportional to technique.
The higher quality a product, the more useful it is.
— recipe in progress
Experience does not merely come from battle.
— when leveling up
Star Ocean: Anamnesis[]
Japanese Version Quotes[]
Homescreen Quotes[]
Bacchus Quotes
艦のメモリに異常な負荷がかかっている!艦長、頼む! あの2人を止めてくれ!
む? 自分のことはガラクタだと思ってくれて問題ない。気にしないでくれ。