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I was merely performing my duty as a knight.
― Albaird Bergholm

Albaird Bergholm (アベラルド・ベルグホルム, Aberarudo Beruguhorumu?) is a playable character in Star Ocean: The Divine Force. He is an obstinate knight who serves the crown princess to the Kingdom of Aucerius, Laeticia, who is also his childhood friend.


The Divine Force: Albaird Bergholm



In S.D. 564, Albaird was born into a venerable family of knights loyal to the Aucerian throne. At a young age, he befriended Laeticia Aucerius and her cousin Theo Klemrath, who nicknamed him "Alby".

One day, in S.D. 569, Albaird and Laeticia were playing in an isolated area of Castle Aucerius, with Theo keeping an eye on them, when a piece of a decrepit wall fell. Albaird pushed Laeticia out of the way, but got injured in the process. He survived thanks to Midas Felgreed and Malkya Trathen, who replaced his left arm with a prosthetic using semiomancy, designed to grow as it were true flesh. However, many decried the transplantation procedure as a blasphemous act, and Midas and Malkya were judged and subsequently banished. Maesters Marquis Yzen and Filberto Deforges followed Midas into the hinterlands.

In S.D. 576, seven years later, Albaird accompanied Laeticia and King Aucerius to Delryk to attend Deforges' funeral (although Albaird and Laeticia knew not who it was for), with Theo protecting them as a member of the kingsguard. But with Raimbaut's gesture being rejected by Marquis—defending the wishes of the deceased—, they soon left. In the years since, Albaird became a knight and a member of the kingsguard.

Secret journey[]

In S.D. 583, a month after his left arm begins to deteriorate, Laeticia decides to set off on a secret journey to locate Midas Felgreed due to the imperial threat. Although Bertrand, King Aucerius, and Duke Klemrath question her decision, Albaird accompanies her, and the king asks that he support Laeticia. On their way to the Mhedume Ruins, a distraught Laeticia spots a shooting star that falls nearby; Albaird follows after her when she takes a closer look. They find Raymond Lawrence and his mystery vehicle, and save him from the weald's fiend. Albaird is immediately suspicious, but Laeticia ascertains Raymond is no threat and guarantees his safety. Another pod falls in the ruins, but the trio only finds D.U.M.A. inside.

Laeticia then proposes to travel together and help one another, and Raymond agrees. They make a stop at his pod so that he can call his brother Antonio. Albaird overhears Raymond vouch for him and Laeticia, giving him pause; Antonio then asks them to look after Raymond. They rest at Larcette, where Raymond explains where he is from and who he is looking for, while Laeticia and Albaird tell him of their mission.

At Delryk, Albaird crashes into a girl who tells him to visit the local iatrimancer, Dr. Marquis Yzen. They find that same girl at the infirmary, who introduces herself as Nina. They are interrupted when Nina is asked to treat villagers wounded in a monster attack; the trio defeat the fiends and then rescue Marquis from the mines. After Marquis' recovery, Laeticia inquires about Midas' whereabouts, but Marquis refuses to answer and asks that they leave. Yet Nina follows after them and offers to make Marquis change his mind.

Per Nina's idea, they obtain medical supplies at Rythal and visit the hospital, where Nina reveals she wants Laeticia's support in curing Helgar's disease. Before they can depart, Albaird faints due to his deteriorating arm and Vahnel examines him; he advises to get Marquis' opinion. Back at Delryk, Albaird lets himself be checked, but since only Midas knows how to fix the arm, Marquis tells the party to find him at Eda. While camping on their way there, Albaird wonders why Raymond hasn't yet asked about the arm, but Raymond says he knows a touchy subject when he sees one. Albaird (like Laeticia) later overhears Raymond's call from Elena.

At Eda they find Midas, who agrees to examine Albaird, all the while excluding Laeticia. However, there's nothing to be done except give him a new prosthetic, but of inferior make, meaning he will have to leave knighthood behind. Upon hearing the bad news, Laeticia begs Midas to help Albaird, asking for nothing else, and the maester accepts. Just then Raymond's computer alerts him to Elena's premature descent. Raymond intends to go alone, but Albaird and Laeticia vow to help him locate his companions as agreed. Led by Midas, they find Elena at the Galca Shrine.

Per D.U.M.A.'s suggestion, they salvage parts from Raymond's escape pod, only to find unknown men aware of its cloaking device, who flee the scene. While Raymond and Midas repair Elena, Albaird and Nina accompany Laeticia in a search for information regarding Elena's comet's witnesses and the men who were snooping around. After a visit to Rythal, they find a horned man interested in the comet who attacks them. They fend him off and return to the shrine to inform Raymond, a recovered Elena, and Midas. The party then returns to Rythal to obtain passage to the eastern lands to find Chloe (Raymond's other friend), but the Helgar's outbreak impedes them. Elena and Nina manage to create an antibiotic, but since Rythal is immobilized once again, they use a trail only Midas knows about to travel to the port of Cotto.

Due to Helgar's, knights forbid their entrance, but Theo intervenes; he explains the situation and his search for an oddly-clothed woman. After the party clears things up, they volunteer to collect dillwhip in Mt. Cottorinth. There they also find a laboratory and a horned woman, learning that they are off-worlders responsible for the outbreaks and imperial agents. They inform Theo, who escorts them to Acendros to vouch for Laeticia and her group.

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Obstinate and rather brusque, Albaird's strong sense of loyalty to Laeticia means he is never far from her side, at the mercy of her reckless behavior. He almost invariably refers to her as "Highness", even though they wish to keep her identity a secret. He does not trust Raymond upon meeting him, but loathe to go against her wishes, he reluctantly allows Raymond to join them. Yet despite his deference to her, he finds both Laeticia and Raymond be "a handful", and while he respects Laeticia, he is easily goaded by Raymond, who succintly called Albaird a "cranky killjoy". In contrast to his serious demeanor, Albaird loves sugary confections from a certain shop in the capital.

Albaird's left arm is covered down to his fingertips, and he occasionally gestures as if to protect it. When its deteriorating state, he abides the pain with stoic countenance so as not to worry Laeticia, keeping it form interfering with his duties. If it does, he apologizes for being a burden.


Albaird is one of the initial playable characters in The Divine Force. He excels at semiomancy (or magic) and the wielding of chakrams, and his playstyle mainly consists of ranged attacks. His Vatting attack alongside D.U.M.A. is called Limitless Shadows.



  • On the October 28, 2021 reveal, the Japanese website and official Twitter account listed his name as "Abelardo" in English.[1] However, on July 14, 2022, the Japanese website was updated and altered his name to "Albaird", making that his official name in Japanese and English. This was also done to Laeticia (originally, Laetitia).

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